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Everything posted by gkathellar

  1. I just wish you could hold some extras in the stash. Trying to remember the location of every set of camping supplies I've had to leave behind because of the limit is irritating. I like this idea. It would be cool to have some quests in the game that you can actually fail by leaving the dungeon before finishing. I also liked the examples a lot. I hate this idea. To me it just seems like arbitrarily limited my experience and playstyle to fit some pre-determined idea of how I "should" play. I don't abuse rest--but sometimes I get bored and want to go do something else for a while. I should have that freedom. It would also punish players who try a quest that's too difficult for them at their current level, and come back later. But that's what we want, right? To punish people for exploring without a strategy guide. Damn those casuals.
  2. I wouldn't take any of them, unless you're trying to hit very specific build goals or you really have no other talents worth taking.
  3. Are you limited to sacrificing one companion to the Blood Pool in the Dyrford Ruins? Or can you sacrifice more than one? I've never done it myself, and I've read conflicting things about this.
  4. QFT. Sometimes I will get up and get a glass of water in the middle of a fight. When I get back, my paladin will still be standing in that bottleneck, flailing away. My experience so far is that the solo paladin depends a lot on pulling mobs and using consumables. They finally start to catch up around level 5-6, but even then, you really depend on knowing exactly which fights you're ready for. You really can't afford to overextend yourself at all.
  5. Copper has a couple of standout properties: conductivity, resistance to corrosion, durability, and being biostatic (bacteria and such don't grow on copper). It also shows up in basically all living organisms. But I'd put my bets on the suggestion that Engwithan soul machines either use or generate electricity.
  6. Oh, absolutely. It's right there in the Aloth's accent. Agree. The Dyrwood actually seems to be a pretty decent place when its society isn't crumbling into dust due to years spent with barely any infants born. One could argue this is a big part of the reason that Thaos goes after it. While we hear a lot about a couple of bad events in Dyrwoodan history, the lore reveals a pretty dynamic nation with a lot to be said for it. Particularly threatening to the Engwithan agenda is the interplay between Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath, a relationship which seems to have prompted tremendous social and scientific progress in both nations since Hadret's time. Dyrwoodan knowledge of animancy is problematic for Thaos, but what's even worse is that Dyrwoodan animancers are sharing knowledge with Glanfathan mystics, which is a group he really can't afford to lose. This. It parallels the nation, yes, but not really any specific points in its history. Broad strokes.
  7. What are the odds that Sagani is standing in that very crossing at that exact time, and what are the odds that Durance would be sent in a vision to find you? Odds do not apply to the rule of cool. Also, in this game, you play a magical spirit-shaper with an ancient soul and a habit of talking to the gods. At times, you perform casual mind control. You have the option to eat an entire neighborhood's worth of spiritual power. Presumably, "attracts odd people," comes with the territory. So there's that.
  8. I think the implication (and it's a very Avellone-esque implication) is that the Watcher doesn't chance upon these people who know each other, but rather that people who have been hurt in specific ways are drawn to the Watcher (like how Nameless One's companions were all tormented, or how the Exile's companions all had negative relationships with the Force). It's a deterministic thing, rather than a question of odds.
  9. They both show up in Raedric's keep, in the hidden items cache in the area above the Berathian quarters. Whether you get one or the other or neither comes down to the loot table.
  10. well, there was gunpowder in lotr... HA! Good Fun! Some kind of rudimentary explosive, anyway. But it was mostly there so that Tolkien could wax luddite.
  11. "It can get results," is not equivalent to, "it's balanced or valuable relative to the other classes." If all you're looking for is a class that's better than nothing, more power to you. But because of its scattered and incoherent design, the paladin contributes less than any other class.
  12. Dammit... I wish I'd known that. Still looking for those gloves in my playthrough. I like the random loot in general, but honestly those gloves should be guaranteed to be obtained at some point in the game. They're too important for finding other stuff, and it's too big of a bonus to hand out based on RNG. Yes, I'm sore that my roommate got them on lvl 5 of the endless paths and I still haven't found them partway through act 2. ;P I believe they also show up in Lle a Rhemen on day 11. Mind you, both of these statements are hearsay as far as I'm concerned - I haven't had a chance to check either yet. But yes, I agree with you entirely that these gloves should be guaranteed. Honestly, I'd rather the loot were constant but randomly distributed, as per the Item Randomiser mod for BG2.
  13. For reference, I've seen it said that if you open one of the chest's in Raedric's room on the 17th of any month (due to the way the loot table works), it'll have a pair of gloves that give you +2 mechanics. If you have those, you can modify any of the above answers to suit.
  14. Naw, it's just that of the two support classes, one sucks at doing support, and the other doesn't.
  15. Vast majority likes **** pop singers like Gaga or Spears. PoE was being marketed on KS as a IE spiritual successor and made promises they didn't keep. Opinions are like ****. It's all good to have one and be proud of it, but nobody really cares about yours nor particularly wants it shoved in their face. I don't know. Judging by a lot of threads relating to romances and incloooshion, some people are quite insistant about shoving **** in other people's faces. Or having it shoved onto themselves.
  16. ITT: "I have an opinion, and these critics agree with me. Therefore my opinion is right. Suck it, Sensuki!" Never mind the metacritic is methodologically questionable at best.
  17. If the gods were created by kith, from whence do they derive any kind of moral authority? Thaos wants the gods' origins to remain unknown because he is afraid of their moral authority being questioned. Iovara wants their origins to be known because she believes kith have the right to decide for themselves how they want to live. There are larger philosophical questions to be asked, but within PoE's own parameters, these are the reasons that it matters.
  18. Supporting, attacking, supporting through attacking. The usual things a character who is not tanking does. Building overtanky weakens the key Paladin gimmick of support delivery: abilities that activate on killing blows. Which is not to say that a stereotypical tank build doesn't work well on Paladins. It does, but it also militates against the supporty aspects. Build diversity in action. Wat. Sure, building to tank weakens the key paladin gimmick of support delivery, but the key paladin gimmick of support delivery is awful. The buffs are unimpressive compared to what a priest can offer. Worse, triggering them is inconvenient at best, when support is the one role you actually need to have on-call. Failing to build your paladin for support is like failing to practice flying by flapping your arms as part of your daily exercise routine. Can you run a paladin as a front-line supporter? Sure, but you pay a ginormous opportunity cost for using a paladin instead of a priest for this role. You also pay an opportunity cost for not developing your paladin fully as a tank (although frankly, if you want a tank in a party environment, fighter is usually better). Paladins are uniquely good for one thing, and no other class even comes close with regards to that one thing - using their ridiculously high defenses to sit and tank everything. No other class can just stand around with a 170/170/170/110 defense spread near-indefinitely. If you're looking to do anything else, though? Another class can do it better.
  19. They're coral? Is this confirmed anywhere? It's kind of a cool notion, but I don't remember anything about that.
  20. In fairness, just that alone is a -40 Will penalty. Once you start totaling up the penalties, I wouldn't be surprised if that puts Will in the lead at least for the first few debuffs.
  21. Crystals grow. I'm not saying Adra is or isn't alive, but as adra is crystalline, growth doesn't necessarily suggest anything about it.
  22. It does cause reputation loss if you do it in front of non-backer npcs. Gotta be covert.
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