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[Backer Rewards] Physical Reward Updates

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In our published updates, you may have read our attempts to update all of you on the shipping of physical backer rewards and we've used the word "soon" and others like it, but "soon" has come and gone. For this, we sincerely apologize to all of you - without your interest and faith in us, Deadfire could never have become what it is today and you deserve better from us. We wanted to have firmer dates to communicate with you before our last update, but we realize now that the lack of communication was worse than the lack of firm dates. With that, we need and must do a better job updating all of you on what's going on.



Where We Are


For those of you in North America, South America, and Oceania, our Ohio distributor has confirmed that they are sending shipments out starting early next week.


Unfortunately, our fulfillment center for the rest of the world let us know recently they can no longer handle fulfilling for us and we're working on an agreement with a promising vendor in the coming days, with expediency in mind.


Going Forward


Every Monday (and more often as news arrives), we will update this support thread with the latest information we have. If you're ever curious about what is going on, we will update this page with the latest status.


Thank you most sincerely again for your patience and we promise to do a better job of keeping all of you updated.



-Dan Ham, Marketing Project Manager

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Thanks for the hard work and update, Obsidian.




Unfortunately, our fulfillment center for the rest of the world let us know recently they can no longer handle fulfilling for us and we're working on an agreement with a promising vendor in the coming days, with expediency in mind.


If there's a yelp for B2B establishments, your vendor deserves a 1 star review.

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Subbing thread.


Thank you, Dan.

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"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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Not good enough. It's been three months since release, and 18 since the campaign concluded. 

There is no excuse for this delay. None. The failure of the distribution partner is not the cause of this issue, but a symptom of it.

Those of us who have paid the most, and showed the most support have been treated the worst.


It is unacceptable.


At this point EVERY physical level backer is deserving of more than an apology and a promise that you'll do better!


We are still likely weeks out from getting these items, and again I will remind you the game launched THREE MONTHS AGO!


All the while you've said essentially nothing. Ignored threads and questions about this issue. I am beyond pissed off about it.

To make matters worse you've been vocal about the new paid DLC while backers still don't have what they paid for!


Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and make that apology mean something. Like giving the DLC to the physical level backers who've been sitting here ignored for quarter of a year.


An apology is not enough!

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I am also concerned that the image being used twice to highlight the Collector's Edition does not include the Guidebook Vol 2. Is there a reason for this?



Edited by cryocore
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I am also concerned that the image being used twice to highlight the Collector's Edition does not include the Guidebook Vol 2. Is there a reason for this?

I don't know if there is a reason it was omitted in the picture, but it's been available on Amazon and other retailers ever since launch day.


If the concern is that the Pillars Vol.2 guidebook had printing/distrobution problems, that appears not to be the case.

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My original address is in Asia, I wonder if I can still change the address since it has not been shipped.


Because I am going to study in US for my Master's Degree in two weeks.


This is really embarrassing, I didn't expected it to be delayed for soooo long.

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Hello everyone! I've updated the support page with our current status!


Not good enough. It's been three months since release, and 18 since the campaign concluded. 

There is no excuse for this delay. None. The failure of the distribution partner is not the cause of this issue, but a symptom of it.

Those of us who have paid the most, and showed the most support have been treated the worst.


It is unacceptable.


At this point EVERY physical level backer is deserving of more than an apology and a promise that you'll do better!


We are still likely weeks out from getting these items, and again I will remind you the game launched THREE MONTHS AGO!


All the while you've said essentially nothing. Ignored threads and questions about this issue. I am beyond pissed off about it.

To make matters worse you've been vocal about the new paid DLC while backers still don't have what they paid for!


Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and make that apology mean something. Like giving the DLC to the physical level backers who've been sitting here ignored for quarter of a year.


An apology is not enough!


Hi Cryocore - understand your frustrations as a backer completely and we should have been engaging with and communicating updates to our backers much earlier than this. While we're currently focusing on getting rewards to backers as soon as possible given recent events, we will be discussing ways we could thank the patience of our backers in a more meaningful way in the future.


And not to worry about the Guidebook Vol. 2! Our warehouses (both of them) have confirmed receipt of the books - apologies for missing your question about it before.


My original address is in Asia, I wonder if I can still change the address since it has not been shipped.


Because I am going to study in US for my Master's Degree in two weeks.


This is really embarrassing, I didn't expected it to be delayed for soooo long.


Hi Snowball - we can most definitely change your address for you and I've sent you an email directly for more information. Thanks!

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HI Dan,


Good to hear things are finally shipping or at least they are supposed to be.  Can you tell me why yall are just now working on this:


Shipping StatusWaiting to hear back as to how we can get shipment confirmation to update your status on our side.


I mean couldn't the process have been finalized before now? Why wait till after things start shipping to try to come up with a plan to update shipping status??  I mean it seems as if you guys act like you have never done this before and don't know how it works.

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Hi Townsend! Thanks for your question - we meant more for statuses on our backer portal as opposed to actual shipment confirmations and tracking info, which you will receive through email from our distribution center. And as Achilles said, we're using a different vendor than we did before, which means we had to change a lot of the code on the backend to support their systems and processes. 

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Hi Townsend! Thanks for your question - we meant more for statuses on our backer portal as opposed to actual shipment confirmations and tracking info, which you will receive through email from our distribution center. And as Achilles said, we're using a different vendor than we did before, which means we had to change a lot of the code on the backend to support their systems and processes. 


Hi Dan,


I appreciate your quick reply, sorry if I seem frustrated, well because I am.  I do appreciate your efforts and the new commitment to providing better and quicker feedback.

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I'm posting here because while I backed Pillars, I didn't even remember backing Deadfire, and I haven't been getting any kind of messages or emails about the progress. Fig kinda turned me off and so honestly I have no idea how exactly I paid for Deadfire, but apparently I did.


So anyway back on track, apparently I have a copy of Deadfire coming to "me", but I haven't lived at the shipping address for over a year. I only found out I was getting a copy because I got a shipping notification. >.>


So, I hope there's something that can be done about redirecting it, or possibly just paying to re-ship it if it gets Return To Sender'd.

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Those of us who have paid the most, and showed the most support have been treated the worst.

As a digital backer more of my pledge went towards Obsidian than physical backers because the physical rewards had to be bought by Obsidian, and physical backers got all the digital rewards anyway. Yes, complain that your rewards haven't been fulfilled, but don't claim you showed the most support, because you did not.

Edited by AwesomeOcelot
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Still hilarious that for anyone who backed by ordering a physical guidebook it'd have been quicker to not back at all and order it off Amazon after release.  


That said hopefully I get a tracking email sometime soon. 

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Why would your tee be shipped separately, though? Sounds pretty inefficient.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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I received an email saying that m order had shipped - I was so happy, until I realised that it's the T-Shirt and not the Physical Box :facepalm: Still, pretty happy to be getting something.

Did you add the tee on later as a separate order? I picked up the figurines last minute and they are shipping separately from the rest of my stuff.
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I'm just glad I decided to have this sent to my work adress rather than home because I've moved since I backed and am about to move again. :no:


I'm not angry but it's pretty amazing how terrible whatever deals you had before were. For the items to be so massivly delayed and then have someone back out altogether.

Edited by Mikeymoonshine
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