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Everything posted by Bendu

  1. Total War: Shogun 2 ingame manual is just awesome. That's the way it should be.
  2. Torchlight 2 would be nice. Do you want something in return? You can check my inventory for some Obsidian games.
  3. My wallet is ready.
  4. I'm starting to get upset. I haven't pledged 500 bucks so Obsidian would listen to every bitching and whining from a vocal minority. I pledged becausce I trust Cain and Sawyer to create a fun, challenging and complex RPG system. So instead of improving the durability system and crafting skill they are streamlining it by removing both.
  5. I can live with the 1UPT rule, though there would have been better solutions. The unhappiness system is much worser than the 1UPT rule. But the next expension will finally fix the unbalance between the warmonger and builder.
  6. 20 minutes gameplay video by the German Civ community:
  7. Civ 5 next expansion looks very promising. It seems like they could finally fix the mess Jon Shafer left.
  8. Can't wait to play Rome II. Looks just awesome.
  9. This better also come as a cheap upgrade for those who already own the game. They were intentionally vague on the way the non-WiiU versions are going to be released, I think a part of it is that they're looking at the technical options. Obviously, if you're going to have the graphical engine rewritten, it might not be something doable in a patch. OTOH, if they release it as a Blood Dragon price level stand alone game... I could live with it, but I'm sure a lot of other people would throw a hissy. Just to be clear. I'm speaking about the PC version.
  10. This better also come as a cheap upgrade for those who already own the game.
  11. Glad to see Sony going a different direction than Microsoft. It's PS4 then.
  12. Marketing it with Barca... Fail this season
  13. It's gonna be open world, isn't it?
  14. So Morrigan is back.
  15. SW Battlefront, at least. Really, Lucasarts ****ed it up.
  16. It is. Nope. It's also X360 and PC.
  17. Titanfall looks like it could have been a systemseller for xbone if it was exclusive.
  18. My emotion is closer to trepidation to be honest. But to be fair, the RPG's landscape looks a lot more varied in the future thanks to indies and Kickstarter, so even if it doesn't look good it won't be the end of the world. No doubt. But I want to see in which direction they will move on.
  19. Looking forward to see Dragon Age 3.
  20. I like that Thief footage. Geting a Dishonored vibe. Not a bad thing.
  21. Ryse of the QTE.
  22. The shows will be as embarrassing as ever.
  23. Right now I would be interested in playing some coop games (Portal 2, Diablo 3 or the first Borderlands), multiplayer games (Shogun 2, the new XCom, Anno 2070) or Star Wars The Old Republic. Time zone: GMT +2 Available: usually at the weekend, but right now I have the next week off. Steam ID: BenduHead Battle.net: Bendu#2870
  24. Enjoying my vacation. Doing some work at home, going for a walk with the dog, eating pizza, drinking beer and playing games. Life is OK.
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