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  1. Upon logging in today i found the rotten bee armour had disappeared from an armour dummy i made. This is irritating seeing as the armour in question is uncraftable and therefore irreplaceable.
  2. Started my game on Xbox, didn't do the mission straight away and now there's no raw science on the map at all. Even with the upgrade to detect raw science.
  3. A larva destroyed one of the Clay Foundations my house was built on. It had a Storage Chest on it and because the Storage Chest is in the way I can't build a new Clay Foundation or Grass Floor where the old one was, because the Storage Chest is in the way.
  4. My character has corrupted 4 times with my mint mallet I play on xbox and have 40 hours played so I dont want to reset my game because the mints will not respawn I got them in the first 20 hour so that means either it takes more than 20 hours or they don't repawn!!!! Please help
  5. As the title says. I am a streamer and I've noticed that when I play the game it runs / streams just fine, but if I alt-tab to another window, which you need to do frequently, the GPU usage for Grounded goes up to 100% and stays there causing the stream to lag. This does not happen with any other game or app. When streaming the game you have to hide OBS behind the game window, not open on another monitor, otherwise the same problem happens. Anyone else noticed this issue or got a fix? Thank you!
  6. no matter how many times i look there aint no ant eggs spawning
  7. So, I built a base on top of the rock wall to the East. I first put down clay for a foundation along with walls, floors, and roof without a problem. The first issue I noticed is that the floor is blended graphically into the clay instead of sitting on top, I would have expected it to appear above the clay without needing to use scaffolding. The second, and bigger issue, is that any time I try to build an object (chest, lean-to, lamp, etc...) on top of the floor the blueprint is never shown despite it being in build mode. I have to cancel that build, go outside, and start the build process outside on the rock to get the blueprint to appear then go inside and place the object. How to reproduce: go on top of a rock, place the foundation, place flooring on top of the foundation, try placing objects on that flooring. I can probably record a video if necessary but have never done so before and would need some instructions for doing so.
  8. Hey! Loving the game, can't wait for updates.. But.. Last night I swagged out my base with armor dummies and weapon racks. Before logging off, I put my bee armor on the dummy, and places my mint mallet on the weapon racks. Today I log in, I gathered up my armor, strapped them on, and went to fetch my mint mallet. Unfortunately, the mint mallet is no where to he found. The weapon rack it was assigned to is empty, and when interacting with it, there is nothing assigned to its inventory. My mint mallet is gone now. RIP This is definitely a problem, and I would advise that no one uses them until they are fixed. Thank you.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEzcB2n4Bjo&feature=youtu.be
  10. While playing with my cousins (mind you we’ve taken into the account that there were going to be bugs [pun maybe intended] since it’s only in Alfa right now) we found the game to be really fun and well thought out mechanic wise for the most part. However there are some slight issues that I came across: Environment- While walking through the terrain I found it buggy quite often while trying to sprint. Also this would happen while trying to shift from the dirt to a clay foundation (meaning it isn’t a smooth change in altitude like going up a staircase. Generally just bugs out so I have to jump instead of just running over it.) Walking on any items on the ground such as clover leaves and plant fibers (from chopping grass) bug out the characters quite a bit too; along with trying to run through/by clover stems. We also wish there was a way to stop clovers from respawning as it makes it super in convenient while we ar building our base. Tools- I found that there’s a bug with tool and armor usage. Mainly the durability meters would stay full, never revealing how much was actually left. Another interesting bug was that after using an axe or anything else it would unequip after one use making it tedious to do things (probably a bug with the durability as the tool or weapon is trying to break but isn’t as when I craft a new one and scrap the old one it works just fine until I use it a lot) Building-The only thing I noticed so far is that those who don’t host the game can’t see the purple arrow on the blue printed walls and windows that help show you which way it’s facing. Along with while inside a closed area sometimes you can’t see the blueprinted item at all, making you have to step outside to get it then go back in. Combat- I find the combat simple and easy to get the hang of for the most part. I just run in circles and stay out of view of the insects mandibles so I can’t take damage and attack it from behind. However my cousin pointed out the arrows do hardly anything even if they are venomous or poisoned. Logins- This one was interesting, after completing a lot of things on my cousin’s world (including managing to kill a wolf spider) we decided to take a break for a bit and come back. Though when I logged back in to his world a few hours later my character’s stats were completely wiped and I had to restart at the beginning with nothing. I lost everything with no way to get it back. (Made things worse that I had the spider parts in my inventory too before it was wiped. Overall- Grounded is a unique take on the PVE survival genre. While having bugs that need to be worked on, the game’s overall tone and feel is enticing and super fun to play with see what is there to offer. The dev’s have shown their homework through some of the smallest features such as distance measured by centimeters or different armor giving you different abilities based on what armor it is from (like ant armor making you be able to haul more grass and stems at a time). I can’t wait to see what is in store for the future and I hope these bugs will be resolved soon
  11. i got the bee armor and put it on a dummy after saving the game the dummy was naked even tough it shows its there on save file pic can u guys fix this bug
  12. Hello! PC/Steam player here. Don't know if someone already reported this or not, I didn't find, but I faced the bug with the Storage Chest. When you place the item into the last slot it disappears in case, if the item of this type is not laying in this storage already (Video below). https://youtu.be/bH4G-m0pf38 This bug is pretty annoying because I lost some resources which were not so simple to gather. I also checked the storage basket - the bug doesn't happen. But I faced the very same bug with my own inventory later.. P.S. Apart of that the game is just amazing! Thanks, I am really enjoying it!
  13. Not sure if this has been covered. I've been playing fine today, but tonight the game kept crashing to desktop upon autosave, normal saving and trying to load a save. I can start a new game but when I try to save it crashes again. I'm playing through Microsoft store with gamepass. UPDATE #1: I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game. This seems to have fixed the issue for now and my save files were kept. I'll update further if it happens again.
  14. I play the Xbox Game pass Edition on PC and don't know if any of these bugs exist in other versions. B.U.R.G.L does not work. Namely I’ve found him at the end of my first game session and I saved and exited the game after returning to my base. When I started the game the next day he was gone, even in the old save games except the few first. But when I found him in these files I could interact with him. I started a new world to see if that would fix it, but I saw that he also wasn't there and probably is about 300cm far straight while looking at the lab entrance away (in the ground maybe even under the map). There're weird falling physics in the game. If you're standing on a plant and it gets destroyed or moved you won't fall. You will get one move before you fall. This is helpful if you're fighting, but if you land in a spider web you won't be able to get out, because you can't move and it won't update you position. The game has broken spawn mechanics. While playing I noticed that the game often duplicates animals like for example a whole ant army. Duplications are easy to spot because of two things: The sheer amount of those groups. The route of some animals is set so you can see them often crossing their paths unnatural by walking into each other or right behind each other. The Raids need to be improved. I secured my base when a group of 8 Larvae attacked me and my base (that's what I will refer to as a "Raid" because I think the game spawns every now and then a group of enemies to attack/raid you) but I killed them so I thought, because they were spawned again and again in my near surroundings and in my base so they could destroy my lean-to without breaking my base while I defend myself against the Larvae outside. Once even a Wolf spider spawned right on my wall while I killed the intruders. Different weapons are dealing all the same Damage. I used throughout the game different weapons (Axt, Speer, Dagger, every club) to kill mites and every weapon dealed about 1/5 - 1/4 of their HP. The spiders have a zone where they are raising their front legs and wait while it's possible to shoot them without doing something PS.: I really like the game and I'm playing it though the first listed bug and just hope that I can continue this world after it get fixed. PPS.: This will be posted two times: Once in the "General Discussion (No Spoilers)" channel, so people who don't want to get spoiled can see it, as well as in the "Feedback and Suggestions" channel because it's technically feedback.
  15. Game crashed while what seems to be building/crafting when logging back in to and loading from saved game, trying to craft the same item would usually cause the blueprint to not appear when trying to put it in a location
  16. Been playing since launch a few hours in with friends managed to farm out tier 2 weapons/tools and find labs before videos were thrown out revealing location. Here are some problems, chest will bug out and make items disappear from all players view and they won't fill properly, another problem is bugs will spawn inside bases destroying it if aggressive, ants will steal through walls, building is starting to become weird as some things won't click to one another, more structures are needed such as foundations/triangular foundations not floors. My friend lost all of their stuff after d/cing after dying, they also have their armor unequip itself when they get hit(May be due to it being ant armor or a bug with hauling seams/planks). I like the game so far but its slacking on alot where it counts not much to interact with. Wolf spiders do massive damage even with tier 2 everything and strategically killing them they tend to 1-3 hit if not the poison will top you off not giving much time to using a healing smoothie. The Wolf spider dagger does little to no damage its poison hardly procs if ever in combat on bugs and its durability runs out within a matter of a minute in a battle making it kind of worthless yet the hardest weapon to obtain as of this moment, it needs a buff with poison proc and increased durability to be worth grinding for. There is also a glitch where berry's will not show in the right place on one person's screen but will on the other person's screen. There was a instance on a moment where super armor glue was somehow managed to dupe itself twice upon use (used it on spider helm and another one fell on floor infront of me happened twice but none after). And another instance where a friend used 1 super glue and it fixed all 3 pieces of armor. Would recommend a way to dispose of planks and seams so they dont break the map which may be the cause of most of these problems. Love the game so far looking forward to more content.
  17. On Xbox, after you have exited the game, if the game isn't fully closed/quit out of from the Xbox UI and you then turn the console off, when you reboot the console and game there is significant audio distortion in the game startup and menu screens. Force-quitting the game and restarted fixes this.
  18. In the hallway just before you enter the secret lab if you look to the right at the window you will notice the last section where the window meets the wall is a different color. If you are looking at the correct section there will be purple smoke directly on the other side. If you try to jump or walk through the different colored section of the window you will eventually get outside of the playable area. I will attach a picture of the window.
  19. Hello, I just tried to log in to my Microsoft account for the first time after a fresh install from Steam. My user name has an A in it and every time I would hit the A key, it would open up the Accessibility menu from behind the log in screen. To work around this I just typed my name on notepad and copy pasted it into the user name field. Not game breaking, just annoying lol.
  20. A couple times now I have noticed bugs just chilling out together when they're clearly supposed to be fighting. A stinkbug and an orb weaver just chilling. A group of soldier ants and a spider just hanging out outside an anthill. Each of these times, once I triggered one of the enemies by getting to close or attacking one, they would then start fighting each other.
  21. The Sound will get choppy after playing for a while. Backpack after you die can fall through the map. The side of the screen will light up with colors when playing the game. the colors will look like your holding a diamond in front of a source of light it is not hard to miss
  22. Since I can't start my game without the login crashing, I'm posting this VERY SERIOUS BUG here. Namely, I have my house raised on scaffolds, and it turns out ants and gnats can fly UNDER my house and steal from the chest THROUGH THE FLOOR. Obviously this should not happen. Love the game otherwise. Update: Having looked at my base closely, it appears that the model for the chest can easily clip through the grass floors and be opened from the outside. Not good.
  23. Just a couple Quality of Life suggestions, I know I've seen a master thread trying to do this, but all it devolved into was "i agree" not a clean thread at all. 1. When equipping armor, the armor takes up an inventory slot still, this should not be the case. 2. When transferring items from inventory to storage, a move stack option would be nice. Bugs/unintended exploits 1. When on top of the mysterious machine, you can stand in the middle and range attack larva and other ground based mobs and have no threat of being attacked by them. 2. Gotten stuck in grass blades and Clovers a few times. Seemed like a geography glitch more than anything.
  24. So it seems the Copperlane map stuff is being put on top of every other map in the city.So all of the magnifying glass prompts, the hidden cache, the names of locations on the map like the Goose and the Fox. All of that is just being put on top of every other map and I've mostly been able to navigate around it, I just have to walk around the areas with the magnifying glass prompts but I literally can't complete a quest because it's blocking my access to an NPC. I haven't been able to find anything about this in all the bug threads I've seen so I was wondering if anyone had a clue how to fix this. It started when I entered Copperlane and so far it has affected every single location I've been to afterwards. Screenshot from the Goose and the Fox. I need to speak to Weaxel for "Something Secret" and I can't reach him because the entire area is covered by the magnifying prompt for some reason. Other prompts don't take over entire areas so I have to assume this is part of the bug.
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