You still fail to recognize the fact that the Exile only increases in power because he/she has to! It's an RPG VIDEO GAME in which your main character and party members LEVEL UP, hence, they increase in power, and by the way, do you have any quotes from any of the characters in KOTOR II that back up your supposed myth that the Exile can learn a force power/technique within mere seconds? If so, don't go making that claim, I certainly did not remember anyone mentioning that the Exile can learn a technique instantly in KOTOR II, I still beleive you misunderstand the difference between gameplay and storyline.
Like I've said before, the Exile has to WORK for his/her kills, he/she ONLY increases in power AFTER he/she has killed someone, NOT during or before battle so 'if' the Exile is not powerful enough to defeat another force-user then he/she will lose. The Exile is not the uber-powerful/force-god you make him/her out to be.
But go on, prove me a wrong, show me a quote/s that mention the Exile can learn a force-power/technique within mere seconds...
He can bring DEATH to the force.
So can either other Force Sensitive.