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Everything posted by DarthReliguim

  1. Vash even though she doesnot do anything
  2. Jedi Academy had better acrobactics and flashier moves than Jedi Outcast.
  3. Died about 10 times because my first Revan sucked it badly and KOTOR was the first RPG I played.
  4. Um...revan was a Jedi Master before the Mandalorian Wars. i don't suppose you've ever read The Chronicles. .............As the battle rages on, Jedi Master REVAN moves surreptitiously between unknown sectors, scouting for potential strongholds to withstand the attacks. He soon discovers the shadowy Malachor V, ..................
  5. i think you be able to choose if you want to be Revan or the Exile or Bastila or some of the other NPC's at the start of the game.
  6. Bloody blasphemists!!!!!!!!!
  7. Vaklu because he's Freedon Nadd's several grandson, and I'm a Naddist.
  8. I argee with my friend here. although K2 had what K1 lacked, and K1 had what K2 lacked.
  9. I've gotten past level 47 after staying in Ludo Kreesh's "tomb" for at least an hour
  10. Well Kreia being Arkanian does explain why when the Exile asks what wrongs with her eyes, she says nothing is, but she does say that she could fix them if she needed so it's more likely she's blind.
  11. When you post something in the "You know you've played K2 too much when...." thread.
  12. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=35094
  13. ...When you have costumes of revan and Malak
  14. Usually get mine on the first planet after telos
  15. No one else is going to post their stats?
  16. Useable by Valek Skywalker Damage:8-47 Ion +1-12 vs droid Bonus:+5 Darkside,+2 Ion Critical threat 20-20 x 2 , +1-6 On hit: Knockdown DC 22 Attack Modifer:+7 Defense Bonus:2 Restricted to Darkside Neutral Charisma +6 Dexterity +5 Strength +7 When in Master Fury Light hand.....................................Right hand 29-68 ................................................41-80 +65.....................................................+70 I don't really know what I used to get my stats that high. It was silver in color.
  17. Last i checked, you have to be DS to get force crush, even if you don't kill the jedi or if you're LS and kill all of them.
  18. Trailer, dont know if it's been posted though video
  19. Kreia must have been annoyed by Nihilus's voice ( if you can say he has one) when she was training him.
  20. I haven't find them in all my playthroughs. I doubt they exist.
  21. Hope it's a sequel to Jedi Academy.
  22. Dont you know their the new breasts?
  23. Everyone came to Malachor, their stories were just cut.
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