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  1. Lycan Colony (2006) - The son and daughter of a missing ex-special forces operative and a disgraced alcoholic surgeon cross paths in a town populated entirely by werewolves. You know, as someone who watches a lot of crappy movies, I'm quite accustomed to seeing day for night. Seeing both actual shot at night and multiple instances of day for night, different but both awful, in the same sequence is new though. To say that this movie is incompetent would be quite the understatement. Everything is wrong. Everything. The acting is atrocious, the audio blows out the microphone numerous times, there are scenes filmed in front of a green screen of a forest when other scenes were actually shot in a forest, rather than draw a tattoo with a sharpie on one of the actors, the filmmaker decided it was a better idea to superimpose an image on a moving body part with predictable results, also there's fart magic. This film was clearly made by someone who had no clue whatsoever how to make a movie.
  2. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/06/major-sony-playstation-budget-figures-leaked-because-of-poor-sharpie-redactions/
  3. mind boggling so 30% o' 33 total returns for your first research which is most broad. 50% o' 4 total results from your curious narrow sharpie search (compare https://forums.obsidian.net/search/?&q=sharpie&page=1&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy) 75% o' 9 total results from final search. and again, w/o any explanation as to your divination. compare to the most obvious search which yielded 204 total. figment? mostly? again, you clear didn't bother to search before making your mostly and figment observations, or you just lied. what is the reasonable alternative? HA! Good Fun! ps the real question is: why do you keep doing this to yourself? pps am beginning to suspect skarpen is actual a marco rubio alt turns out the secretary were following the masking guidelines o' the Philippines. so, unable to accept he got wrong, he does the follow up post problem is the other photos is not from the Philippines. singapore and vietnam. the thing is, am betting marco stops at two fails.
  4. You have some serious problems, you know. I just wrote to you: so I didn't have to divine anything just read your posts for the last couple of months... ~30% Searched for 'Sharp_one, sharpie, sharp' in All Content (obsidian.net) ~50% Searched for 'sharpie' in All Content (obsidian.net) ~75% Searched for 'Sharp_one' in All Content (obsidian.net) BTW: You clearly are not obsessed
  5. there is folks who complain 'bout how the fake news is out to get trump and that various media organizations is fixated 'pon the President beyond reason. perhaps there is a few individual reporters who don't care 'bout the facts as it relates to trump, but such is hardly the norm. the disconnect arises 'cause is some in the media trying to report on this President same as they did for past Presidents. however, the black sharpie alteration o' a weather map shows how trump has complete changed the way news is reported. all through his campaign, and from day 1 o' his presidency with the ridiculous crowd size claims, trump has lied so consistent and so indiscriminate that the media no longer bothers to report as they would have for any other President in memory. past Presidents need not even lie and they would be raked over the coals by media for months (years) for arguable mistruths. trump lies. he lies small and he lies big and he lies so unreasonable it is impossible to even use self-interest to divine if a Presidential untruth were intentional or the result o' mistake. the irony is that this President, more than any other in recent memory, has been allowed by the media to functional get away with lies. the country, the news media included, has become utter numb to constant, willful and bizarre mendacity from the wh. yeah, fox changed the game by being so successful. the folks in the business o' news recognized it is more lucrative to sell news their audience wants to read as 'posed to trying to let folks make up their own minds 'bout an event or issue. such isn't particular new, but how effective the media has been at accelerating polarization surprises us. even so... how does this happen? a black sharpie to try and make trump's alabama comments legit? nevertheless, in a day or two, this moment from the madhouse on pennsylvania avenue will be largely forgotten... just another entry on the improbable ledger o' Presidential lies. is the kinda brain freeze stoopid moment which would dog any other President for months or years, but not trump. compared to shutting down the government for a wall and muslim bans and pu$$y grab, this is small timey, no? the media has never been unbiased and impartial. am not certain why folks pretend as if such were ever the standard. am not certain why we need repeat this obvious point each time the evil press is message board fodder, but so it goes. you got a President who cannot tell the truth and then claims the press is the "enemy o' the people." gosh, one wonders why the press would be concerned 'bout such, eh? and yeah, 'cause somebody will mention or reflect 'pon it, during the first two years o' his administration, obama got the benefit of the doubt more often than not from much o' the popular news organizations. 'course after two years the honeymoon were over and obama went after journalists such that the fed attempted to criminalize journalists more frequent than any President since Lincoln. "The Obama administration used the 1917 Espionage Act with unprecedented vigor, prosecuting more people under that law for leaking sensitive information to the public than all previous administrations combined. Obama’s Justice Department dug into confidential communications between news organizations and their sources as part of that effort. "In 2013 the Obama administration obtained the records of 20 Associated Press office phone lines and reporters’ home and cell phones, seizing them without notice, as part of an investigation into the disclosure of information about a foiled al-Qaida terrorist plot. "AP was not the target of the investigation. But it called the seizure a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into its news-gathering activities, betraying information about its operations “that the government has no conceivable right to know.” "Obama’s Justice Department also secretly dogged Fox News journalist James Rosen, getting his phone records, tracking his arrivals and departures at the State Department through his security-badge use, obtaining a search warrant to see his personal emails and naming him as a possible criminal conspirator in the investigation of a news leak." https://www.apnews.com/ffc60235c26c470c9047e0da6ff19f95 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/30/barack-obama-press-freedom-strong-media-stop-donald-trump obama complained 'bout press almost constant from end of second year to end of second term, and that is 'cause the press were bending over backwards for him? no. all it took were one Presidential election and the "enemy of the people" bit to make folks forget obama's adversarial relationship with the press. regardless, the truth is that all too often trump gets a free pass from the press. is too much lies and crazy and even arguable illegal (need remind folks mueller report clear found considerable evidence o' both obstruction and collusive behaviour) for the press to pretend this administration may be covered as others. the public is too polarized for the press to pretend as if they are able to do their jobs same as in previous years. every time the press reveals facts o' a new trump lie or misdeed, trump supporters see as evidence the press is out to get trump and one new lie or misdeed ain't gonna make a difference to those who already distrust trump. a black sharpie alteration to a map showing hurricane progress, to cover for a twitter misstatement? this is wh reality in 2019. black sharpie moment will be largely abandoned by press as o' next week. this is also reality in 2019. HA! Good Fun!
  6. am current referencing intentional obfuscation, which is political relevant, yes? marco rubio knowing or mistaken posted pictures o' the secretary o' defense in singapore and vietnam as some sorta argument defending an earlier phillipines blunder. skarpen makes a 50% of posts claim ignoring fact every single use o' the searched terms by this poster were either from after his initial search, or referenced trump's sharpie pen. the wrong is similar and is has nothing whatsoever to do with the history o' a former poster. nevertheless, am guessing you are taking a more expansive view and simply want the bickering to end, whether is related to the shortcomings o' a former poster or not. fine. as an aside, notice how marco rubio, in his subsequent post cropped the photo 'o the secretary o' defense in the philipines which were original showing other military officers similar masked and shielded. these guys just can't help themselves, eh? HA! Good Fun! ps edit out repeat word
  7. "Unfortunately there is no such user and the search only returns mostly you referring to this guy so I must assume he's a figment of your paranoia." so, the person o' whom you were unable to discover 'cause there were no such user, you divined alternative names for your search? ok, show us. receipts. show us how you discovered alt naming conventions from near entire before you began posting. show the returns from such searches and the numbers o' responses which result in a finding o' "mostly" compared to the 204 from a simple and obvious search o' the former poster who abandoned the board weeks before you arrived. and again, using the suspended poster's moniker in a search yields literal hundreds o' options which is quite unreasonable to square with your "figment" observation. you are so terrible at this and am taking advantage o' the shortcoming you share with the former poster. HA! Good Fun! ps amusing, but Gromnir doesn't even figure as "mostly" with a search o' "sharpie"? not even close.
  8. @BruceVC am admitted not sure how to dispel your confusion. the above quoted material were your worst case scenario of the fantasized prosecution o' folks for expressing antigovernmental ideology, a hobgoblin gd conjured outta the internet ether with the help o' an obscure journalist and a red sharpie pen. you were also angered by putin's transparent whataboutism regarding january 6. russia declares opposition groups extremist and dangerous and then uses such as an excuse to imprison protesters and prevent anybody even tangential related to the extremist group in question from running for elected office in russia. according to putin is ok though, 'cause look at the chaos o' january 6 and see how the US jailed and prosecuted those individuals bringing their complaints to the Capitol on january 6. cringeworthy, and bruce agreed putin's actions and excuses regarding russian protesters were unjustified. nevertheless, when barr and trump were engaged in illegal behavior o' suppression, you defended them. barr and trump claimed their authority arose from the fact the protesters, as a group, were engaged in seditious behavior, anti-governmental behavior. blm and antifa were dangerous extremist groups. however, the individuals whisked away in unmarked vans and imprisoned were not subject to any probable cause findings and there were no warrants issued for their arrests. the American Citizens in portland and elsewhere, denied right to counsel and due process, were not committing crimes when they were treated much like russian protesters, and all too frequent subjected to similar levels o' violence and thuggery as part o' their apprehension and detention. the crime the folks whisked away by nameless agents in the dead o' night were guilty of was associating with blm. how do we know this? 'cause none of 'em were actually charged with crimes. you defended such actions as reasonable, 'cause blm and antifa, in your mind is dangerous. you didn't need proof that the persons denied basic Constitutional rights by trump and barr's stormtroopers actual committed crimes because, according to barr and trump, they were affiliated with blm. during the summer your were defending the same argument as putin made at his presser and you don't realize it or are purposeful ignoring. for putin, the denial o' basic freedoms and rights is okie dokie 'cause the people being prevented from running for office or who were detained during the recent widespread protests in russia were affiliated with dangerous extremist organizations. is exact same argument made by barr, trump (and bruce) during the summer when it were blm protesters who were being arrested w/o due process o' law. again, barr used sedition laws to claim he had authority to carry out his illegal suppression. blm and antifa, and anybody barr or trump claimed were affiliated with those undeserving o' basic rights o' every other American Citizen. but again, the proverbial cherry on top is, given an opportunity to imagine a "worse case scenario" o' the government denying freedoms and rights 'cause a person or group embraces the wrong ideology, you latch onto blm... as the source o' oppression. is something broken, and am not certain how to fix. HA! Good Fun!
  9. which is complete irrelevant 'cause the issue at hand is honesty and factual accuracy. the press (discuss as if the press is a monolithic singularity is pushing past suspect into ridicule-worthy territory, no?) has always exhibited bias and spin to various degrees. admitted, particular post ww2 to pre-2000, mass media news sources at least attempted to keep overt bias to a minimum. this were especially true for radio and tv news 'cause radio and tv were/are technical public utilities and as access to such utilities were limited, different standards were imposed on tv and radio in the interest o' safeguarding the public trust. we can discuss that issue in another post or thread if you wish. however, such is not relevant to present issue. red herring. is the press accurate reporting trump's foible? is they being factual accurate? which parties in the present kerfuffle is mendacious and dishonest? balance is not relevant to a question o' whether trump altered a map and what the forecasts for dorian were at the time trump made his alabama tweets. press bias doesn't have any impact 'pon what the sharpie incident says 'bout the President's honesty and/or his shortcomings. the only reason so many is conflating the issue o' bias with accuracy is 'cause o' the disturbingly pervasive and insidious success o' the mind boggling stoopidity which is the alternative facts efforts from within the wh and supported by breitbart and other news *insert eye roll* organizations. regardless, is comical how the press bias thing gets predictable play every time trump lies. just as we predicted earlier in this thread, trump and supporters retreat to the enemy of the people attacks on the press every time trump lies and such gets accurate reports by press... which is disturbing and weird when you think 'bout it. complain the press ain't accurate reporting both trump mistake and the trump follow-up efforts to defend? no. complain the press ain't balanced. ... uh, so what? that said, the following is suggested reading for otherwise irrelevant: https://web.stanford.edu/~ayurukog/cable_news.pdf https://pcl.stanford.edu/research/2009/iyengar-redmedia-bluemedia.pdf second link is relative brief and covers similar territory. HA! Good Fun! ps orwellian 2+2=5 is the only reason the story still has legs. sure, trump campaign selling trump markers for $15 is gonna get a reaction from a number o' news organizations, but how much more can be said 'bout trump's most recent attempt at gaslighting? the thing is, find out the noaa were directing employees not to contradict the President as o' september 1st is gonna keep story alive a bit longer than one might have expected. executive branch efforts to censor nws scientists is news even if trump were to abandon the fight over his mistake. am nevertheless not seeing the larger story last much past the weekend. as improbable and disturbing as the sharpie bit would be if any other President in living memory attempted, this is ordinary in 2019.
  10. Uhm, of course good sir! *quietly drops bruce-slash-sharpie.txt into the recycle bin* PallaPalla is serious business but she's nowhere close to pulling off a Telulu and ripping out the pure heart crystals of what looks like all of Tokyo.
  11. Don't mind me, I'm just hiding in the polling sites and smudging black sharpie bubbles.
  12. "Dumb politics"? Nice way to be condescending but aloof. You and sharpie have more in common than you think. Well I didn't really go into details, but I would think you would agree that Brad Wardell's commentary is dumb. But really, there is an entire team of developers and artists that worked on a game that I am interested in, and I buy games to support those people who poured years of their lives into these projects, rather than the business folks who are focused on maximizing profits. That holds true for every game I purchase. If that means me and Sharpie are peas in a pod, then so be it.
  13. Crayon for rough drafts, sharpie for big boy writing.
  14. Surprised he is using a sharpie, thought for sure he was a crayon kind of guy.
  15. Always good to know we can rely on our resident contrarian to defend people who are triggered by the offer of a free mask. Never change Sharpie. Growth is a sign of weakness.
  16. medicine dan pleads for restraint and caution, right up until there is any info which might lessen or legitimize trump's irresponsible promotion o' a drug untested for covid-19 treatment. suddenly feels chatty 'bout hydroxy. fact medicine dan can't or won't admit what he is doing is disheartening but not surprising. and still missing the point 'bout the real issue. again, the answer to the question o' why media is beating trump on hydroxy is 'cause trump, instead o' being reasonable and letting science answer the question as to whether hydroxy has value for covid-19 treatment, keeps pushing and promoting. is no mystery. President should not have been promoting a drug untested for covid-19, particular as such promotion caused serious shortages for lupus patients. period. is no way to make trump the victim w/o twisting self in a hypocritical knot. suggestion: do as you recommend for trump. trump's promotion were unwarranted and irresponsible. medicine dan defense o' trump is similar unwarranted and unreasonable. fact you can't or refuse to admit is symptomatic. perhaps unaware, you are making same fail as trump. double-down does not help you anymore than it helps trump salvage his cancer causing sound from windmill claims or his sharpie altered weather maps. elsa wants you to let it go. HA! Good Fun!
  17. so medicine dan does wanna discuss hydroxy? didn't wanna discuss 'til he finds what appears to be a life preserver for trump? 'course the lifeline doesn't actual legitimize what is the irresponsible promotion by trump o' hydroxy, which medicine dan is still missing as the point o' the animosity o' trump's double-down behaviour as 'posed to any kinda misplaced anger at a drug. again, anger weren't 'bout hydroxy but rather trump's initial reckless promotion o' an unproven drug which resulted in shortages for those people who genuine do benefit from the drug. when confronted with the lack o' scientific support for promoting an unproven drug simple to provide hope to the masses (is least skeevy argument in favor o' trump's promotion 'cause otherwise is worst kinda self-serving cronyism) trump doubled-down and increased the promotion o' hydroxy contemporaneous with being questioned 'bout every subsequent hydroxy study which appears to call its covid-19 benefits into question. for chrissakes, the media, as a whole, did their freaking job insofar as hydroxy is concerned. the % o' americans who has any idea o' what is possible benefits and the subsequent side effects o' hydroxy in the treatment o' covid-19 patients at the time trump first promoted would be negligible. media sources did due diligence and presented facts o' covid-19 to understandable ignorant public. reasonable media then did responsible and asked the President why he would advocate so strong for hydroxy in spite o' so little scientific support while simultaneous observing the potential dangers o' promoting a drug not approved for treating. point out dr. fauci reservations is counting as hounding the President? observe shortages suffered by lupus patients is unfair? mention va studies and others which question hydroxy efficacy? how on earth does medicine dan see such as unreasonable? such questions is, paradoxical, only unreasonable 'cause the President doesn't have good responses. consider for a moment a change in reality: if trump had scientific data and preponderance o' expert support on hydroxy issues, such questions as medicine dan is seeming seeing as unfair would be labeled as softballs lobbed up to make trump look good. internet is only place we may have these kinda discussions. in rl we use understanding and empathy 'cause confront the obtuse with their unreasonable and irrational support o' trump behaviours does not promote constructive dialectic. such ineffectual understanding in the face o' rejection o' sound argument and clear facts is so exhausting. get to throw of shackles o' nice behaviour. medicine dan, and the like, will spin every trump criticism. why? question trump 'bout idiocy such as crowd size, cancer causing windmill sound and sharpie altered weather maps is inverted and becomes criticism o' liberal media hounding the President? and those is the minor lies and mistakes which trump promotes. is maddening. is madness. HA! Good Fun!
  18. trump loyalty baffles us. the double-down on stoopid or wrong is shrugged off by trump loyalists, while responsible journalism is derided. whether is injecting disinfectant, cancer causing sound from windmills or sharpie altered hurricane forecasts, is the media which is at fault. what? the media didn't immediate vilify hydroxy championing by trump, 'cause honestly, how many folks in the media knew anything 'bout hydroxychloroquine? journalists did what they were s'posed to do-- they interviewed/asked actual experts to figure out what is hydroxy and why it would be a treatment getting Presidential approval. so when indisputed medical experts such as fauci suggested it were too early to advocate hydroxy and that it were arguable irresponsible to promote such a drug w/o more rigorous and controlled testing, journalists questioned trump 'bout his advocacy. blame on media? why? 'course predictable, trump doubled-down and suggested plots and conspiracies in addition to making claim the drug were perfect safe and people should take for covid-19. weren't a major issue until trump made it an issue. nevertheless, is somehow media's fault. btw, in case medicine dan missed it, we had the hydroxychloroquine discussion earlier in this thread and personal we can see some arguable optimism for use by young and healthy patients. for older patients with comorbidities unlikely to be facing cytokine storm scenario from covid-19... nevertheless, 'cause has been known for decades hydroxy has positive lab results on viruses in lab situations, every time a new virus appears, hydroxy gets tested, as it should. has never proven effective in the past outside o' a lab, but is no reason not to at least test. regardless, a reasonable person might question why trump were so dogged advocating hydroxy in spite o' expert cautions... just as a reasonable person might be concerned 'bout trump's windmill crusade and his willingness to alter weather maps. a reasonable person might... trump loyalists abandon reasonable. blame media. blame democrats. blame religious minorities such as muslims and jews. blame immigrants. this kinda endemic obtuseness wouldn't bother us save that on a national scale is dangerous. is dangerous when the leader is 'bove question and his followers is so quick to cast blame elsewheres. am gonna remind medicine dan and others how this double-down behaviour were a day 1 (and earlier) issue. inauguration crowd size were not a big deal, until the administration lied 'bout it. the press weren't dogged 'bout crowd size-- crowd size were meaningful to few save for trump. media kept asking 'cause the administration were gaslighting and were attempting to force parks service and other nonpartisan bureaucrats to lie on behalf o' the administration. shoulda' been a warning to the trump loyalists that their champion were willing to gaslight and come up with "alternative facts" bs to defend what shoulda' been an issue o' limited consequence. if trump would lie 'bout inconsequential, then why not the important stuff? oh, and medicine dan, seeing as how he is now a medical professional, should be particular concerned 'bout the President's irresponsible advocacy o' hydroxy. 'cause o' the President advocating w/o legit scientific basis, there is now a shortage o' hydroxy for people who suffer from lupus... unless you are rich and wealthy and have connections. understandably, and for what should be obvious reasons, lupus patients who use immunosuppressives has had to alter their medication regimen during the current pandemic. so for lupus patients hoping to manage their condition, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are the options. am suspecting some in media do take perverse pleasure at seeing every new study which supports notion hydroxy is as ineffective regarding covid-19 as every past virus. unfortunate. no doubt there is more than a few media folks who, understandable, want trump to fail. go figure. is no surprise some take personal being labeled as enemies o' the state for reporting. fact some in the media want trump to fail is unfortunate, but such bias don't make their reporting o' trump blunders wrong. however, it don't take any kinda mental gymnastics to recognize media bias while simultaneous admitting trump is a mendacious and skeevy huckster who will invariably double-down on every falsehood and mistake no matter how minor. HA! Good Fun!
  19. Thanks for explaining the joke, Sharpie.
  20. I'm not injecting myself into your conversation with Sharpie, rather pointing out something tangentially. Getting a business loan is difficult in that it makes the lending entity a partner in your business plan. It also gives them an interest in the financial positions of any partners you may have. If the seed capital for the business is entirely made up of the loan you had better be able to demonstrate to the lender a sustainable business model and the ability to personally float the costs through the start up process with contingencies for cost overruns. The business should also begin with sufficient assets for the lender to lien against or they will want to make your personal property part of your business property (something to be avoided). It is difficult to do because it is the financial equivalent to a full rectal exam. If your loan is to start a mine you need to come to them with geological studies to prove the ore you hope to find is there in sufficient quantities and you have already excavated some to show them. Start up seed money is usually not done through business loans because lenders are so reluctant to lend seed capital. Once the hole is dug and the gold is coming out THEN you can get financing much. MUCH easier. Case in point my last business I started with six other partners. My share of the seed capital came to close to $300k. I mortgaged my house and sold off a lot of assets and borrowed from my 401k to raise it. Two years in the business was profitable and we had to beat off financiers with a stick when we wanted to expand. To bring this back to your example of the 20 guys and a mine. It would be very hard to get a loan to start the business but if they started it by personally financing the seed capital it would be easy to get business loans afterwards.
  21. KP & Numbers do you guys know the story of Br'er Rabbit and the Tar Baby? KP you should growing up in the US. Numbers it would be worth your while to google it if you don't know it. Sharpie is (at times) a tar baby.
  22. YES! spicer comes out day 1 o' Presidency and equivocates about crowd size. looks kinda silly, but no big deal. spicer comes out day 2 and he is a pugnacious ball o' fighting fury and he tries to gaslight. of course the media covers overt Presidential lie. any other President woulda' got just as much coverage for such stoopid and obvious attempts to dissemble and mislead and change facts. and the administration kept on lying and lying and lying. every time media asked a question, trump and spicer and kellyanne conway lie more? thank you ms. conway. am knowing we will never forget the bowling green massacre. do you even recall how this went down? you think is not worth coverage 'cause is a small and petty issue? it's a LIE. it's a stoopid lie. and arguable worse, it were gaslighting. were such an obvious lie, but instead the narrative becomes alternative facts and the badness o' the fake news media, fake news which were accurate reporting trump lies? oh, and btw, you kinda miss point 'cause we got months and years o' previous trump badness in our post which had come before day 2 o' the Presidency. this were just another lie, but it were telling 'cause he couldn't even get through two days w/o gaslighting a nation. is why the sharpie pen alteration o' a weather map were no surprise to anybody. such monumental stoopid and unsupportable were the norm from whenever you wanna try and identify day 1. honestly stopped reading here 'cause... *shrug* you not care is why such a crude and vulgar parody o' a man who advocated overt unconstitutional could get elected. HA! Good Fun!
  23. The way it was explained to me, in an abstract sense, they are strictly separate elements. The rationale for doing something is not the same thing as the volitive element (mens rea in English Law and dolus in German Law) which is required to hold someone accountable of a specific kind of crime. Problem is, depending on whether it's a common law court or a civil law one, looking at the motive may determine whether it's (voluntary) manslaughter or a more serious variant of murder. Looking at the motive may help establish whether the outcome is consistent with the intent, which constitutes evidence, but is not criminal conduct by itself. For instance, let's imagine that Sharp_One is talking smack to Tyrone the Black Racist. Tyrone gets mad and shoves Sharpie, making him trip and fall down. In the fall he hits his head against the tombstone of the White Race, and unfortunately breaks his neck. People generally aren't killed when pushed and it's reasonable to argue that he never intended to deprive the world of such a paragon of virility and whiteness, so a first-degree murder charge would be harder to pin on Tyrone. (Voluntary) manslaughter, second-degree murder at worst, assuming this is in a jurisdiction without racially aggravated murder rules. Now, if instead of pushing, Tyrone pulled a gun and pumped Sharp_One's sorry ass full of lead, it would be hard to argue that Tyrone did not intend to cause his death (malice aforethought as GD said). First-degree murder. In both cases, Tyrone's actions are influenced by his irrational hatred and deep-seated jealousy of the Master Race, and in both cases the outcome is the same, but evidently they are very different scenarios... in an abstract sense, at least. To poor old Sharpie, it makes no difference. Again, different jurisdictions and legal traditions muddle the issue further, and while some are going to agree with you that not only intent but motive matters when looking at the crime, it's not a universal idea.
  24. and 'cause is already forgotten, this President recent tried to gaslight the nation with a freaking sharpie pen. additional, had the administration try and muzzle the scientists who embarrassed him by trying to speak truth by having head o' noaa issue a directive demanding that any and all should avoid contradicting the Presidential lies. got less than one full week o' attention. what the hell is happening?
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