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Questions the the Devs - Take 2

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Darth is not the name for a Sith nor a Sith Lord. Darth is referential to a Dark Jedi Master, similar to a Jedi master is just that and a Master Sith a Sith Lord


Not at all, Darth is from Dark Lord of the Sith, so it's a Sith title. A dark jedi master is something completely different than a sith, it's more like an evil jedi eg. Assajj is a dark jedi, Dooku is a Sith Lord=darth Tyranus.

Darth isnt a Sith title and was misused in KotOR 1,


Darth is a dark jedi title,


Sith get their own titles unless they are not following the basic teachings of a sith, thus being a sith and having the title darth


And your confused between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Empire :huh:

And since Tyranus was the emporers lacky he was not a Sith


The emporer and "DARTH" Vader were not Sith, as they did not follow any of the rules and merely wanted to control the galaxy by wiping out all force sensitives, not just jedi, whereas a sith regime would of spared jedi which fell to the dark side

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Darth is not the name for a Sith nor a Sith Lord. Darth is referential to a Dark Jedi Master, similar to a Jedi master is just that and a Master Sith a Sith Lord


Not at all, Darth is from Dark Lord of the Sith, so it's a Sith title. A dark jedi master is something completely different than a sith, it's more like an evil jedi eg. Assajj is a dark jedi, Dooku is a Sith Lord=darth Tyranus.

Darth isnt a Sith title and was misused in KotOR 1,


Darth is a dark jedi title,


Sith get their own titles


And your confused between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Empire :rolleyes:

And since Tyranus was the emporers lacky he was not a Sith


The emporer and "DARTH" Vader were not Sith, as they did not follow any of the rules and merely wanted to control the galaxy by wiping out all force sensitives, not just jedi, whereas a sith regime would of spared jedi which fell to the dark side

So then give an example of a real sith.

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If Dooku wasn't a Sith the tule of two Sith would be broken. But since you're stubborn here's an excerpt from Dooku's databank entry on the offficial site.


After his departure from the Jedi order, Dooku was seduced to the dark side by Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith. By Sith tradition, Dooku adopted the name Darth Tyranus and added deceit and treachery to his already formidable array of weapons.


And another one


With the Clone Wars in full effect, Count Dooku -- now Darth Tyranus -- fully embraced the ancient teachings of the Sith.


The emporer and "DARTH" Vader were not Sith, as they did not follow any of the rules and merely wanted to control the galaxy by wiping out all force sensitives, not just jedi, whereas a sith regime would of spared jedi which fell to the dark side



Have u ever heard of EU? Comics? Books? Before you make a statement you should inform, because they both had several apprentices: Hethrir, Vost Tyne, Lumiya and Mara Jade. All were dark jedi, no Sith because they were trained in the force but not in Sith teachings. I think you should watch all the movies again, because you obviously missed the whole point.





Something else, Darth would be familiar to fans, but Uthar Wynn didn't have Darth in his name and he was a Sith too.

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Hehe ok then craftsman, every "SITH" Lord in the Star wars timeline has always kept their name constant and havent changed it, although they dont mind being called lord ;)




Exar Kun

Marka Ragnos

Ajunta Pall

Naga Sadow

and so on and so fourth :)


Enough for ya craftsman :unsure:

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If Dooku wasn't a Sith the tule of two Sith would be broken. But since you're stubborn here's an excerpt from Dooku's databank entry on the offficial site.


After his departure from the Jedi order, Dooku was seduced to the dark side by Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith. By Sith tradition, Dooku adopted the name Darth Tyranus and added deceit and treachery to his already formidable array of weapons.


And another one


With the Clone Wars in full effect, Count Dooku -- now Darth Tyranus -- fully embraced the ancient teachings of the Sith.



Have u ever heard of EU? Comics? Books? Before you make a statement you should inform, because they both had several apprentices: Hethrir, Vost Tyne, Lumiya and Mara Jade. All were dark jedi, no Sith because they were trained in the force but not in Sith teachings. I think you should watch all the movies again, because you obviously missed the whole point.





Something else, Darth would be familiar to fans, but Uthar Wynn didn't have Darth in his name and he was a Sith too.

Perhaps you just alter my words... :unsure:



Comic Books are not made by Lucasarts but are approved of them, they use the terms Darth just to appeal to the fans.


Emporer Palpatine is not a Sith, there are no Sith to teach him and all he knows about their traditions are from an ancient holocron! He does not follow the way of the Sith, nor does he teach Vader in the ways of the Sith, he used their knowledge of the Darkside to become powerful enough to control the galaxy, and then tossed it out the window.


The rule of 2 is constant since it was set down by a Sith Lord, but even Jedi masters (light) are only supposed to have 1 apprentice.


Who mentioned Uthar Wynn... :ph34r:


And for one you just made a mockery of your entire debate by mentioning that last part about him. He is a Sith and therefore wouldnt have the name Darth and also he couldnt get it by your theory anyway because he isnt a Sith lord.


Furthermore i never said that the Galactic Empire was a Sith Empire, i was contradicting it...


Even further onto that you mention the numerous apprentices that Darth vader and Emporer Palpatine have....I KNOW THEY DONT HAVE SITH TEACHINGS BECAUSE THEIR MASTERS ARNT SITH GOD DAMMIT!


*flaming mode off*

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Yes. Hmmm. I never noticed that. Ahhh. Thats why on Korriban it said true sith dies thousands of years, and the ones know were just Jedi rejects.



The history of the Sith shows that in Star Wars "Sith" were a actual race of humanoids with an inborn talent with the force.


Because they were uncivilised they obviously chose the path of the dark side.


The jedi that settled on korriban (ajunta pall and so fourth) saw these beings powers and wanted them for themselves.


They got taught, then following the "Siths" own teachings the jedi settlers breeded them with humans to get more jedi.


After that the Great hyperspace war (couple of centuries later) happened and the natural Sith race were made extinct.


The new age sith (in kotor) merely are following an ideal led down by the ancient race.

Hope this has been enlightening lol

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Will the different pretige classes open up new dialogue options not available to other classes?


Such as a Sith Lord would be most powerful in persuasion and deciet therefore would be able to make people do bad stuff ***insert evil deed***


Whereas a Jedi Watchman would save a damsal in distress *pukes* etc

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Emporer Palpatine is not a Sith, there are no Sith to teach him and all he knows about their traditions are from an ancient holocron! He does not follow the way of the Sith, nor does he teach Vader in the ways of the Sith, he used their knowledge of the Darkside to become powerful enough to control the galaxy, and then tossed it out the window.


You don't even know Darth Bane, nor you know anything of Star Wars, Palpatine had a master but you don't even know the rule of two so I'm tired of listening to your made-up **** so I'm not gonna keep explaining.


And you can't even know that Palpatine wasn't trained you don't have any proof. Who do you think trained Exar Kun in the sith teachings? Why is Malak called a sith in the entire game? Why do you think you know more than the people who developed it? Do you know anything at all?

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prepare for a large amount of sSith background;

Darth Bane, the founder of the new Sith Order. was the last of his kind to survive the Battle of Ruusan, a catastrophic struggle that consumed his order some 1,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Bane was a tall, bald man with heavy muscles and an intimidating gaze. He had trained under Lord Qordis, but never actually completed his training. He was an evil man, and gathered strength from killing young children before their parents' eyes, then murdering the parents. During the Battle of Ruusan, Darth Bane had not agreed with Lord Kaan's to use a thought bomb. He managed to escape its devasation and flee to Onderon's moon, Dxun, haunted by the specters of his former master as Lord Kaan. On Dxun, he discovered Exar Kun's Sith holocron, which he secured after being beset and infected by orbalisks. The orbalisks saved him from the attack of a skreev, while Bane's own strength in the Dark Side of the Force allowed him to control it. He later used the skreev to escape to Onderon. Recognizing that the Sith order was doomed to fail if it became too large, Bane waited until all the other Sith were destroyed by their brethren or the Jedi Knights, then established a set of rules that were dominated by the pretense that there could only be two Sith active in the galaxy at any time: a Master and an apprentice. Eventually, Bane took his own apprentice, and set his new order in motion. Future Sith Lords were taught the virtues of patience, planning, and secrecy.


Why did you ask whether i knew about him when i know him down to the last detail.


Why did you quote me when you didnt use it at all


Why do you constantly talk about nothing on topic!?!


Furthermore you bass mo' fo' i do have proof that Sideous wasnt trained... he found a sith holocron and learnt everytjhing he knew from that!


Marka Ragnos trained Exar Kun and accepted him into the Sith!


Malak is a fallen JEDI!!! The ancient Sith were aliens and he is clearly human (mostly). ALSO they followed the Sith teachings BUT there was no Sith master for them and Revan learnt about them in books, they "assumed the mantle of dark lord of the Sith" actual quote from the game meaning they used the title but they did not belong!!!! they only took it for theirs!!!. I do not know more about the game than the developers but i do know more about star wars you pomposs mother......there we go im flaming, you bring out the worst in me :blink:


(ps to devs, ignore this post and remove it if you want im just proving to this guy that he is contradicting me on false assumptions! dont forget to answer my question above lol ;) )

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I just thought it'd be nice if there were questions to the devs in the questions to the devs topic, so I'll ask one.

Since you seem to be using the original kotor models in the developement of this game does that mean that I'll be able to just drop any model I manage to get into KOTOR into KOTOR 2?

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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So then why for that matter why in The Phantom Menace after Obi Wan relaying the battle with Darth Maul, Mace Windu (paraphrased) said "The Sith? After all this time? They were destroyed a millenium ago".


Or Darth Maul's statement to Darth Sidious: "At last we shall have our revenge". Whose revenge would it be if he wasn't Sith?


In Attack of the Clones, Count Dooku (aka Darth Tyrannus) said to Obi Wan (paraphrased): "The Lord of the Sith controls the Senate. Join with me and we will defeat the Sith". Later on at the end of the movie, Yoda and the others ponder this revelation. Of course it's not obvious to them yet that Palpatine is Darth Sidious.


The above is all canon and not EU canon. Who is to say that Lucas won't contradict that Darth Sidious had no master at a later time? I can think of a few contradictions of EU material by Lucas. Like how Jabba the Hutt was shown in Marvel comics before ROTJ as a very different character. The reason I think was based on a cut scene from A New Hope that Marvel had seen that was later replaced with a CGI version of Jabba.


However, if the Sith really were destroyed and there was no one to train Palpatine perhaps there was no other way for the legacy of the Sith to be passed down. Of course, Palpatine/Sidious and his apprentices are not true Sith but the true Sith died out millenia ago. But Palpatine and Dooku are Sith.

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Hmm, apon closer inspection it would appear that DARTH Sidious and Darth Maul, were actually sith disendants, (a 14,000 year old family)


I accept defeat in the area's where i said that Sideous was not a Sith BUT Darth is merely a fan based name which has been recently asciated with sith.

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I just thought it'd be nice if there were questions to the devs in the questions to the devs topic, so I'll ask one.

Since you seem to be using the original kotor models in the developement of this game does that mean that I'll be able to just drop any model I manage to get into KOTOR into KOTOR 2?

Probably not. The model format has changed some since KotOR1.



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Will the different pretige classes open up new dialogue options not available to other classes?


Such as a Sith Lord would be most powerful in persuasion and deciet therefore would be able to make people do bad stuff ***insert evil deed***


Whereas a Jedi Watchman would save a damsal in distress *pukes* etc

It got caught with the rest of my trash talk :rolleyes:

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Darth is not the name for a Sith nor a Sith Lord. Darth is referential to a Dark Jedi Master, similar to a Jedi master is just that and a Master Sith a Sith Lord


Not at all, Darth is from Dark Lord of the Sith, so it's a Sith title. A dark jedi master is something completely different than a sith, it's more like an evil jedi eg. Assajj is a dark jedi, Dooku is a Sith Lord=darth Tyranus.

Darth isnt a Sith title and was misused in KotOR 1,


Darth is a dark jedi title,


Sith get their own titles unless they are not following the basic teachings of a sith, thus being a sith and having the title darth


And your confused between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Empire ;)

And since Tyranus was the emporers lacky he was not a Sith


The emporer and "DARTH" Vader were not Sith, as they did not follow any of the rules and merely wanted to control the galaxy by wiping out all force sensitives, not just jedi, whereas a sith regime would of spared jedi which fell to the dark side

You don't know Jack about the Sith.


Darth is a Sith Title, not misused in KOTOR. For it was Lucas arts/film who said that Darth's were around during this time.


The Sith were once a species, that died off, but like KOTOR said the sith of today are followers of an ideal. Sith, because they follow everything that makes a sith a Sith.


Exar Kun wasn't trained by Marka Ragnos, he was trained by Freedom Nadd. Marak just made Exar and Ulic Sith so that they could keep the power of the Sith going.


When Bane became the only Sith Lord left, he made the rule of two, and used the Darth Title for his new way of the Sith. Even before Bane there was a Darth Rivan.


Palpatine and Maul continued Bane's tradition, and are both Sith Lords, as is Vader. They don't share blood with the old Sith, they are just followers of an Ideal.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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Guest Fallen Jedi

Where do you find all that info?? I would really like to know more about Star Wars and I dunno where to get the information.

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Where do you find all that info?? I would really like to know more about Star Wars and I dunno where to get the information.

Take a good look around at the official site's databank.


If you want more of star wars besides the movies, there are also books and comics mostly about characters from the films. The comics were published by Marvel from somewhere in late seventies till 1986 while books were dnoe by Del Rey. For 5 years Star Wars was dead until Bantam Spectra started publishing novels again in 1991 and Dark Horse comics made the comics. Currently Del Rey publishes the novels again but Dark Horse still makes the comics, however all this EU (Expanded Universe) material is hard to get outside of UK and USA, I have some novels, but haven't found any comics yet.

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Guest Fallen Jedi

Yes but my problem is that I live in Finland and all the info I get is from the movies and the games.


I`d like to know more about the EU like Exar Kun etc.

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And that's completely right! (except I believe it's Freedon Nadd)


First one to comment that it's wrong will be fed to the terentateks!



Oh and I hope you aren't the Darth Nuke with the Mandalorian obsession?

Same Nuke, but don't worry no reason to talk about Mandalorians here unless someone wishes to challenge me.


I just had to join so I could correct the dude on the Sith.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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