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Everything posted by Yosharian

  1. I wish there was a male version similar to this. The default options for Coastal Aumaua are horrendous. Anyway, cool portrait.
  2. Guys anyone know if these two portraits have been done already? Making a Coastal Aumaua and of course once again minority races get the shaft in the portraits department. Cheers guys
  3. Supposedly Fire Godlikes have the most reactions in the game. Still doesn't make up for not being able to use a hat.
  4. > A dull chore Funny, that's how I feel about resting mechanics in POE1.
  5. > If you had previously backed POE 1 they even gave a discount. How much is the season pass with that discount? The season pass was $20 during the FIG campaign. The discount was $5 So I should be able to get the season pass for $15 thru the backer portal?
  6. It's gonna be easier to build a low might tank than it is to build a wizard/cipher. Wizard needs a bit of dexterity, I think. Anyway you're not gonna be able to get everything. Might is one of the most checked attributes.
  7. > If you had previously backed POE 1 they even gave a discount. How much is the season pass with that discount?
  8. Surely you can wait for the achievements to be put into the game, then just load a save just before the final boss or whatever, run through it, and get credit for completing the game?
  9. Yes. You can usually get and Invocation off right at the beginning of Combat. Wow, that's pretty huge. No wonder Chanters are so strong right now.
  10. Ummm..... I don't even know what to say. Are you serious?
  11. Why blunder instead of pistol? I would really like to know why pls. Im trying to go with the pirate theme but i really like to create tank characters. If youve seen the TV show Blacksail i want a character who fights like Blackbeard. Well, your tank is going to sit there at range while all your melee guys close the enemy. So your other guys are going to end up tanking.
  12. I'm not 'objectively' wrong, lmao. I literally described the process to you, point by point, but even that isn't enough? There's nothing DIFFICULT about it, it doesn't require skill to overcome, it's not particularly a hardship. It's just an annoyance. A stupid, unnecessary annoyance. Sorry to say but your last sentence describes how I feel about your responses to my posts. But let's forget how objectively wrong you are for the sake of progress. Another probably better way to deter resting in potd difficulty would be that in dangerous areas there would be random encounters when attempting to rest. There are plenty of other ideas too! When did I say I was against such a mechanic?
  13. O wow so cool! So they have time for this but not for fixing the game... Different team. Companion artist/modelers don't bugfix... So they not gonna test new content for bugs etc? Shame.(Mostly joking. As i said before this is just minor annoyance) A 3D modeler's expertise doesn't lie in bugfixing. They're not code monkeys. This is not complicated.
  14. Erm, you do know they haven't actually balanced PotD yet right, that it's getting done post release. So yeah. 30 Apr 2018
  15. O wow so cool! So they have time for this but not for fixing the game... Different team. Companion artist/modelers don't bugfix...
  16. I hit you. You are tough. I do almost no damage. (low penetration/high armor) You're not too tough. I do decent damage. (med penetration/med armor) You're a little weakling. I do crazy damage. (high penetration/low armor)
  17. You get to be two classes, though. That's not a small advantage.
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