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Everything posted by DarthReliguim

  1. That is his tactic, he is master of soresu, which is ultimate defending style (although it was made to some sort of laser deflection style in k2). Anakin's form IV (can't remember it's name) was no good against it. It was only a matter of time until he would make a mistake, Obi knew it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're thinking about Djem So/Shien.
  2. Sure. Revan gets knocked unconscious from a blast that a few meters away from him, but a less powerful force user doesn't.
  3. And Nomi, Jacen, and Kit.
  4. ^^Personally, I think Nomi could take all of them out.
  5. Exactly. (answering when I am bored enough, prob. tomorow ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WHAT DID I SAY EARLIER. I swear people just read what they want to hear. I said Mace Windu DID NOT (I REPEAT DID NOT) USE all of his powers against yoda. Her did NOT use his vapaad lightsaber form or dakrsided force pwoers because they are DANGEROUS and he only uses them when he needs them. If Mace would of unleashed his SUPER FAST INVISIBLE vapaad then Yoda would of been owned from Mace Windus inner darkness and rage. Mace beat Palps and mastered vapaad and the full fury of the darkside which Yoda could not do. Yoda had a hard time using his Atura without giving in to his agression. As for the kaiburr crystal. WHY do you think suddenly Luke could move BLACK HOLES (crush all the matter down and do the math. They weigh as much as planets.) and suddenly shoot emerald lightning. He suddenly gained AWESOME powers BECAUSE of this crystal. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe because he's the son of the Chosen One??
  6. Mandalorians are humans.
  7. Brianna since Visas and Bastila aren't on there.
  8. Anything a Wookie or Selkath say.
  9. i don't think there's any uses for a Force ghost in a war game.
  10. You know the part where he says he wants to use you to fuel the Star Forge.
  11. Nah, he was cool, besides the fact he wanted to "eat" me.
  12. Why do you hate Peragus? it only takes and an hour to go throught the only planet or space station or mine station, whatever it was.
  13. About 95% of the time, I play DS. 4% I play neutral. And the last 1% percent of the time I play LS.
  14. Silver or Orange or Gold.
  15. You have to use rockets, paralysis darts and toxic darts or throw genades with her.
  16. My money's on Exile.
  17. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=41977
  18. And Xard thought I was crazy when I said I had 2 of her.
  19. it's in the sith base.
  20. if I'm a Jedi Sage master, I'll be a Sith Marauder. If I'm a jedi sentinel, I'll be a Sith lord.
  21. You still fail to recognize the fact that the Exile only increases in power because he/she has to! It's an RPG VIDEO GAME in which your main character and party members LEVEL UP, hence, they increase in power, and by the way, do you have any quotes from any of the characters in KOTOR II that back up your supposed myth that the Exile can learn a force power/technique within mere seconds? If so, don't go making that claim, I certainly did not remember anyone mentioning that the Exile can learn a technique instantly in KOTOR II, I still beleive you misunderstand the difference between gameplay and storyline. Like I've said before, the Exile has to WORK for his/her kills, he/she ONLY increases in power AFTER he/she has killed someone, NOT during or before battle so 'if' the Exile is not powerful enough to defeat another force-user then he/she will lose. The Exile is not the uber-powerful/force-god you make him/her out to be. But go on, prove me a wrong, show me a quote/s that mention the Exile can learn a force-power/technique within mere seconds... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He can bring DEATH to the force. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So can either other Force Sensitive.
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