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Everything posted by metadigital
Um, they have already. Still, not many people seem to care. And in that case it was because of that "hot coffee" nonsense, not because the game had an unconventional plot. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This is absolutely true. I think the vocal microscopic minority have made a disproportionate impact on the media. When looking at the game, I believe most parents will assess it on its merits and decide that the game is not as terrible as the press, and then go and make some hot coffee.
1. Only now, young Skywalker, do you understand ...
It is a very incestuous playground, the land of game developers and publishers, isn't it? VU seems to be a big villain. BioWare and Obsidian are teaming up (again) to make a game, Blacke Isle and Troika ... Let's hope that in the development of Neverwinter Nights 2 there is some Fallout ... :D
I think arcade games were my first: Space Invaders, natch. First computer game was probably the one I created (written in BASIC for the Challenger 1P, 1kB of RAM). First game on my own computer (Apple //e, 64kB RAM including the 16kB "language card") was Star Trek (an ASCII RTS game played over many grids).
It certainly takes a a chunk out of disposable income, I'm here to tell you ...
I wonder if they sell them mail-order?
What? California is Hell on Earth! Every year they have plagues and earthquakes hurricanes and huge fires ..! (seemingly)
I would like to applaud the Singapore Cancer Society for making such a terrific ash tray. Most manufacturers forget to add a place to rest cigars.
Not running sponsoring! She also apparently goes to the church that is affiliated with the school. I can't say I like it, but I found it hilarious. Seriously though, the workload described by her at this school is worse than taking all AP courses at a Public school, plus they require you to be on not one but two sports teams, both with massive commitments of their own. All my Great Aunt could go on about was how it was 'good for discipline'. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh well... But still, Pam Anderson in church! Is the real Pam Anderson religious btw? I dare say it wouldn't surprise me. Two sports teams, and for the sake of discipline? This sounds more like some right wing Christian/Military Prep School to me. Are they obsessed with not committing sins too, then? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah, they're just massively corporate and this is basically a prep school where you graduate from here and you can pretty much take your pick of Ivy League colleges and know you'll get in. Tuition for this place is $20k a year too. And no, the sports wasn't for the sake of discipline as far as I could tell, that's what my Great Aunt was saying. She's kind of insane though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's absurd, $20k a year? This is normal in the US? Socialist paradise freaks like us doesn't fancy this at all! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, that is exorbitant! The private school my sister and brother go to is $300/month by comparison. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not that I wish to win this pissing contest (I wish I couldn't), but Private School in the UK is over
Sounds like a normal school workload, outside the USA.
Now, I can't argue with Spiderman 2 and Empire Strikes Back, but Die Hard 2? I found Die Hard 2 to be the worst of the series, return of William Atherton be damned. Personally, I would have used 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day' as an example. ... Book: More Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books. Alas!, R.I.P. Douglas Adams. Webomics: MOVIE PUNKS GODDAMMIT. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was tossing up whether to use Terminator 2 as an example, but you can't beat the first one, even though it originally was filmed in mono! (Arnie has only ever played one bad guy.) The film, much like The Matrix, was low budget but good SF. Die Hard 2 is a pretty solid film, regardless of your personal tastes. I mentioned it mainly because it made more at the box-office than the first one. (Go figure that one.) Additionally, the Hitchi Hiker's books were pretty pointless after the original trilogy. Mr Adams, himself, didn't want to write anything after that, and I think Goodbye, So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish was not good enough to entice me to read the fifth book. (If the author doesn't really want to write, then it's just not going to be good.) Try reading Dirk Gentley's Detective Agency, I think that's a great Douglas Adams book.
Obsidian Forum Diplomacy Game 2 (OBS-2)
metadigital replied to metadigital's topic in Pen-and-Paper Gaming
Aishur seems to be AWOL. I have extended the deadline for everyone until midnight (UTC) tonight whilst I try to contact Aishur. Feel free to resubmit orders, if you want, but please put all the relevant references in (as I noted above) because I have four games going simultaneously, and you aren't doing me any favours if you send in somrhting that just says "Moves". -
Okay, here is a detailed breakdown of the map (hopefully translated into English). :D Federation: SC:Bet BeZ Betazed Erd Erde, Sol AlC Alpha Ceti Vul Vulcan [*]Non-SC: ACe Alpha Centauri Ber,BSt Bernhard's Stern, Barnards Star Sir Sirius Pro Prokyon, Procyon Ant Antares Klingon: SC:Bor Boreth Qon Q'onos Khi Khitomer [*]Non-SC: Pra Praxis BeL Beta Lankal Mor Morska RuP Rur Rura Pente Mem Mempa [*]Romulan: SC:Alg Algeron Rom Romulus Rem Remus [*]Non-SC Cay Carraya Bo6 Borka VI Dra Draken IV Dul Du4 Dulisian IV Mi6 Miridian VI Rot Rotanev [*]Cardassian SC:Car Ca1 Cardassia Prime Ca2 Cardassia Secondus Ca3 Cardassia Tertius [*]Non-SC Kel Kelrabi Kor Ko2 Kora II [*]Ferengi SC:Vol Volchok Prime Fer Ferengi Max ZeM Zeta Maxia [*]Non-SC Acr Acrybite [*]Borg SC:4711 0815 [*]Non-SC B00 B11 [*]Dominion SCBra Brax Kar Karemma Oma Omarion [*]Non-SC Mar Myrmidon Err Er7 Errikang VII Gra Grafias Gre Gredi Red Reda [*]Impulse zone ("Land") in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants SCGor Gorn Ca4 Cardassia Quartus Baj Bajor MiC Min Minos Corva Ca5 Cardassia Quintus Ori Orion Nim Nimbus Nar Narendra III Tho Tholians [*]Non-SC Ald Aldebaran Alt Altair Ark Arktur Atl Atlas Bet Beetelgeuse Can Canopus Cap Capella Cas Castor Den DeC Deneb Cygni Fom Fomalhaut Gom Gomeisa Ham Hamal Mir Mira Pol Pollux Impulse zone ("Land") in Gamma Quadrant SCMyr Myrmidon Era ErP Erabus Prime [*]Non-SC Gem Gemma Gie Giena Gom Gomeisa Impulse zone ("Land") in Delta Quadrant SC750i 850i [*]Non-SC 190E 200D [*]Warp zone ("Water") in Alpha and Beta Quadrants SCRIS Risa [*]Non-SC SCH Southern Centre NOH Northern Halo NEH NorthEastern Halo EAH Eastern Halo SEH SouthEastern Halo SOH Southern Halo SWH SouthWestern Halo WEH Western Halo NWH NorthWestern Halo RAS Raoul Spit PET XXL Peter's Nebula TOM TSA Tom's Spiral Arm AND ANC Andrea's Cluster FRS FRA Frank's Star CNH Cardassian Niche Halo VEG Vega BYN Bynar TEL Tellar DS9 Deep Space 9 MAN McAllister Nebulae SHE Sheliak ZEN Zengeti DEN DEB Denorios Belt ALA ALN Alawanir Nebulae AOL Aolian Cluster BLA BLC Black Cluster BON Borgolis Nebula DAB Deltived Asteroid Belt EPC Epsilon Pulsar Cluster FGC FGC 47 PAU PAN Paulsen Nebula HEZ Heze KAJ Kajam LES Lesath MAA Maasym NEK Nekkar PHA Phakt RUT Rutilicus SAB Sabik TAL Talitha UNU UNE Unuk Elhaja VIN Vindemiatrix WAS Wasat YED YEP Yed Prior ZOS Zosma Warp zone ("Water") in Gamma Quadrant SCIDR Idran [*]Non-SC: Hyd EH7 Epsilon Hydra 7 WGA WGQ West Gamma Quadrant NWG NorthWest Gamma Quadrant NGA NGQ North Gamma Quadrant SGA SGQ South Gamma Quadrant SEG SouthEast Gamma Quadrant RAK Rakhar VER Vaerth SHA Sham ZAU Zaurak Warp zones ("Water") in Delta Quadrant SC n/a [*]Non-SC: B02 B03 B04 B12 B13 B14 B20 B21 B22 B23 B30 B31 B32 B33 B35 B40 B41 B42 B43 B44 B45
A moderator moved it, so I guess that means it shouldn't be there. As to the original post: I'll leave everyone to make up their own minds as to whether it adhered to reasonable netiquette.
Buuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Thanks for playing! But you don't go away empty handed, take our consolation prize: an argument with Jodo Kast 5. Second Runner-Up gets two arguments with Jodo.
funny government/lawyer/judicial/political stories
metadigital replied to Dark Moth's topic in Way Off-Topic
Depends if they are deliberately targeting minors, who are not capable of making informed decisions (like their dietary intake balance). That is wrong and should be controlled. Otherwise, eat up, America! -
You've got about 200 more posts to make level 4. ^_^
I like the flying cows in NwN. :D
I will be your host. (I prefer to be contacted via []email[/url]) The seven players are (click on the link to PM them): PM Kaftan - Borg: and PM Archie - Dominion (Jem Hadar) and PM Jags - Federation and PM Calax - Klingon and PM Baley - Romulan and ??? - Ferenghi and PM Bokishi - Cardassian (can move long and short) I shall send the email addresses of each of you to each of you, shortly (apart from Numbers, who hasn't supplied an email address, so I assume this means he prefers PMs). The map is: Star Trek game 1 (English rules) German Addenda. Start Positions (color coded on the map): Borg: 0815, 4711 Cardassia: Cardassia Prime, Cardassia Secondus, Cardassia Tertius Dominion: Omarion, Karemma, Brax Ferengi: Ferengi, Zeta Maxia, Volchok Prime Federation: Earth, Vulcan, Alpha Ceti, Beta-Zed Klingon: Q'onos, Khitomer, Boreth Romulan: Romulus, Remus, Algeron The solid starscape represents the short distance terrain ("land" armies), and the darker, open spaces are long distance terrain (traversed by "water" units, i.e. fleets). This is a restriction on visibility in effect, so you will only know where your own units are (with a few exceptions, as noted below). Please bear with me and I shall post the complete set of rules below. (This is quite a complex -- and significantly different -- game to the standard diplomacy.)
Always at the truth ...
So everyone seems to have come to the same conclusion, then.
I would just like to make a couple fo points here. 1. Yes, actually, my family has a significant amount of funds under management. You are trying to assert that all business investors are just the same as small time casual investors. That is not how business works, and BUSINESS investors are what makes the stock market work, not the little part-timers. If a business doesn't perform well, if it doesn't provide growth, then it is sold. That's it. 2. All it means is that Interplay didn't die overnight, but lingered for a few months, while their working capital wound down. If your income is $99 a day, and your expenses $100 a day, then you will never make money. If the interest on the loan plus all your expenses takes all your revenue, and more, then there is no profit, just delayed income, which is negatively geared and never going to cover the outgoings. 3. The fact that it broke even years later only means that the receivers were still getting some income when the doors were already closed on Interplay. Interplay would long since have gone broke, because they couldn't pay their expenses, like: wages (the biggest expense, including redundancy payments) and rent on the premises. Also, typically, a compnay like SoldOut buys the title for the bargain bin; this may be for a set, single, initial figure (or royalties
I like to roleplay Sean Connery, except it isn't really roleplay for me ... "
Then you won't mind that I was really referring to you in my previous comment.