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Everything posted by ctn2003

  1. Yes but most people in lets plays don't even bother with them in IWD witch makes it pointless to have them in the game. I mean just to look good?? that's a waist.
  2. There are five basic helmets which all offer the same bonuses and they are without magical properties,. The value of a helmet is between 1-5 gold pieces not 50. http://baldursgate.wikia.com/wiki/Basic_helmets_%28Baldur%27s_Gate%29
  3. Other wise all your going to do is sell them for fast cash out of instinct. In IWD they had the same problem so what happened was in future mods they just got ride of them. Icewind Dale Tweak Pack (Remove Helmet AnimationsI understand some of them have magic or some have ability's but that's at higher levels at low levels their worthless. In BG they all gave you protection vs crits and it helps at low levels when you armor iset that great.
  4. i doubt their looking at anybody's gameplay feedback right now, theirs SO many bugs they have to get ride of first. But after the game is stable, i hop theyl take a look at the discussions. right now the game is basscly alpha witch many see a HUGE disappointment. being in alpha so long and this is what we get?? its not looking promising.
  5. Acouly i like to make it any way i want like in Wasteland 2 you can click on the hud and drag it where you want! In fact their a lot of things i WISH OE take from Wasteland 2.
  6. I *love* you'r voice i hop you make a lets play of POE when it comes out! youd make a amzing lets player! ^_^
  7. I loved Realms of Arkania! (The Dark Eye) loved the music in that game, cool fact it was created by the same guy who made the MR NUTZ amiga music.
  8. Octon cuthali SUCK IT~! - Like blessing but dire lol
  9. Aqua ema tazma feaaaa *Cure light wounds *
  10. seems a little strange but is their no way to just drop an item that you don't want in your stash. Other wise youl just have to sort threw tons of stuff in the stash. :/
  11. Thats a little strange because it doset even tell you that lock picks are not required to unlock stuff
  12. Seems like the music dosent get your Adrenalin pumped up like BG or IWD did. When you hear that IWD theme you know your in for a barbaric epic adventure POE seems like elevator music.
  13. Seems like they work when they want to. and some times you need them to open locked chests
  14. A new theme song that gets you going know what i mean? Like the Icewind dale theme where it had Adrenalin to it. Got you pumped up, this song feels way to soft. But the music i the game overall sounds great, I love the tavern music.
  15. The way spells work now looks like Dragon ball z stuff lol! ka may ka may HAAA
  16. I was really looking forward to this! Theirs a few things that seem straight up missing in this beta that shoudent. Including low intelligence dialog.
  17. All the body types are WAY off. the god like have glow in the dark skin.
  18. The cipher soul burn is so powerful that i could go threw the entire beta by myself in about 35 minutes.
  19. I think the means he wants the Ui and inventory and spells to be more like BG lol you want POE to be exact to BG? ....Your so dull.
  20. I though it was quest related, but it turns out is was nothing.
  21. The next update well fix this up a bit.
  22. I think the mold is good ..but id liek to see a better ui and inventory.
  23. Yes its a little weird how recently a LOT of games have been doing this i have no clue why.
  24. I think they have made the fog of war a lot smaller and more like TOEE from what ive heard. But im not sure i hop they go with that one.
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