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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Then Unit A's support is cut, and units A, C, and D hold in their positions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True (AFAIK "). And if there was: Unit E supporting Unit D attack on Unit C, then Unit C would be defeated (retreat if available), but its attack on A still stands, even though it is dislodged / disbanded (Rule 15).
  2. I don't know what you are talking about. Firstly I remember no such passage in HHGttG. Secondly, even if such hypothetical passage exists, the rules were stated by Ender in the first posts. Hence my rating of your READING COMPREHENSION penalty. That is all. PS SpellMar has kindly pointed out your error with tomorrow. Plato, The Forms, as outlined in Plato's allegory of the cave, in The Republic (Book VII).
  3. Aaarrggh! I actually initially thought that was true, and I had that in the first version! It does make a difference. I have re-calculated and updated the map and order status for 1903 Spring. I have also included the rules for easy checking, so that we all know why the results are so (and if I have made any other mistakes, please let me know asap). Apologies once again for the inconvenience, team. :">
  4. SpellMar is proud.
  5. As I said, you may feel better off not knowing; I prefer to know.
  6. Having problems with reading comprehension, Gabs? At least voluminous reading should help remedy that, so I'm doing you a favour. Of course, it is a little concerning that you are invariably able to sum up all the thought you spend on a subject in under two words ... "
  7. Yeah, well. Some "social influences" could be considered rather brain-rotting. I'd rather not get comfortably familiar with those. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's a valid point, though even awful truths are better to be known then ignored, I feel. Information WANTS to be free, after all.
  8. I hope you aren't suggesting anything illegal! (Have you tried google?)
  9. 1. You are not the galaxy, you are a SW anorak, so you should be correct in your postings. 2. Yes, actually, if a wookiee has 36 strength before level 5, then I think it's fair to say that s/he will be stronger than a marauder (even though there are no armour or implants that will fit a wookiee ). 3. Sounds like he used the Force to the exclusion of lightsabres. (Then again, if a Jedi can deflect a blaster bolt, and manipulate objects telepathically, I can't see the problem with keeping hair out of the way of the lightsabre).
  10. Fixed. Damn! Caught out with one of my own pet peeves! (It was a typo, not a conscious attempt to rationalise Post Scriptum Scriptum as an alternative interpretation.) That'll teach me to proof my posts. :D
  11. I was amazed at the concept, until I read "voice actor", after all, Sammy is over 50, AND he has had a *ahem* colourful life with plenty of interesting diversions. Not too convincing if he had to start prancing around like a ninja ...
  12. I think it's important to be comfortably familiar with any and all social imfluences, whether it is the imortal lines uttered by Clint Eastwood as Harry Calahan in the Dirty Harry films ("Go ahead, make my day."), or the scene with Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet on the bow of the Titanic. That way, I feel, it is from a more knowledgeable standpoint that we may draw inferences and conclusions. Further, stories that have had a deep impact on the society we live in, however ancient, are worthy of the same familiarity. (Significant artistic and linguistic merit, notwithstanding.) Then again, I love to learn.
  13. I haven't seen the movie, but considering that almost no one on the planet saw the movie, everyone seems to mock it. I think we often readily accept what the media tells us about a movie and pass it on as our own opinion far too often. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My partner watched it.
  14. Just the male of the species is (generally) incredibly inept with inter-gender communications ...
  15. No, people are rated and therefore not part of the background simulation. [Calax READING COMPREHENSION -1]
  16. Yeah, I kinda got muddled there and thought that a move into the territory would negate that territory's unit moving out. I have corrected it in the first post, and I shall mail the result asap. There was also a correction with one of Austria's moves, too, which resulted in a change for that region. (I have noted the correlated rules next to the orders, for clarity.) Apologies for the inconvenience.
  17. See!? The End of the World is NIGH!
  18. Ironsides now packs a 44 Magnum!
  19. *sits on the edge of his chair*
  20. I'm sure I heard about your locust plague a few years ago. It was the same year as half the State burnt up. And there were floods.
  21. Your wish is granted.
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