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Everything posted by MrBrown

  1. I liked DA2 well enough, and I like most of Obsidian's games. Deal with it.
  2. I think the moose is collector's edition only.
  3. PC spec requirements: http://www.dragonage.com/#!/en_US/news/pc-systems-requirements-revealed
  4. Considering that in DA2 the higher difficulties were much more difficult than in DA:O, I doubt they'll ramp them down this time. There was a comment on the bio forums from one of the devs that his <10year old nephew or something could play the easiest difficulty without help, so it'll be easy if you want it to.
  5. BTW, DA:O free on Origin for a week: http://www.dragonage.com/#!/en_US/news/dragon-age-origins-on-the-house
  6. Probably all Rogues backflip when using some skills. Personally, I can't understand why effects like that are a big deal to some people.
  7. There's apparently going to be an open beta for the Keep.
  8. Not yet, but they're saying it'll be out before DA:I.
  9. Bioware posted this on facebook: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10557317_753659234683479_3287549242482429460_n.jpg?oh=9234f939c603d6a4fca4f5be61922160&oe=548D95AF&__gda__=1421693381_21ee6c93a3ae53ffc517886836273d49 Is it just me, or is the bowstring on the wrong side of her arm?
  10. Ramaladni's Gift does indeed add an extra item affix, making it very very useful. Only works on weapons though. (If your weapon already has a socket, you can enchant that to something else and then use the Gift.)
  11. Toughness is important when playing Harcore: http://www.helsinki.fi/~karilehi/d3007.jpg
  12. Not a fan. Only 8 abilities in the toolbar? And no ability to add more bars, poor. Where does it say that? It's been confirmed on twitter (and the bio forums I think). Max 8 abilities on the toolbar per character on the PC. If the ability design is similar to DA:O and DA2, and you don't have to use those slots for sustainables, 8 is enough IMO.
  13. https://twitter.com/BioMarkDarrah/status/505450050688794624/photo/1
  14. They're just carrying over the stuff from BG2? Bah.
  15. I actually like the removing of healing spells. Means you're not half-required to bring a mage along anymore. I'm ambivalent on the weapon restrictions. It looks like, unlike DA2, party-NPCs will be able to use both weapon styles of their class though. I'm not sure about the no-autoheal after combat though. If done wrong, it can lead to all battles being really easy because you have to retain your health through the whole level. So I hope they don't mess it up.
  16. I played the base game on PS3, the stats and numbers were a bit different, so it felt a bit different. But yeah, for sofa-MP, consoles are king.
  17. HA HA HA!!1 I mean RIP. Hey wuss, I only see you playing softcore these days. Lost your manhood?
  18. Lesson of the day: Don't go against the Act2 keywarden with a missile build. Especially not on HC. RIP.
  19. Yeah, it's too bad they took out those legendary crafting components, it was kinda fun. Understandable though, as grinding for those optimally was pretty stupid.
  20. Multiplayer announced. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/08/26/dragon-age-inquisitions-co-op-multiplayer-is-all-about-loot Sounds a lot like ME3's.
  21. New patch coming next week. Greater rifts, leg gems, leaderboards, seasons and such.
  22. To my understanding, they're just putting everything they can think of in there in case they want to use them in future games. It's not like everything will be referenced in DA:I.
  23. On the official forums, they clarified they're longest play-through is 150 hours (doing everything possible in a single game), but that's by a person who already knew everything about the game before hand. I had 100+ hour play-through of DA:O, but that was mostly because I pick-pocketed everyone... After that I installed a mod to fasten the cooldown of steal.
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