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Everything posted by mEtaLL1x

  1. Alright, here goes my fave list: (not in any particular order, except for the first 3) 1. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn 2. Fallout 2 3. StarCraft (+ Brood War) 4. Planescape: Torment 5. SW: KOTOR 2 6. Diablo II (+ Lord of Destruction) 7. WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne (with exp only) 8. Icewind Dale (first only) 9. Gothic (1+2+addon) 10. Deus Ex
  2. Hmm... a lil off-topic.. How come KOTOR 2 dialog.tlk have so few voice-sound variables? I mean, I remember in KOTOR1 dialog.tlk every phrase that was supposed to be dubbed had the sound-file variable... but KOTOR 2 - like 10 or less only... Are they keeping it somewhere else, or maybe the dialog.tlk I DLed is corrupt.... I'll find out when I DL the one that one of you posted.
  3. Hey, post some hot screenshots here please!!
  4. Dialog.tlk contains TEXT, not sounds. So if you want english voice-overs, then you gotta download sounds from the internal archive.
  5. I thought it was considered standart that girls play video games.
  6. Why burn it? Let the girls make their choice!
  7. Uh-huh, thanks. Although, I prefer to search in text files.
  8. Oh, okay I think I got a solution now. My friend created the compiler: http://ankor.newmail.ru/TlkCompiler.zip Works well enough. But if anyone comes up with an alternative or a new TLK-editor, it would be appreciated.
  9. Absolutely! That's one of its main issues. The tilesets are way too ugly to my taste. NPCs are okay... I mean, they are good, really. Especially because there are so many custom models/textures in the net. But the tilesets are crappy, in comparison with BG2 or TOrment. But again, it's all about the custom modules. THey may have some real oustanding features.
  10. and ignored. But the race seems to be very ancient.... I take it that Vendar was one of so few. But those Yodarians are sure great-looking in a fight!
  11. From the days of KOTOR1 I've gotten used to a small program called TLKPacker/Unpacker (by Ajaja) (DL it *HERE*). They were small, command-line programs, that allowed me to convert dialog.tlk into a simple TXT file, so that I could edit it easily and cut it in pieces. Then, I would just use Packer to convert the modified text document back into TLK. But it was okay only in KOTOR1, but now that KOTOR2's dialog.tlk has SO many strings (most of them unused, tho) - around 140 000, I've came across an internal error in the Packer: it couldn't pack a tlk that contains more than 100 000 strings! Unpacker, on the other hand, could turn into txt as many strings as you want. So, I'm in a dire need of a good, working TXT -> TLK converter. If anyone has any information as to where to find one, I would really appreciate that.
  12. Is there some information about Yoda and Vendar's race? What manner of creatures are they, anyway?
  13. Really hope Obisidan crew wins it!!! Chris - you are da MASTAH!!!
  14. SOUTH PARK all the way!!! But, Family Guy is great, too.
  15. Agree with Volourn completely (which is a rare thing)
  16. Challenging.... yeah, it's good when the game's challenging BUT for me the story/world/characters/dialogs matter MUCH more than that. If they are good, then I can really ignore the difficulty or its absence.
  17. Right now, my two most favorite companies are BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT and OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT. I really love both of them, especially Blizzard, cuz they seem to be such a good team and very responsible, thus making the most stable games ever. The only disadvantage of Blizzard is that they're not into classic RPG much. But overall, it'll be fantastic to work at ANY game-company for me: it's just my friggin dream.
  18. Funny ****, huh? Well, that's what almost all philosophies are about! ^_^
  19. I'd like to differentiate here: what do you mean by saying NWN is easy/difficult: its official single-player campaign? Well, yeah, it's a cakewalk, and while story is kinda "okay", everything else (world, NPCs, dialogs) is utter crap. BUt there are also user-made modules: they are very different, and they differ in both difficulty and story/design. By the way, there are user modules that are MUCH better than official campaign. Plus, there is the thing called multiplayer, and it's REALLY COOL in NWN. There are many shards out there where you can play like in MMORPG. SO, here you go
  20. LOL That was a ****ING joke, don't have a burn! damn, sometimes you are so brickheaded....
  21. Well, obvioussly, I'd like to see Baldur's Gate III (but I doubt it will be as great as Jefferson could be..) and Fallout 3. Also I really want StarCraft 2 as soon as possible.... Or any other new Blizzard's game.
  22. As you wish, but again, everything I say is MHO. So what's your problem? I just think that BG2's npcs are more alive in a way... Not that I don't like Torment's npcs, mind you.
  23. Yeah, yeah, lawkeepers..... Well, FYI, Interplay (when it was alive) allowed to DL soundtracks for free on its site, so what's the problem now? Jeremy Soule wouldn't mind, I guess. It was Interplay's property after all.... was...
  24. Well, they're all kinda simple. No big tactics, really. The only thing that matters is how well are your char's stats and spell choices. And HoF is like: get yourself a party of half-mages, or half of party being mages and cast instant death spells everywhere, plus use invisibility (if it's unpatched, as someone noted).
  25. I think, first of all, he is the father of Star Wars. So pay him some respect, even if he makes mistakes.
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