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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. AAAAARGH!!! ANIME CRAP!!! AAAAARGH!!! FLUFFY CUTESNESS!!! Oh like that, hm lemme see how it's done... Evading the hard solid facts of my humble thread to focus on the general misconceptions and narrowminded beliefs imported by inferior beings isnt endearing me at all...if that was your intent, it's working.
  2. I actually just fired up K2 with the intent of doing a DS with Goto and someone else I never used or haven't deiced yet, to see just what exactly I've been letting my antipathy get in the way of.
  3. I agree. Word unworkable comes to mind. Feh, Word ignorance comes to mind. Check out that link for threads with developers posts and tell me how hard that is to use.
  4. We do in danish: "Ringenes Herre" which is a direct proper danish translation of "Lord of the Rings". I would have thought the swedish translation would have been "Ring(swedish genitiv) Herrar" The 3 books are however named differently than their english counterpieces and it makes sense, because it simply sounds better in danish than a direct translation. edit: some episode titles snuck in.
  5. Just forget it, go DS and provoke him, Carth's anger is worth it. (w00t)
  6. Why do you resist, do you think we should remove all smilies, text format, formats, lists and the ability to link to other pages and not use attachments as well? Maybe, but If you don't like "Total BS" what kind of a term would you suggest to use instead? I can't really comment on that, because I am not aware of the time consumption of the admin, but apparently you are, care to explain? I'm pretty sure that this system isn't gonna blow the casket. The time spend by the Admin might increase a bit shortterm and for the Mods it willl decrease a bit longterm....provided that we help each other. Refute? You didn't prove anything, you just repeated meta's darkened outlook, that I already pawned (but since I've repeated the same nonsense so many times over I'll gladly do it again!) and you even try to take credit for it - hey Meta are you gonna put up with that??!. GO META GO!! KILL!! KILL!! KILL!! No? Uh, hehe... :D You don't know that. . Everything that is already in place is used. Some things more than other. And everything has a beginning. . If there is a reason, like increased readability, improved search, checking posts to see who wrote what and fast, to see if there's any socializing going on, any off-topic discussion you'd like to be part of, catching-up with all the on-topic posts in K3 part 5000 - you know that thread spanning 50 pages with 49 of those being nothing else than pure BS...you'll learn and desire to do it yourself. If you don't, I doubt you are even human, and I'll sound a bot alert. . You don't know that! . And I don't think so. Smilies work and are used with reason. Text formats works and noone is making too much of a mess of themselves with insane colors, size adjustments and general monkeybusiness. . You don't know that! . This can be the best system evar...and if it works the way it should it could be the fastest prune ever...mods are gonna start making threads with Prune Scores and be on the constant lookout for ripe posts to beat Fionavars or Tarnas highscore...while you will wonder in vain why your postcount is permanently zero and you can't find a single of posts anywhere... edit: something spaced-out snuck out.
  7. Gothic? Hm...looking at some screenshots and reading over some discontent about controls and interface...Not sure I can afford a new screen at the moment - lost enough hair already on previous encounters with other games, so I take out my frustration on, well... It looks a bit reminiscent of M&M expect in a 3rd person perspective. Well... Seems like we are scraping the bottom of the bin now. Whenever I hear someone with the same preferences as me bash something, I get a little extra suspicious. As in that thread Fable: TLC Any demos of any of these two games?
  8. Hm... I never used that attachment before on this forum...and I generally hate all that anime crap that people spew all over. A little compression might help cut the size without total spoilage. This is along the lines of what I've been thinking. Pretty sketchy so far as for some reason I don't get much constructive critizism or suggestion on the matter... First the Add Reply then Fast Reply and lastly how it's used as a menu to Read. Was thinking about an additional flag that users can set to make it easier for Mods to prune threads...other than Total BS, Chitchat and in some cases Off-topic Discussions. Mixed content is f.x. like On-topic Total BS...
  9. Bomb the Bass - Beat Dis. Ah, found an old tape from my yahoo youth from about the time you were born Mus.
  10. Well... The Assassination droid model is a treacherous modification of the CZerka protocol droid custom made for Revan, CZerka has always had unscrupulous partners including Sith and it's no wonder why they'd be appealing and easily available to a man like GO-TO. HK-47 speaks of this at some point, but I can't remember the details...besides HK-47 is lacking several piece, could be that he was somewhat demolished in the proces of reverse engineering.
  11. I'm also looking for a mid range card. I was pondering the ATi Radeon 9800 PRO since it's just about EUR125, but the nVidia 6600GT is also within that price range and it has those v3.0 of Shaders and uh, that other thing. I'd go for that: the 6600GT.
  12. Beatmasters featuring The Cookie Crew - Rok Da House!
  13. Feh... What can I say, give the tongue a break - your knees are gonna love you for it.
  14. I really prefer characters with personality rather than clear cut cases of good and evil. I'm not a fan of dualism either. Jolee is really a relief in K1 as the gray matter, even though he does 'look' and 'act' like a grouchy old man...somewhat predictable in that way.
  15. At least I'm not appolled, but... HK-47 and Canderous doesn't really have much of a relationship, fortunately it's above them, but they supplement each other with style.
  16. I think all these desires for robes, masks, clothes, hilts, colors...bleh! Totally non-content non-value-adding unproductive bs. What's next? Eat, sleep and **** too? Go play the Sims if wanna style them as Rockstarz! And btw, this is about K3...
  17. I've always sort of pictured them as the Drows in the Underdark with everything that goes there.
  18. I know the feeling, but I have also realized the depths of my impatience. My sisters kid, she was 8 years old at the time caught me playing Grim Van Dango and begged to play instantly... I didn't quite realize my mistake, until she started asking what they were saying... English, right, ZOING! (Not being native to english that's... a problem). So I made another mistake: I started translating and acting out their dialogue... after a couple of hours I'm really fed up with children for some reason. I repeated the mistake with Balddurs Gate and IWD as well and she really enjoyed the character creation more than anything else...and collecting all kinds of crap along the journey...with 5 grayed icons...and totally encumbered... *Phew!* Content-heavy games are really to complex for kids escpecially if they are in a foreign language...
  19. No, but I got a 3310 with Snake II, Space Impact, Bantumi and Pairs II, how could I possibly be missing anything?
  20. Christianity setback evolution and the industrial age by more than a 1000 years. Should have left the vikings in charge and colonization of space would have been finalized some 500 years ago...of course we would have missed the enjoyment of the oppression of women as they were much more liberal in the viking age and we would also have missed the opportunity to be ruled by utter retards as Kings would still have been a matter of the fittest....and christmas we got, we were probably running out of goats to sacrifice and skulls to drink from eventually ...
  21. My only beef with the game since they removed non-jedi classes (and took away my beloved scoundrel (jump sneak attacks)) is that you can't jump enemies with special attacks...
  22. Kids with blasters...there's actually a strange lack of kids in KOTOR... edit: something lacking snuck in.
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