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Found 11 results

  1. After successfully modding Pillars of eternity to skip some graphics when loading and then installing 2 mods that moddify the UI, I took it upon myself to make a mod that will change the wooden texture and size of the box that pops up when the player engages anyone in conversation. I have spent hours digging through the game folder and exploring the assets but I can't seem to find the files or the data related to what I want to do. Any leads?
  2. the size of the interface is immense and it takes all my monitor I would like to know if it has diminish the edges and leave smaller, already tried to change the font and even then the size is giant of the chat screen and choices How could I fix this? in Pillars of Eternity 1? thanks support
  3. I just threw together this example image from a screenshot. My suggestion is simply that it might help players if something like this exist in-game: NOTE: The spells that have no "defense icon" in their top-left corner, either is a buff/summon or always hits. The purpose of this chart is to helps me decide for instance: Get a better understanding of the limitations of the Wizard specialization choices. What are you opting out of when you pick a certain school? I found it was very difficult to determining which spells you loose at glance. After looking below I feel like I could live without Enchanting and Conjuration. That is great there is a school that gives up just those two, Illutionist. Oh, but wait. Illusion doesn't have a 7th or 9th level spell. So, that was what Josh was referring to in one of the update videos. Not all summoned weapons target deflection, perhaps my Battle Mage should pick up both staves. What spells should I pick at level up? Should I pick the 2nd level spell that causes blind when you already have the 1st level spell Chill Fog. Oh, one targets the opponent's Fortitude while the other targets Will. What do you all say, wouldn't you like to see similar tool in game, or are you all making your own spread sheets, or keep it all in your head? (In the future I might throw together something similar to all the Grimoires and what they cover in the tree, so you can make a Wizard multi-class that relies less on spells picked up during the level-up screen and thus leaves more room for abilities the other class.)
  4. I am having an issue with the game I just got it and REALLY want to play it but every time I launch it all I get is missing GUI on all the buttons. I tried fixing it myself searched for about 8 different "reasons" for it but nothing worked. I have tried to reinstall, verify contents, Installing it on a different hard drive, installing it on a smaller hard drive, steams file name, and others but I am out of ideas now and I really want to play this game so I am asking for some help from either the obsidian support team or the community.
  5. We've all probably got a pet peeve about the way important information is given to you. There's a good number of things I could name, but these are my top 3 that I hope to see in a future minor patch: 1. Make the selected character much more visible in combat. 2. Make the current actions of each party member easier to see without having to select them all 3. Put random playable character sheets on loading screens and allow me to mouse over key words or scroll up and down their stats screen
  6. It's a longer list, so I'll post it as a separate topic. Answering: No, they are not. It actually feels like the GUI designed for an old Infinity Engine games in some ways - we've really made a long way in improving GUI designs and as far as it is currently OKish... it's also needlessly tedious and doesn't always provide users with the info they need. That said though - PoE user interface is with no doubt much cleaner and more noob-friendly than say: BG, I don't want to see copying of old IE games interfaces, cause in many ways they were bad too, but I'd love if you'd take good things from them - like providing user with data he needs when he needs it, and most importantly: Good things from last 10 years of game development and design. Don't be afraid to embrace the awesome improvements and progress we've made in a last decade! If you are looking for some more detailed and constructive suggestions, here's the whole list, screen-by-screen for Inventory and Crafting, Character sheet, and finally: Journal. Inventory Search functionality in Stash (text input - you start type = you start search, similar to the way it's suppose to work on Google) Stash sorting functionality - should change depending on a tab - sort by value, sort by different damage types or damage resistances (depending if you're in Armors/Clothing or Weapons tab), etc. Ability to see ALL items in your stash (this preferably should be a default view) - I'm clueless why it's not in a game. o_O Button to move all items from my character inventory to stash (optionally: when clicked it should change to "restore", if I drag any new item to the character inventory - restore option should disappear) Search functionality for my character inventories (including items they got equipped) - when searching it should switch to the character that got this item equipped and highlight it (white border, or something like this) Ability to view a total sum of attribute changes to my character from all of the items equipped In character screen when hovering two numbers in End. Hlth. and Acc. it should show a tooltip saying "current" or "maximum" to make it clear why there are two numbers over these three characteristics (for our new players out there) When clicking attributes in the character or inventory screen it should show a popup screen explaining the attribute (how it affects combat or dialogs) and possibly also: display a break-down of how this attribute is affected by the equipment you have, for example: D.T. - Damage Treshold <<very long description here that currently appears as a tooltip which I can't even read whole cause it goes off beyond the screen>> Base: 0, Scale Armor: +7 ps. I added problem with tooltip as a bug report here. Inspect functionality in inventory screen - right now it allows you to inspect only the items. I'd expand it to explaining GUI elements:Clicking an empty slot should describe it - what kind of items fit there, tell that they can be added by drag & drop from the inventory or stash, etc. Clicking weapon sets should explain the whole functionality and how to swap between them in combat Clicking an empty spot in your character inventory should give you an explanation how it differs from Quick Items and Stash. Same with clicking on an empty slot in Quick Items or Stash icon - obviously Clicking on camping supplies should tell you stuff about using them and how to get new. ps. you already have most of these descriptions in the glossary - why you refuse to make use of them with Inspect functionality is beyond my comprehension. Inventory screen - 3D Character model - you can rotate him/her along just one axis. Please, make it possible to rotate him on both, to see character from above and in isometric perspective. And if we're on that: character model rotation should NOT reset when switching between characters. Inventory screen - Make it clear which weapon set is selected. In the UI, don't make me guess based on a looks of the weapons! Add a button to go directly from the Inventory screen to the character screen of a currently selected character. And back. and this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crafting screen (it's sub-screen of an Inventory) Text search Filter by types (healing potions, combat AoE potions, etc. - you get the picture) Possibly sorting (turn off grouping by categories, and just sort all of them) - sort by value, uses, speed, etc., a nice drop-down - these items that do not have a certain property should be at the bottom of the list, separated by a horizontal line, order doesn't matter. Option to show only these items that I can craft with my current items (hide everything that's grayed-out, remove categories if they are empty) Anyone can tell me why the heck crafting potions in a field consumes money? It makes zero sense. Option to compare two potions / items. When having one selected and hovering another - it should bring a tooltip with an information similar to these Hormalakh gave in a quote above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character sheet Statistics breakdown - let us choose if we want to see records or statistics breakdown on a right-side part of the GUI.This should give you a nice set of tables, when relevant: show current, standard and base statistics. Current = all of the effects, spells and wounds + items + character, Standard = items + character, Base = character alone. That should also include a table with detailed breakdown of attack from your weapons, including it's default properties and properties after applying character modifiers. Current information of "+27% action speed" is meaningless if you can't easily compare an attack speed of different characters with their current weapons. Statistics breakdown should be a default view. Records are nice and all, but they do not help you with anything ahead of you! Tooltips on the elements. Make them more consistent. Eg. in my resolve stats I got a popup explaining concentration, but there is none for Duration (that's a duration of what? Spells? I guess, but could be potions or something very negative: attacks, as in: making them take longer). In my Intellect stat I got popup for deflection but none of Area of Effect. In Dexterity there is no popup for Action Speed. And so on, and so on. Active effects got no descriptions for... well... anything. Why some of the properties are clickabe for popup windows and some are hover tooltips? Be consistent - either everything is a popup or everything is a tooltip. XP bar.... Is that even a bar? Below Experience there's brown horizontal rectangle - it looks like a progress bar to the next level, but I can't see anything progressing there. Make it a proper, clear, progress bar or if it's not suppose to be one - replace it to a thin horizontal line if you need some separator in there. In general on a character screen I would prefer to see something information-wise more in a style of that: Image that forum doesn't allow me to put here You see all of the information in the right window? Like the actual number for your open locks skill after all the effects, actual number for your reputation, etc. My idea with tables goes further than that and shows you even more info, but this thing here is what I consider to be a bare minimum of what you should see on a character screen. Sadly PoE does not provide that, though overall - PoE character screen is much clearer and newbie-friendly - so keep that, it's a good stuff, but show us more data More data makes life easier, not more difficult, even if it might be slightly overwhelming at first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Text search - can be just in a titles, but still. It'd be especially useful with Glossary. Notes - this problem. Note the part about allowing users to select text there. Notes - allow us to remove them. Glossary - Equipment tab should contain descriptions of different types of equipment with their generic characteristics (eg. Armor tends to come in light, medium and heavy variety, describe their benefits and disadvantages, describe which types of characters should use which type of armor, etc.) Cyclopedia - after spotting a new type of enemy you at least should see it's name in a bestiary, just with no description. You know that they exist and what is the name - after all hovering them shows a tooltip with the name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I know this list is far from being complete as people gave some really decent suggestions here and there, but these are for me the most glaring issues - if anyone reading that post got anything more to add, feel free to do so.
  7. Just a little suggestion for a feature I kinda expected from the GUI: when you get a pop-up about a new quest in the upper left corner of the screen, it would be convenient to be able to click on it to bring up the journal. At least, that's what I did immediately upon seeing the pop-up for the first time (I mean, I clicked on it). The journal should of course open on the newly received/updated quest, so the player can review whatever notes are made about it.
  8. Ran into minor bug right at the beginning. On the options screen, when I go from Aut-Pause to Game, Graphics or Control, the title of the buttons disappears. It appears for Controls. This was at the initial screen before I even started a game. PC Specs.txt
  9. Dear developers, dear community, after the first early beta ingame footage is online available (e.g. here: http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/07/30/pillars-of-eternity-video-josh-sawyer-on-character-creation-and-infinity-rpgs/), I noticed a small detail from the UI I'd like to discuss here. But before I'd like to thank the dev-team for the great work - what I've seen so far that’s the game I begged and backed for. So what is this post about? In the footage you can see, that on a selected hero the abilities/feats appear in a row above the hero pictures of the GUI. If more than one hero is selected no abilities/feats are shown. What do you think about having at least a set of 4 or 6 abilities/feats presented above each hero for quick selection (see the picture) if more than 1 hero is selected? Of course it’s possible to quick keyboard and mouse select hero and feat in a combat situation but I think it’ll improve handling for most players - including me. I don’t know how much work it would be to change – if possible and where users could drag and drop the abilities (inventory/character sheet) for the multiselect quick-slots or if it could be used for potions etc. too. Please note: This post is not about UI-style per se, how much I like it or how much BG-style it is and I’m not a native speaker so I apologize for the English.
  10. It is my considered opinion that we could reach an accomodation with Al Qaeda if they left off killing people who offended their worldview, and instead ruthlessly pursued DESIGNERS WHO PUT 'HELPFUL' FEATURES INTO INTERFACES, LIKE ZOOMING IN AND OUT OF A DATABASE BECAUSE THE USER HAS CHOSEN TO ENTER A CERTAIN TYPE OF DATA.
  11. This was a thought a long time ago that I posted somewhere that I don't remember and there was a short discussion about it. Now, finally, I am making a thread about it. This is most likely a difficult thing to create, but still want to discuss it more in depth. Basically, being able to "shape" an AoE into different forms. I am also going to put in another thought into this thread but that's for later. Let's take a Grease spell for instance, and being able to draw it in a "circle" around the party or around the enemy team or whatnot, then lighting it on fire to create a "Fire Wall". Or making the Grease in a line to some TnT barrels to create a "fuse" and then lighting it on fire to create a "BOOM!". These are two are different suggestions, what kind of AoE GUI do you "expect" and or would like to see?: - Dynamic "Paint-AoE" - Shaped AoE (Geometry: Triangles, Circles, Squares, Crosses etc. etc.) Second thought: "Wild Magic" AoE consequences/effects. Wild Magic is a very interesting concept and I liked it a lot in the IE games, and a thought I got from a fairly recent topic (again I don't remember which one) is a chaotic element of Wild Magic. Concept: You direct your magic and place the AoE circle somewhere, but with a risk of the magic (because it is "Wild") to extend further than the AoE or only affect a "cake slice" of the circle or perhaps even misdirecting completely and shooting way off target. Thoughts?
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