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Everything posted by DarthReliguim

  1. No, I named mines Revan the first time.
  2. Yes well I was just giving an example of the dark side's power.
  3. I don't agree. I want turn-based combat to stay. How well a battle goes should be determined by the skills I'm building for my character, not how good I am at pushing buttons - that's what FPS is for. I'd agree more that the turn-based combat, as it is now, could use improvement and be better implemented, though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then it should be a FPS. I believe speed is the most important skill needed in battle.
  4. Jedi Academy followed by KOTOR 1 and 2,Rebel Squadron, and Jedi Outcast.
  5. Kavar. Reminds me a lot of my Exile.
  6. Kreia,Malak, and Nihilus above Vader? I could Nihilus and Mace being bit more powerful than Vader but Malak and Kreia? Vader was weaker than he had ever been in his life and still defeated a Sith Lord with one hand and you put malak and kreia before him? What is the world coming to?
  7. I already wrote his return... And he and Revan did not fight. Well, at least not until very late in the game... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know it's off-topic but could I perhaps get links to these? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To my own plot, sure. Just be aware of the length - you have been warned <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What the hell. Your Nihilus is the same as mine's.
  8. I already wrote his return... And he and Revan did not fight. Well, at least not until very late in the game... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know it's off-topic but could I perhaps get links to these?
  9. Force Crush and force storm instantly kill my opponents by the time i get to level 25 so i don't know exactly how much damage they did. For lightsabers, well they instantly killed too, the highest I think I've gotten was 200 + or -.
  10. thats cos Exar Kun was a male sith lord <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So was Revan.
  11. you have to be lightside. Honestly you can't really count exile and revan because there are too many variables. It's like saying "I (a human from the real world) am the most powerful force user in the UNIVERSE because I can manipulate space time in Star Wars with my DEATH RAY EYES!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Those jedi aren't any of the greatest unless you count Kavar.
  12. Please tell me which of the greatest jedi Kreia killed because I've never seen her kill any.
  13. Well, Anakin wiped the floor with Dooku, and then Anakin was defeated by Obi-Wan, so... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Anakin was never beaten by Oafy Wan. Darth Vader wasn't beaten by him. Vader defeated himself.
  14. I can't believe you put Oafy Wan before Dooku when Dooku kicked his butt twice. My list: Exile Anakin skywalker(during ROTS) Luke skywalker Yoda Mace windu Plo Koon Revan Exar kun marka ragnos Freedon Nadd Dooku Qui Gon Obi Wan Emperor
  15. Well I like killing and he showed me how to kill a planet filled with people(i haven't killed anyone and dont plan on it). There's also the talking so no one understands what you're saying, and going solo. I like the idea of draining everything around me.
  16. I think he means Grand Master of the Jedi Order.
  17. Darth Nihilus was inspirational for me.
  18. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Windu#Jedi_Master
  19. I still don't think Windu was the best duelist or strongest Force user. If you even think for a second that he could beat Yoda, you'd be wrong. If I remember correctly, mace used vaapad against Kar vastor and he still couldn't beat him or Depa. You may be right about Mace's dark powers, I wouldn't know. I never read anywhere about him using dark powers beside Force Crush or Vaapad, but I doubt even he did use them he still wouldn't be more powerful than Yoda or Luke. I also think he would have had some competiton in Plo Koon.
  20. Exile was not the only jedi who could use force crush. If I'm not mistaken Mace used it on Griveous in labyrinth of evil. Also I think Luke, Anakin, and Yoda could've defeated Mace in a duel. I think I've read somewhere that Luke used a lightsaber style similar to Vaapad. But I think Yoda and Mace were more powerful than Palp. ?If you watched their duels with him, you saw they were both going to kill him. I argee you in saying Exile was the most powerful but Luke may be on his level. They both had to rebuild the Jedi Order by themselves. I believe you'd have to be pretty powerful to rebuild a whole culture by yourself.
  21. kreia, hanharr, and go-to.
  22. 37 damage. I think I used Opila and Qixoni crstals, expert dueling lens, and one of the improved vibrators.
  23. I would like to see Darth Nihilus return in a different form.
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