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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. Well, the other mods think it passes muster so far. It certainly is a cool picture. My wife would probably cast a dim view of the picture as my desktop though. Alas.
  2. Wow, that was pretty strong, Hurlshot. I have to say that I find you convincing. I'm not really a hockey fan. Nevertheless, as someone who has read this thread from beginning to end, I find that your statement conveys a true love of the sport. As I get older, I see violence as more and more regrettable.
  3. Rod Stewart's later stuff isn't so bad. He has a cd of oldies that's pretty good. It features "A Kiss to Build a Dream On," the theme song from Fallout 2. Unfortunately, years of cognac have ruined his voice. Fortunately for him, his voice has always sucked, so no-one can tell the difference. Specfically right now, I'm listening to On the Border -- Al Stewart.
  4. A tabby cat has a pattern of stripes and swirls. They also have a mark on the forehead that looks like an "M" when they close their eyes. I don't know if we want kung fu kitties running all over the place. It could be dangerous. Cat's live and breed, like other animals. They just tend to live and breed in more areas than most.
  5. Greatest hits -- Al Stewart
  6. Congrats, Ender! That's some damned fine news! :D :haksthumbsup:
  7. Remember, Mr. President, that cats have been remarkably successful as a species. After all, you can find cats of all sorts of species virtually everywhere on earth.
  8. The manufacturer claims it can't be their board. Strange, isn't it? Rat swine-hearted wretches!
  9. Yeah, that's taks alright. A formidable foe I have not seen for some time, unfortunately. He was always willing to fight the good fight.
  10. Yeah, 'cause then this thread could have gone out with a bang.
  11. I agree. I think folks should try to be as objective as possible, but recognize that it is part of our humanity to hold biases. So, own up to it, dammit, and be responsible in your reporting.
  12. hahaha. My sister would be astonished to think that her Sims 2 game is the gateway to pornography and graphic violence.
  13. Don't encourage mkreku, he's a self proclaimed perv!
  14. I really don't care about calling Bair or Bush a liar, as they're not members.* I think it's a reactionary sort of charge. Even if you're convinced the guy lied, it's probably better to approach the argument from a different angle anyhow. * Some doofus will undoubtedly create a Blair or Bush account. :Eldar's shaking his head with a resigned chuckle icon:
  15. I've seen this a million times... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Indeed, you posted it a while back if I'm not mistaken. Taking all factors into account, violent crimes are down. Since the crime rate has fluctuated since RoevWade, and since those fluctuations it has seen a steady decline in recent years, it seems to me that we can, at the very least, entertain ideas other than the RoevWade argument. On the other hand, more abortions combined with 3strikes laws might be the biggest factor. Since there are fewer unwanted children and a huge number of the population in prison. " Hey, I've never used that icon before. :Eldar's crazy grin icon:
  16. Less spam and more help for Ender. Get to the meat and potatoes of the matter, lest this thread be fried.
  17. By now they've probably already classified the planet. ...Well, with the buracracy entailed in these things, probably not. Anyhow, the thread has gone to the biscuit god. Terminated, indeed.
  18. That just wasn't funny, Draken Fett.
  19. This thread is littered with your bones, Calax! :D
  20. I have three cats. I'm quite sure cats rule.
  21. Okay, I'm the diplomat. I get what I deserve. http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warriorshtm/diplomat.htm EDIT: Is it my imagination, or does this guy look like a scorched Harry Potter?
  22. I saw it coming a mile away, doofus. :D
  23. Okay, here're some quick rules of thumb to prevent this thread from being locked: Don't question another members ability to read. Clearly, everyone who participates on this forum can read. You might question someone's comprehension of a particular written idea, but don't get smart or cute about using the rule as a loophole for turning ugly. Caliming someone can't read has always seemed particularly silly since, if you didn't believe in her ability to read, you would not have written the question to her in the first place. It's not a logical argument. It's a personal one. Don't call charge other members with lying. There must be clear, irrefutable proof that a member is lying. Pretend this is Congress, you're likely to be censured for going around calling each other liars. Don't "call out" another member. For example, don't say something like, "if you have the guts to say something, I'll smack you down." I will very likely issue a warning for someone making what I discern as a threat to another member. On the other hand, saying, "the facts don't support your claim and it's totally baseless" is not. Notice that one entails a threat to another member, while the other does not. If someone suggests that this rule relies heavily on my subjective analysis, they'd be right. I'm not looking for ways to issue warnings. I'm really not. If I were, I'd have warned a lot of the folks around here already. I have issued no formal warning. So, when I tell you it's a warnable offense to threaten others, it's not a threat. It's a fact. Finally, be civil. You can engage in heated discussion, but I don't want any real ugliness. I've gernerated some heat and even a flame or two. A little is okay. On the other hand, I'd rather not see a gaping crater where the thread used to be. This board is not here to provide an arena for members to carry out vendettas against each other. I'm writing this post in the hopes that we can keep the thread open and continue what I believe is a good discussion about the politics of the day. Unfortunately, no one seems to care about Walken running for president. On the other hand, it appears Walken isn't running, so the discussion of politics as a whole seems apt. Democracies thrive on lively debate. Please, continue to debate. I will be re-reading this thread in order to sort out the political discussion from thinly veiled personal attacks. Should I see something that requires further comment, I'll edit this post. Shouldn't take long.
  24. I'll agree with that. The question is usually where we draw the line for upper middle class. If you consider anything over $100,000 rich, then there are an aweful lot of rich folks in the US. If you consider $100,000 to 200,000 upper middle class, then I think the middle class does shoulder the majority of the burden in terms of straight dollar amount. EDIT: I have to hit the sack. Please don't go all flame on one another. heated discussion is fine, but don't go calling each other out in the middle of the street or anything.
  25. This is entirely true. I think savvy rich folks will undoubtedly learn how to manipulate the system. Hell, I know some middle class folks who can manipulate the system. ...Or folks who appear poorer than they should and receive more money from the earned income credit.
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