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Everything posted by Bendu

  1. Thank god I'm playing with a controller. Hope you are using the DSfix mod. I think it has an .ini file for keymapping. Yeah, the game does not explain its mechanics. While this is very frustraing on the one side, it is also satisfying if you find out what this mechanics do ingame. I really love the exploration in the game. It's so thrilling when you enter a new area.
  2. Dark Souls. Thank god there is a graphic mod. Otherwise it would be the worst port ever. The respawn mechanic is kinda lame and using a bow feels like cheating so far, but I really like exploring the castle and the minimalistic tone of the story.
  3. No love for AP? Maybe for a copy of KotOR2? Problem is, I can't buy those two DLC packs as they are not available on the German Steam market.
  4. Really, Chris should start his own formspring account.
  5. Anyone willing to trade the Shogun 2 & Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai Blood Pack DLC for a copy of Alpha Protocol on Steam?
  6. Replaying NWN2 OC for the first time and I it's a blast. Way better than I remember. Also playing Anno 2070 Deep Ocean.
  7. Nathaniel Chapman (Ex-Obsidian) http://www.formspring.me/pedrothedagger
  8. Finished my first playthrough. It's a fun game overall, but basically it's the cover based corridor shooter of strategy games.
  9. Not to forget the Codex ($6,593.21 USD) and Neogaf (ca. $5,000 USD) fundraiser and Gamebanshees chipin ($3,111,00 USD).
  10. Bendu


    I really like Max Richters recomposed Four Seasons. Summer 1 is probably my favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9kXvud7YiU
  11. To be less linear and have more tactical options, which hopefully the AI is able to use them as well.
  12. Yes, I have. But this isn't 1995 anymore.
  13. Demo was pretty disappointing. And I didn't know the game was based on the Unreal engine. Now I'm expecting small maps too.
  14. Other stretch goals I would like to see are some kind of origin stories for each class and having an ingame codex/lore/readable books. I wouldn't name some big goals because in the end the people will be dissapointed if they are not achieved and they will feel that something is missing in the final product.
  15. Origin stories? You mean like Arcanum, or like Dragon Age? Dragon Age. I could be a flashback and instead of gaining XP and loot you would determine some unique perks/traits.
  16. Stretch goals were all fine to me. If Obsidian wants to make an expansion pack, then they should do another Kickstarter. I will give them my money again. There are only two more stretch goals I'm interested in: origin stories for all classes and bringing Mr. Ziets back to this project.
  17. What's your rig, Lexx? I'm still having problems with my i7, 8GB Ram and AMD 69... whatever...
  18. DA:O UI would be perfect.
  19. Played Rage last week. It is so boring I don't know if I'm gonna finish the game. Also started with the latest world event in Anno 2070. Actually it is quiet challenging unlike the previous world events.
  20. No matter what, but please don't make the speech skill a winning buttom. It's time to refine this skill.
  21. I want to see both. DLC and Expansion Packs. I think both can coexist and complement one another. But right now I haven't seen a publisher doing it right. While DLCs should take place during the main campaign like in FNV, Expansion Packs should be some kind of expanded epiloge like Thron of Baal or Mask of the Betrayer.
  22. They shouldn't waste their time for developing modding tools. I want see as much content as possible. Not by modders, but by developers.
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