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Do we now know how the DLC affects/integrates with the base game?

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One of my very early questions about the base game and DLC was whether the DLC was going to be more like "sequel" content, or whether it was going to add a bunch of stuff into the base game mix, which would be missed if someone didn't go back and play the main campaign again.


With the release, is that now answered?


Am I safe finishing the base game before buying the DLC, and then deciding? Or do I need to buy the DLC first, assuming I won't play the main campaign a second time just to experience some new content mixed in?

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The DLC adds more content to the base game and is not a sequel. It's designed for chars of lvl 14-16 but scales properly (if you activated scaling). All items and sidekicks you pick up can be used in the main campaign as well. So I wouldn't advise to finish the base game first and then tackle the DLC. It is surely more fun to slide in in between in order to use the new stuff you can find/buy for the rest of the game.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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The new sidekick will comment on stuff outside of the new areas and new ending slides will show based on choices made on the DLC. The DLC will not change the ending.

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I was afraid of that, which I guess is why I let myself get distracted from the game 10 hours in and started playing Battletech and now No Man's Sky Next. I'll wait for some more reviews of the DLC and maybe buy it before I pick PoE2 back up. Of course, what about the next DLC?? Bleah.

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I was afraid of that, which I guess is why I let myself get distracted from the game 10 hours in and started playing Battletech and now No Man's Sky Next. I'll wait for some more reviews of the DLC and maybe buy it before I pick PoE2 back up. Of course, what about the next DLC?? Bleah.


I'm almost certain none of the DLCs are "sequel" or post-campaign content. 

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I'm fine with either way as long as it's done right. I love post game DLCs like Blood and Wine for Witcher 3 or Awakening for Dragon Age: Origins. However, I also like DLCs during the main game too if it's integrated properly and feels seamless instead of separate.

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Can't get into spoilers in this section of the forum, but it does appear that at least one quest in the base game is slightly different if the DLC is completed first.  Well, at least some of the conversation dialogue that is there is different.  But I haven't looked at it that closely as I want to play the DLC without getting TOO spoiled. ;)


Aside from that, like Achilles said, there's some reactivity from the new sidekick which is always nice to see as they're usually pretty quiet once one has hired them.

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I'm starting to think I'll just wait for Christmas and buy the season pass as a gift for myself, them start over.


I'm only 10 hours in now, and by then I'll have forgotten most of what's happened so far and can enjoy all the content.


I appear to be in the minority, but I really dislike this trend of adding a bunch of new midgame content months or years after release. The only time I don't seem to mind is if it completely changes the game and starting over is like playing a new game. Even then, not usually as fun as just playing a new game.

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I'm starting to think I'll just wait for Christmas and buy the season pass as a gift for myself, them start over.


I'm only 10 hours in now, and by then I'll have forgotten most of what's happened so far and can enjoy all the content.


I appear to be in the minority, but I really dislike this trend of adding a bunch of new midgame content months or years after release. The only time I don't seem to mind is if it completely changes the game and starting over is like playing a new game. Even then, not usually as fun as just playing a new game.


I feel that way, too! I decided to wait until everything is out to play (and then I will get all the bug fixes and free content as well). Usually, I like to play games right away, but with the way Obsidian releases content, I think it is best for me to wait.

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Yeah, I'm on the same boat. With the current DLC timeline I'll just patiently wait till December for all the DLC, free stuff and patches to drop to have a "complete" experience and then I'll give it my third playthrough. I really don't like playing a game in chunks.

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That's most likely because you play the game only once and then move on to other games.


I personally don't play a lot of games nowadays. But if I do I (and I really like it) I will play it over and over again - like PoE and Deadfire (others were Diablo II ToB, Torchlight II, FTL for example). And if you stik to a game a bit longer it's obviously way better if expansions adds somnething to the main game because it lets you have more fun with additionaly playthroughs. 


If you only play once and then move on it's not so nice - unless you wait until the game is completely done with patches and DLCs (like PoE is now).

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Yeah, I'll have my first and only playthrough once the last DLC is out in December. Strange way for Obsidian to go about things, but if the game turns out to be worth it, I'll go along for the next ride (if there is one), too.

This is really typical for Obsidian though. I don't know of a game they developed that isn't like that.

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I always have numerous campaigns (or at least numerous starts)  for a game  - I played the IE games for years (BG series over a decade  and the EE versions are still installed in case I find the need for one more)- so I like this method of adding content with DLCs especially when it does not require starting a new campaign to access it.

Nomadic Wayfarer of the Obsidian Order


Not all those that wander are lost...

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It seems pretty standard for DLC to be done this way. Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 both did it, Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier Automata, Bloodborne... I think the Far Cry/Prey thing where the DLC is an entirely separate campaign is the more unusual way to do it

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It seems pretty standard for DLC to be done this way. Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 both did it, Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier Automata, Bloodborne... I think the Far Cry/Prey thing where the DLC is an entirely separate campaign is the more unusual way to do it


It's definitely gotten more common as an alternative to sequel-style content, which sometimes takes more work and doesn't always have a good way to fit in. It's why I rarely buy DLC for games now, unless I buy the game after it's been out for ages and I can get it all at once.


Just a matter of preference.

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