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Found 3 results

  1. It's true, I have never finished a jrpg game. I have beaten games such as Nier: Automata and currently I am on my way to beating Yakuza 0 but to the best of my knowledge, those games are mostly considered to be Action Adventure games with some RPG elements sprinkled on top. I have many jrpg games that I have collected over the years but I don't know which one is the best game for starters. So help me choose one, here are the games I have at my disposal: -Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Wirch -Final Fantasy V, VI, VII, IX, X/X-2, XII, XIV, Type 0 -Tales of Symphonia Chronicles(contains both games in HD for the PS3) -Tales of Xillia 1, 2 -Tales of Zestiria -SMT: Digital Devil Saga 1, 2 -SMT: Nocturne -SMT: Devil Summoner 1, 2 -SMT: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment -SMT: Persona 3: Portable -SMT: Persona FES 3 -SMT: Persona 4 Golden -SMT: Persona 5 -Vagrant Story -White Knight Chronicles -Arc the Lad -Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits -Suikoden I, II, III -Legend of Mana -Rogue Galaxy -Chrono Trigger -Chrono Cross Yeah, I know: that's one helluva backlog.
  2. I have to be honest, I quit playing all the serious fighters like Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur and Steet Fighter games. I've seemed to have moved on to anime fighters. At 30 years of age, I'm playing games with waifu's jumping around all over each other. My wife comes into the computer room and gives me strange looks at times because she is not a fan of anime or the message that it conveys to the young audience which I can understand but anime fighters are addictive. That's where it's at now... I've become "that guy". NOTE: Keep in mind that I'm not really into anime, waifus, visual novels, hentai, dating sims or anything like that so this was a strange thing for me to get into it. It's still surprises me if I am to be completely honest. Here's a list of some good ones available on Steam (in my opinion): Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!! Melty Blood Current Code Accent+ Chaos Code - New Sign Of Catastrophe Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel Do you play fighting games? If so, which ones? Do you have any fond memories of older fighting games that you've played growing up?
  3. 4:49PM for me. Im about to go eat some pizza. Buuuuuuut my apetite isnt doing so well. See my mind feels like its on acid. Im on winter break (towards the end of it anyway) Spent most of it gaming and reading manga. What a waste!!! Im an idiot... I should have been thinking about ways to confess to the person I like. Trouble is the first two people I told about my crush was 1st my best friend (let's call her Lady Crabs) & 2 a guy friend (let's call him Mr. Jacket) Heres where the DOOOOM begins. I told Lady Crabs about it & her reaction was not too enthusiastic. In fact she hasnt been talking to me for while.... Im crazy worried about her but I've got my pride so like hell im gonna try to work things out with her first! Then there is Mr Jacket who upon telling him about my feelings for his friend I soon found out that HE has a crush on ME?! That's just great! A darn love triangle! The only one who doesnt know is the fellow i have the crush on. We shall call him -> Little Slash That's all for now. Any advice for a poor love striken sap like me!!!??? I really dont wanna be crushed with this crush. Otaku Piece!
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