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Found 11 results

  1. That started as an answer to "the best girl tank" thread here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104752-the-best-tank-in-the-game-herald-vs-crusader/, but grew in size to deserve its own topic. I'd go as far as to say, that adding Goldpact Paladin class to your multi-class provides highest possible damage avoidance and mitigation combo from one class compared to absolutely anything else. +8 free all defenses (up to +15 with 1 point investment)? Yes please! +4 armor on demand? Sure thanks! Oh, here's another +1 armor on demand (aura) just in case you need it when you run out of zeal. And just in case something vicious on PotD has enough ArPen to do more than 25% damage with their attacks late game, we give you infinite armor edit:+3 Armor as long as you don't move. Please go ahead and pull enemies to you, using corners to gather them all together. Now, if you play solo, you'd probably want to do damage: Now that you got deflection and infinite armor, why not get some infinite resource pool to outlive your enemies while they wither: Sir Sit-a-Lot Oh, standing still for long periods of time bores you? Don't worry, you can stand still for less and do more damage with: The Faceless Dancer But what if I like Streetfighter more than Trickster? Answer is simple: Stop-N-Go Want to have powerful ranged dps, tank hybrid monstrosity? With Paladin you can: The Holy Hand Grenadier In conclusion I'd like to say that paladin class is severely broken compared to others. Of course it doesn't hand out insane buffs at zero cost (looking at your Streetfighter+Blunderbuss), but the fact that Paladins can do anything at least well (tank, heal, dps), leaves them with no almost downsides and hence severely ahead of other classes imho. Downsides that are exclusive to this class are: -RP attributable to sub-classes is a mess sometimes -Weird stacking with priest deities -Not an infinite resource pool (because they are not Cipher or Chanter) -Small selection of de-buffs -Not very mobile (not so noticeable and easily fixable with investment in +deflection on disengage) Hel, who knows maybe after I'm done with my Solo+Berath's Challenge play-through, I'll go for Triple Crown+ Magran's Challenge with Sir Sit-a-Lot (summons, buffs, "everybody died? no problem, I'll clean up"), The Faceless Dancer (damage off tank), The Holy Hand Grenadier(main dps), Paladin/Druid(meaty healz), Paladin/Priest(more buffs) dream team. And just to make sure they don't accidentally die make them all Moon Godlike #teamBlueberries
  2. I just wanted to say I'm very happy with the changes you've made to the core game since release. <3 The difficulty is drastically increased, and a lot of bugs have been stomped out. In essence it's a much better game in all. There is still a lot of potential to be realized in Deadfire, just like it was in PoE1. I hope you'll be able to keep upgrading this game as vigorously as the previous one. With Love,
  3. What the thread title says! Here's my suggestion for fitting music while we wait for Deadfire. Here's the tune (Depeche Mode, All That's Mine): And here are the lyrics (The "you" in it is Eothas, and the "I" is your main character): I know it's hard to reach you I know it's hard to breathe I know it's hard to be you sometimes I can't imagine what that means This must be someone else's story I can't follow what you've planned How could this be about me Am I supposed to understand? Like a ship on the ocean Heading out to sea You can hardly see it now It's a lot like you Lost like me You're still looking for redemption Still can't find a trace If there is nothing after There'll be the saving grace I'm giving you control now I need some kind of sign Can't take… I'm giving you control now I need some kind of sign Can't take away the sorrow now I gave you all that's mine Like a ship on the ocean Heading out to sea You can hardly see it now It's a lot like you Like a ship on the ocean Heading out to sea You can hardly see it now It's a lot like you Lost like me And yet another DM piece fits the bill well, Set Me Free (Remotivate Me): Here are the lyrics (The "me" here is obviously Eothas, locked up in a statue): Set me free Set me free Remotivate me Set me burning After years in deep freeze My body is yearning For a new lease of life And a little spice Set me free Remotivate me Give me a reason To scream and shout Give me something To get excited about When everything is looking dull I'm sure it isn't impossible to Set me free Remotivate me Remotivate me Set me burning After years in deep freeze My body is yearning For a new lease of life And a little spice Set me free Remotivate me… Remotivate me Set me burning After years in deep freeze My body is yearning For a new lease of life And a little spice Set me free Remotivate me Don't think I'm impatient Because I'm willing to wait But something must must happen Before it gets too late It could be my imagination But wasn't there more than this dull sensation Set me free Remotivate me
  4. It's "Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire", isn't it? PoE was...IS, my favorite game of all times, and You guys have been a fantastic Dungeon Master in the best journey I had in my fantasy since...ever! Elements of PoE and a new grim setting mixed with some of the improvements of Tyranny would make for a glorious new chapter! And if that's the case: THANK YOU! ^^ @ the Community: So, why I think it's another game related to PoE? Well, because it have been stated that PoE sequel is in the works, and the imagery with which Obsidian is teasing us have clear references to PoE's fictional elements, like letters written in Vailian, and to Eder and Aloth/ Watcher characters. Therefore, I would be extremely surprised (and a bit sad) if it would end up being something completely different from my beloved RTwP Fantasy cRPG!
  5. My ideal partner would a mix of these two fine women: I can already imagine our perfect moment together. It would a dinner and she would be eating pizza with her patented double claw style. Her: "You know, before I met you I only wanted salami pizza." Me: "And now?" Her: "Now I only want salamus pizza." Me: "You had me at 'pizza'." Then we would live happily ever after.
  6. Start of old thread End of old thread
  7. Things I like about the game so far: -Intro screen music is just great. It reminds me a bit of Storm of Zehir. -The combat music is really engaging. It has beauty and urgency rolled into one! -I like those choruses! -The Moon Godlike is cool. Almost alien, and with interesting capabilities. -The water effects are most of the time stellar. -The ambient sound effects are brilliant overall. -I love Stormwall Gorge, especially when it was moonlit, and getting attacked badly by elder lions. -All the flavour currency is a nice touch. -That you can find Camping Supplies as loot is pretty neat, as long as they are rarities, of course.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCDekE2qfnQ So i made my first South Park TSOT video. It isn't really a walkthrough, more like a long highlight reel, execpt its not highligts of a published video. It's so people can laugh at it. So the new kid is Fabian "Blowjob" Fabulous. I don't want to spoil it so watch it yourself :D
  9. The purpose of this survey is to show whether you would like to deep relationships in the game or not. This survey relates to such things as romance, love, fear, recpect, frendship or pure hate. It is not about whether the individual components as will or will not apear like "Do you like romances in games" or "do you like friendships in game". It's about WHOLE influence system as one of the game mechanics. We not talk about adding romances etc. We talk about adding influence system even without romances. This topic is not written just to prove that you whant or don't like "romances" or "Sex" in P:E. It's about complex relationships, personal motivations and complexity of human nature. For a perfect example for this system is Alpha Protocol and in some ways Neverwinter Nights 2 system (but not so good in my opinion). In AP we have complex system where friendship or respect will grant you some benefits but also If someone HATE you it also will grand you some benefits (but completly diftent) My goal is to demonstrate Does the complicated relationship like "Enemy that respects you" or "Party member is planning to murder you". It's obvious to me that if you are playing as "lawful good" and you have party member that is "Chaotic evil" then his will always disagree with you and his hate for you will grow day by day will somday will betray you when you least expect thrusting a dagger where it hurts hardest. In other han if you play as "Chaotic Evil" a paladin from your team might jump to comclusion that "World is better without you" and atack you. Im waiting for you answers An please by nice
  10. This a discussion on these topics, I AM NOT holding a debate for or against it, I actually don't care how you feel about it. I managed to find an article about should children be in the game and people were saying they should be immortal, that BS IMO if you want realism. I have played BG2 and have never killed a child, thought never even entered into my mind as an option. So my thoughts on the matter, if it bothers you don't do it, simple as that. I am new here so forgive me if it already covered and common knowledge on these topics, if it is I ask you to point me to the article/s so I can read up further on the subject/s. I did find a post about children, whether they should be in game or not, and the debate that followed if they should be killable or not. Personally I don't care about that, I am interested in marriage, romance and fathering (mothering? Doesn't seem right to fright with child) offspring. I find this intriguing and am interested if the option will ever be present, on launch, DLC or hopefully a mod (don't know if the game will be mod-able, let me know if it is please :D). In BG2 there was Aerie, whom you could romance even have a kid with (how awesome is/was that!). Sample dialogue from Aerie: “I…I will show you my body (char name)…and I hope it pleases you. Would you…would you stay with me this night (char name)? Will you show me what true love consists of?” “I’m such a silly woman. Whining and crying…I must seem so ridiculous and petty. No man will ever want me I think…I feel so embarrassed.” So I hope to have the option of doing the same in this game, it was one of the coolest experience I have had in a game, in fact I feel as though I still love her. How do you feel, want an epic game of epic proportions?
  11. 4:49PM for me. Im about to go eat some pizza. Buuuuuuut my apetite isnt doing so well. See my mind feels like its on acid. Im on winter break (towards the end of it anyway) Spent most of it gaming and reading manga. What a waste!!! Im an idiot... I should have been thinking about ways to confess to the person I like. Trouble is the first two people I told about my crush was 1st my best friend (let's call her Lady Crabs) & 2 a guy friend (let's call him Mr. Jacket) Heres where the DOOOOM begins. I told Lady Crabs about it & her reaction was not too enthusiastic. In fact she hasnt been talking to me for while.... Im crazy worried about her but I've got my pride so like hell im gonna try to work things out with her first! Then there is Mr Jacket who upon telling him about my feelings for his friend I soon found out that HE has a crush on ME?! That's just great! A darn love triangle! The only one who doesnt know is the fellow i have the crush on. We shall call him -> Little Slash That's all for now. Any advice for a poor love striken sap like me!!!??? I really dont wanna be crushed with this crush. Otaku Piece!
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