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That's nonsense. A physical copy means a copy of the game on a medium that you can install it from, be it DVD or stick. The Fig campaign was worded so that you would assume you'll receive DVDs - not a card. There were rendingerings out there that showed DVDs in a box! And besides this people got DVDs with PoE.


The wording and form changed after or even during campaign - nop idea why - but not every backer was informed about it.

So while not being affected (like me) you can surely empathize how some backers are really frustrated by this. And it surely isn't a handful of people.  

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


IIRC, they couldn't update the side-menu description of the rewards, because FIG was very rough those times and many features of the site were made ad hoc for obsidians request during campagin. Or it was something about site policy, that reward descriptions cannot be changed, to prevent some scams with last minute changes. That backfired badly in case of Deadfire, where devs stated at least few times that physical version is just the box, but they couldnt clarify description on the side menu, because technical limitiations/site policy.


At least, that's how I remember whole issue :-


Writing the backers some emails would have done the trick I guess. I personally received 0 emails from fig or obsidian after I pledged. No update info, nothing. I mean I didn't need any, but I guess others experienced this as well. And that's really unfortunate for Obsidian and the backers if they happened to pledge for a DVD and then got a download.

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


How is this thread still going? It's poor communication from Obsidian, and it sucks for people who needs a disc and payed more because of that. But to call it a rip off and scourn obsidian is way over the top..


Thejs, the answer is kind of easy. Yes, it sucks a little bit to pay 70 us dollars for an empty box. Do you want to buy an empty box for this kind of cash? And mind you, Obsidian said NOTHING about the issue, not a single word. So, the problem does not exist? My messages to the support were left ignored. They know that they screwed up and for some reason refuse to acknowledge it and take action.

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  On 9/17/2018 at 8:16 AM, mrsamsa said:

Thejs, the answer is kind of easy. Yes, it sucks a little bit to pay 70 us dollars for an empty box. Do you want to buy an empty box for this kind of cash? And mind you, Obsidian said NOTHING about the issue, not a single word. So, the problem does not exist? My messages to the support were left ignored. They know that they screwed up and for some reason refuse to acknowledge it and take action.


This highlights an interesting and important point. Owning up is actually very powerful: if you have the guts to come out and say, Yes, we screwed this one up big time, we're sorry for it and we intend to learn our lesson -- it's actually surprising how much people are willing to forgive. Quite probably because they know that they themselves have almost certainly also screwed up at some point and know how it can happen.


But if you just shut up and don't even acknowledge there's a problem, it makes you look like a <insert a reasonably ugly word here>.

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  On 9/17/2018 at 6:36 AM, Boeroer said:

So while not being affected (like me) you can surely empathize how some backers are really frustrated by this. And it surely isn't a handful of people.

This. I long ago stopped wanting physical discs but I can still understand why people who do want them are annoyed by this, particularly given there are physical discs available for sale on Amazon, PoE1's physical tier came with discs, and the art work for Deadfire's tier showed a box with discs in it.


  On 9/17/2018 at 7:41 AM, TheisEjsing said:

But to call it a rip off and scourn obsidian is way over the top..

Given there's an actual DVD copy of Deadfire for sale on Amazon I'm not sure it is a stretch.

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Yes - I'm 100% sure it wasn't planned as a rip-off. I mean the damage you do to your image is so much higher than the bucks you'd get out of this (not even mentioning that I think Obsidian is decent people). But I can understand why some backers feel ripped off.


Not reacting at all leads to the assumption that Marketing/PR department is not affected by an INT inspiration atm...

  • Like 4

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

First of all. Nobody has complained about getting an empty box. Everybody got a working game key. You payed for a game, which you got. The medium wasn't right for you, and I understand that, as I wrote above, I think that sucks. But it's not stealing, or ripping off people. To say so is a big stretch. Getting a medium that you specifically can't use, is not the same as getting nothing.

Personally I don't think it's an issue that warrants public explanation or even less an apology. It was publicly available information, thou it should have been stressed alot more. But it's sad to hear, that Obsidian isn't responding to messages sent to their support. They should obviously be doing that. 

Edited by TheisEjsing
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Pure speculation on my part, but one possibility is the decision came from Versus Evil's. Perhaps VE decided they wanted to have a physical copy available but, having agreed a deal with Obsidian based on the costings from the original Fig campaign, didn't want to extend that physical version to those who backed at a "physical tier".


I doubt that. Obsidian explained about the Steam keys already in the Fig comments during the crowdfunding campaign. The mistake was in assuming every backer would read them and run into the information. A clearer communication was in order.


However I believe Dan H addressed this in the other thread about backer rewards? IIRC he did admit on behalf of Obsidian that communication on this matter was subpar.


I knew from the Fig campaign so I’m not overly bothered (although I would have preferred DVDs), but I understand the frustration of those who only learned about this upon opening their CE.

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"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


  On 9/17/2018 at 2:43 PM, AndreaColombo said:

I doubt that. Obsidian explained about the Steam keys already in the Fig comments during the crowdfunding campaign. The mistake was in assuming every backer would read them and run into the information. A clearer communication was in order.

I'm not saying VE were behind the decision not to give physical tier backers actual DVDs (like you say, that precedes their involvement) but that they might have been behind the decision to have a physical edition for sale at release. At least some of the disappointment seems to stem from this fact.

  • Like 3

I'd think - if any of the companies involved  was pushing for an on-sale physical edition - it'd be THQ Nordic. Weren't they the company handling the physical releases?  Maybe they needed something more to distribute than just to the FIG backers to be interested?


As an aside, the stated reason during the campaign for dropping the physical discs was the difficulty for Obsidian to keep the disc version patched.  So if the set on sale at Amazon really has the game on discs (i notice the picture seems to be a promotional image) - how is it getting patched?  From THQ Nordic? Versus Evil? Or is it the steam installer disc talked about early on and doesn't really have the physical game on it?

  • Like 4

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man


Good point regarding THQ Nordic.


I had assumed disc versions would simply be Steam versions that complete the original installation from the disc rather than downloading from Steam. After that, patching would still be handled by Steam. Of course if they aren't tied to Steam that would indeed be a headache for Obsidian to manage.

  • Like 3
  On 9/16/2018 at 9:26 PM, una322 said:

I got my CE the other day, i knew b4 hand there be no discs, so it didnt bother me tbh. I love everything else in the CE. its good quality, the manual is nice and chunky, the big box is great, and love its in the vain of bg1-2 old pc boxes. overall i feel i got what i paid for. I mean sure i get why some are disappointed about the discs , but it did say in the details " game code" not game disc. so read better lol

(The description aside) If we look at what is actually inside on the list, there is no physical Blu-Ray, CD, or DVD listed.


Now, do the backers deserve one?

Simple answer, yes. :p

  On 8/19/2018 at 1:54 AM, Dr. Hieronymous Alloy said:


  On 8/19/2018 at 12:52 AM, Big-Ben said:

I believe it actually did state that it was a code somewhere. I was never under the impression that I was receiving a disc because of this. It just isn't done anymore.



Yeah, I think I remember the same but you should be able to find that back in the original Fig campaign one way or another. I don't get the desire for a "physical" game. Like, unless you live somewhere with no internet access, in which case how are you posting / how did you back the fig campaign



Now now, it is not your place to judge, really.

Nor mine, nor anyone else's.


OP thought he was getting something, he didn't, and now he's unhappy about it.

Granted, OP could have been better spoken and more level-headed about the thing, but it still doesn't give us permission to judge.


Maybe he likes collecting ?

Maybe he felt like pledging higher to support Obsidian ?

Maybe it was a birthday gift or something ? (admittedly that doesn't seem to be the case for OP , could be for someone else though)



It is neither right nor fair for anyone to trash OP for expressing his disappointment.

  On 8/18/2018 at 10:06 PM, MeteorBear said:

I was very happy with the first PoE physical game so I backed the second, I didnt know I was getting a bait and switch.

I got my physical copy today and opened it up. Theres no disc, no manual, just a thank you piece of paper and a card with a download code on it. This certainly wasnt stated on the rewards page and this is very deceptive. I will not be purchasing a game from you again. 70 bucks for a useless piece of plastic holding another useless piece of plastic. Keep your code too, I wont be using it.  



OP, I share your pain.

I did not order a physical copy here, but I sympathize with your disappointment all the same.



Obsidian admitted communication on the matter could have been better, and to be fair I believe they've learned from the mistake.

Obviously this isn't getting you your money back and I can understand why that would be frustrating.




However, have not Obsidian tried to do the right thing, on numerous occasions ?

They've kept PoE1 updated and patched for a long time, something that becomes rarer and rarer these years.

They've pushed out PoE2 as soon as was possible, and delivered extras as free DLCs to polish the game.


You've said it yourself, you enjoyed PoE1 a lot, and I'd wager you've enjoyed PoE2 at least as much.

It would be a shame for you to miss out on other content from Obsidian because of an honest communication mistake on Obsidian's part.

I honestly believe this wasn't an intentional scam from them, because PoE1 and PoE2 raised enough funds for them not to resort to such low business tactics.




See here, nobody's saying it's your fault, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.

Nobody cares about that, what matters is that you be a happy customer.

What matters is that you be able to look back on this in 6 months and think "man, that sucked, but they did right by me, this is a company I trust".


Mayhap reaching out to Obsidian's support would allow the 2 of you to come to an agreement ? (say, an extra CD key, a free copy of Tyranny, I don't know...)

It wouldn't take away the disappointment with regards to the absence of physical discs obviously, but it could certainly alleviate it somewhat.



Again OP, I sympathize with you, I can only hope you find an amenable resolution and come back with us in the "I like obsidian" corner.

Posted (edited)

I just received my physical copy of the game only to realize... there was no disc inside. Only an activation card. Hugely disappointed by this decision. When I backed the game the reward stated "Physical copy of Pillars of Eternity II". This was definitely not.


Are we going to get a disc in the future? Is Obsidian going to fix this? Or was I just ripped off 70 dollars for a box with a thank you note on it? If so, I know which company I won't be backing again which is a shame since I love all Obsidian games and backed Pillars 1 but this decision was a very s-hitty thing to do.

Edited by namelessthree
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I also received my physical copy, and I know that I will not back obsidian anymore but I will now buy from Amazon once the game out.


Buying from Amazon have more goodies for the same price on Fig.

  • Like 2

This seems like almost the exact same blunder inXile did with Torment: Tides of Numenera and that completely bit them in the read end.


Obsidian seem to have been careless with this.

  • Like 2



I disagree that the Fig CE is worse than the Amazon CE—at least as far as the Elite Fig CE is concerned.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


Posted (edited)
  On 9/19/2018 at 3:00 PM, AndreaColombo said:

I disagree that the Fig CE is worse than the Amazon CE—at least as far as the Elite Fig CE is concerned.


I don't know about the Fig CE but I paid 60 bucks for the entry physical copy version on Fig and the Amazon CE is 63 and comes with discs and extra goodies. Obsidian also mentioned in the Fig campaign that theirs would be the only place from where to obtain a physical version which I believed.


Maybe I was being naive but I took their word for it because I trusted Obsidian not to lie about this. So many games these days go full digital so I believed this statement to be true and the physical editions were going to be backer only. But not only there are superior physical versions out there outside the campaign but now Obsidian has lost a lot of trust from previous happy backers. Ok, well done. Ripping people off.


I am collector and I still like my games on discs and boxes and all that. Maybe I don't go full on crazy and buy the most expensive versions out there all the time but I still enjoy my physical versions. I feel betrayed, to be honest.

Edited by namelessthree
  • Like 1
  On 9/12/2018 at 4:43 PM, virgi26 said:


  On 9/12/2018 at 4:36 PM, JediEagle said:

Well, I got my physical box today and boy was I suprised when I opened it. I never read and update about this (or maybe I forgot), but this experience and the collector's edition for Dreamfall Chapters just convinced me to stop pledging for these things. At the time of pledging (and it was day one) I was promised a physical copy, which to any normal person means a CD or DVD. Somebody might think it will be on a USB key, but nobody expects a code in a box :/ It's really disappointing. Even if they try to fix it with a DVD copy of the game, what's the point, the steelbook can't hold the DVD, it has no placeholder for it. Truly disappointing. Any excuses on semantics about the reward tier (Physical Box) is just treating the customer as a dumb person. 


I believe most backers at this tier actually wanted a drm-free DVD copy of the game and that is what they expected. You should have been clear from DAY ONE, this is just a pretty box with code in it. But if you were, I would not have pledged to this tier. So, yeah, I am feeling duped.

not sure about "most"... i haven't been using CD/DVD for at least 5 years now o_O



I assume you live in the US? In my country, DSL connections are pretty mediocre and downloading something takes ages.

Also, even if it weren't the case, I collect games for a hobby and I see no point in collecting items that contain no physical media. I could very well buy gadgets for a few bucks then, and manuals. I like to collect physical media, not overpriced boxes of gadgets.

Also, good luck if they ever take down the digital service you rely on. With a physical copy, you can always play the game. I'm still playing my NES games and my old PC DOS games, in fact, while I actually lost about 120$ of content in Indie Royale bundles when Desura bankrupted.

  • Like 3
  On 9/19/2018 at 3:00 PM, AndreaColombo said:

I disagree that the Fig CE is worse than the Amazon CE—at least as far as the Elite Fig CE is concerned.


Well, I paid for the Elite signed edition and I disagree entirely.

Not only it lacks a physical copy, that I expected and it's a mainstaple of crowdfunded physical edition (and the main reason I back these editions), but the box came without any sort of padding, resulting in various scratches and bumps. The original PoE box was pretty sturdy, while this one has a paper-thin cover around it, which is the only item that is signed, that got really folded due to the tight packaging, therefore the whole thing looks tatty and distorted. The statue is made of mediocre plastic, very light, of really poor quality, with a very bad looking huge logo stamped on the bottom, the box containing it is all scratched, discolored and has several folds and signs. The object itself has scratches and even a hole under the base. It looks like one of those super cheap chinese gadgets you can buy on sites like Aliexpress, which it probably is.

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