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Yeah well if Boeroer wants to keep being a aggressive prick to other people on this forum there is going to be more posts like this thread. So Boeroer learn your place buddy and stop being a wanka

And the truth comes out. Seems my post was spot on. What exactly did Boeroer do to make you so mad?


Chronometric envy? Don't forget! At the end of times, there's nothing.

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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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I like people with ~25 posts on this forum who pretends to know one of the most iconic poster on the forum.


If you had been been there for long enough and truly paid attention, you would know a couple of details about his family and job that shows that IRL Boeroer does not seem to have any personal issue. And even in this case you would not be a "friend" of him or someone who actually knows him.

​Writing a thread title in SPIRITCAPSLOCK mode is usually not a sign of wisdom.

​This thread is fated to be closed by moderators anyway.

So let's end this Madness with a stupid joke then :



Do you know how it is called when you copy one of Boeroer's build and suddenly feel like if you had +20 Acc and +20 All Def ?

It's called using Boeroer's Instinct.

Edited by Elric Galad
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I like people with ~25 posts on this forum who pretends to know one of the most iconic poster on the forum.

To be fair, across all his incarnations bigbazoopa probably has a few hundred posts, and he has interacted with Boeroer in a surprisingly proportion of them, though a less surprising proportion of those have been some variant of the posts seen in this thread.

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A true friend (Weird to say about an online fellow forum user) would respect a person's ability to manage and use their time the way they see fit. I thought this thread was meant in good humour at first, but now it's just weird. What I wanna know is where you find the time Boeroer. :D

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Honestly, let's look at the practical side here. If we actually managed to cure Boeroer's "addiction", we'd lose access to about 63% of the potential PoE builds. I'm not certain i'm ready to make that sacrifice.

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A true friend (Weird to say about an online fellow forum user) would respect a person's ability to manage and use their time the way they see fit. I thought this thread was meant in good humour at first, but now it's just weird. What I wanna know is where you find the time Boeroer. :D

I think a true friend would intervene if a person had a real problem but (a) I don't think Boeroer is anywhere close to having a problem* and (b) realistically the vast majority of us aren't Boeroer's friends in any meaningful sense (we're certainly not in a position to judge whether or not he has a problem).


*A problem would be where his gaming interferes with his life negatively. Simply playing a lot is not, by itself, a problem. If someone wants to spend the vast majority of their time playing video games then that's their choice, and claiming it is a problem in and of itself is attempting to impose your views of normalcy on others (which is a **** move).


I only sleep about 5 hours a night.

I am very jealous. I struggle on less than seven and when I am working out regularly that goes up to eight.

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I only sleep about 5 hours a night.

I am very jealous. I struggle on less than seven and when I am working out regularly that goes up to eight.


Yeah, that sounds more like me.

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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Let's not have an intervention and say we did.


Actually, lets not direct posts at other users at all, and then I won't have to close threads.  Like I just did this one.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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