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Everything posted by Yosharian

  1. But that is not the same as being able to use companions to perform skill checks. Is this possible, or not? No. But also consider, word from the devs is that stat-derived dialogue options aren't necessarily good, just different. Disposition based choices have more long term effect. @Fierhorn- that was a goal, but personally, I think it is one they failed miserably at. It is in fact quite easy to make an 'OMG awful build,' and depending on what you want to make, most stats are actually throw away. Also, as far as leveling up goes, by far the vast majority of talents are trap choices. And irrevocable decisions. The system mastery learning curve is high, and pretty mandatory, imo. Thanks for the information!
  2. But that is not the same as being able to use companions to perform skill checks. Is this possible, or not?
  3. So I'm making a Dwarf Rogue for my first character and I'm considering the following elements/themes: - Daggers - I want to be a stabby mcstabbalot and nail people in the back with super backstab bonuses. - Optional Ranged Combat - I would like to be able to resort to ranged combat versus tough enemies or when the situation demands it, but I'm unsure if this is possible to do reasonably well in PoE (will be playing on hard). - Hit 'n' fade-type character - Not interested in tanking as I will be taking Eder and Pallegina for those roles. - High maintenance is ok - Mostly I will be controlling this character so it's ok if the character is high maintenance (needs a lot of babysitting). - High stealth - will be maxing Stealth on this character. What I need from you guys: 1) Attribute suggestions - at first I was going to dumpstat Intelligence and Resolve but now apparently Intelligence is good for rogues? I don't understand why at all. Would really love some attribute suggestions! 2) Weapon suggestions - I was imagining some dagger/pistol combination ("Arrhhh!" /piratevoice) but should I look for any weapon/weapon combos in particular? That's about it, but if you have any other suggestions I've love to hear them. You can even suggest I abandon some of my character elements completely in favour of stronger ones - I'm fairly into my powergaming so I don't mind listening to your ideas. Thanks for reading!
  4. Some dwarf portraits I found on the net, have modified some of these to fit the portrait dimensions of PoE:
  5. Thanks for your suggestions guys. Here are the ones I have found and/or modified so far: Note that these portraits are scaled to the standard portrait resolution of 210x300, and you will need to make your own thumbnail (73x86) in order to use them in the game. Myself I haven't decided which one to use yet.
  6. I didn't find any of those Dwarf portraits to be appropriate for my character, but thanks anyway!
  7. Hello, so of course I am planning my character already and I'm considering a Dwarven Rogue (muhahah!) only I'm worried there won't be any decent portraits in-game so I'm hunting around for a decent one on the net. Having some trouble, most Dwarf portraits have axes, plate armour, etc. Elements I'm looking for in the portrait: -leather or cloth-style armour preferably, prefer not big shiny plate armour -daggers or pistols preferably but not too fussed -not too old, I don't want to role-play a corpse -beards are ok -not too ugly -not a bookish type preferably, my character is a backstabber mostly, with some dexterity, not much of an intellectual type, can be charismatic archetype that's ok -sneaky archetype is best but other archetypes are ok, just not bookish -prefer clear and large face similar to PoE portraits rather than whole body action portraits I can format the picture to the right size by myself (one 210x300 + one 73x86 for those that don't know) but I need a raw picture to work with, one that fits those dimensions preferably as I dislike weirdly cropped images. For example: http://s11.postimg.org/k7esl2vz7/mi_ima_7bd5e96f6d.jpg - is quite good but too wide and would need to be cropped badly to fit PoE, plus that nose, jesus wept, I know I'm playing a dwarf but that nose could destroy worlds. Everything else about that picture is sublime. Another set of examples http://s23.postimg.org/a0y5n6qfv/Poe4p_UD.jpg - they are all excellent pictures but none of them quite fit the character I'm making. Of all of them, probably the second one on the top row is the best, but I'm not a fan of that jaunty angle (yes I'm picky, sorry). The rest are mostly armoured or using the wrong weapons. I actually like the 8th one on the bottom row but again, cropped like hell! 3rd one on the top row is also good but I'm using pistols not crossbows, also you can't see the face very well, I prefer face portraits to body portraits. Thanks for reading, and roll on release day!
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