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Everything posted by ctn2003

  1. It's really weird why is something so simple overlooked?
  2. Yes, That's true The stash system could be perfect but they'd have to fix it up a lot. truth be told it was very annoying in BG1 to have tons of stuff and having to drop 90% of it. But it seems to me that the stash system is ALSO limited amount of space and theirs no sorting it, witch is lame,
  3. They told me that their working on a Scroll speed butten like in BG1 and 2.
  4. I wish they stay as well but when you live the area they should go away like in BG2 and BG1.
  5. Its got a LONG way to go.
  6. So do i! anything to make the combat easier.
  7. The grass seems a tad to big as well.
  8. the Inventoryis to small, If their was 1 more slot id be perfect! i don't understand why theirs a space under the 1 slot like theirs suppose to be 1 more. And the stash i the game really doesn't make any since in game.And why cant i drop items on the ground?
  9. Well have to wait and see. But i REALLY hop so, becase id make the game a lot better and more repayable.
  10. Yea the music is kinda disappointing to a lot of people. a thing i found that was annoying as heck id the bird sounds they get irritating really fast. as they did in BG but id wish they would have toned it down a bit. But id wish they crank out a new theme song. kinda a boring theme
  11. Thats good new's after all the VO is already 10000 times better than Temple of Elemental evil witch is some of the worst VO of all time lol
  12. (yes very well yes very well yes very yes very well) well This is really annoying IWD and BG had at least 4 phrases they'd say id rather have the open to turn the voices off entirely. I hope that theirs more when the updates come.
  13. when i click on solid hud it dosent seem to do anything.
  14. Im hoping that it doesn't 4 updates just for crashing and bugs. Even if their 4 big updates i just don't know if that's going to be enough, there's just so many issues with game-play ui and classes. I'm a little worried. What do you guys think? you think they have plenty of time? you think POE is in trouble? let me know. Wasteland 2 Had a year and 4 months of beta testing and we get 4 months?
  15. Why the mechanics skill? why not a Search skill?
  16. Why not make a quick loot butten on in the game picking up items slows down the game-play. I hop that somebody reads this it cant be hard to implement.
  17. Yes do it! JS and Tim!!!!
  18. Easy Play as the Cyfir their so over powered you can go threw the entire beta by your self.
  19. The game is to buggy at the moment to be easy or hard lol
  20. Oh ok then, in that case it well be in the game like time cain said. :biggrin:
  21. You have a point, truth be told i think they need to look at IWD2 as a reference and guide to making POE id make many things better such as them music Ui game. But as is..the game is really good love the godlike -->
  22. Yea it is weird, but the Beta is short. And at the moment im more worried at the fact that some of the classes are so over powered that level 5 is all you would need to beta the whole game.
  23. And theirs no low intelligence dialog as far as a can tell. witch a is a huge let down.
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