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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Aren't YOU a mod? (For another site, obviously.)
  2. Are you jealous? ^_^ You forgot one: -he thinks he is the soul of wit, but cannot string two emoticons together. This was made evident early in his posting career, when he used to engage in name-calling that merely confirmed his (mental) age. I don't know what is scarier, that it took so long, or that you took so long ... The captain acted the same way for the most part. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... And I bet they promoted him!
  3. That's a damn good opening line for you in the conversation with her ...
  4. That sentence there is precisely why I am not against abortion, per se.
  5. Where's the candle? "
  6. Just collecting intel and dispensing it through the usual channels ... "
  7. Oh, right. I thought you were referring to the OF: Source mod. Because there is such a mod, right? ...RIGHT? :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, thankfully there is ... (But it's a long way from finished ... )
  8. Well, I don't doubt it, but... has this been released already? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Source game came free with the Gold (and Silver, IIRC); also, if you bought the original Opposing Forces, you may just register it using Steam, and you can play it through Source (which is what I did, I bought the Game of the Year Edition with Blue Shift, Opposing Forces and Counter-Strike). PS This is not the same as Opposing Source. PPS It does seem harder.
  9. The only course of action is to destroy AUSTRIA immediately. All guns attack! (Because I was never going to do that, anyway.)
  10. Come again? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was reading somewhere that the game speed is quicker using Source, rather than the original game. So, as it makes me feel better about my gaming (and fading hand-eye coordination), I took it as a fact. :D Don't strip my crutches away from me ...
  11. All that means is that marketing is effective. Sure, that is scary of and by itself, but that doesn't mean people's choices are so screwed up that they prefer that sort of game to others. Don't forget it is a console game, and it fits the requirements of a console game pretty well, from what I can tell (haven't and won't play it).
  12. Why do you have to have kids? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because he's a grown man?
  13. If they are new topics, then there shouldn't be too many people being sent emails, as there are no posts to which this new post is a reply to, so the email notification should be triggered for mods / devs (those who want to know about new topics). If the index of the table was corrupt, then that would cause the error, so re-indexing would solve that (hopefully: might have to discard the index and create a new one from scratch). Secondly, I get the error infrequently (I got it today), but not always when starting a new topic, sometimes when replying, too. And not always when posting a new topic, sometimes it posts normally.
  14. Every (male) geek's wet dream
  15. The results of your insta-messaging warfare is always a puddle of spam.
  16. Guilty conscience? " (IIRC all someone's moves are submitted with "moves".)
  17. Truth is more entertaining than fiction.
  18. ... Or, you could always write a mod.
  19. Currently playing: Deus Ex: Invisible War (with texture packs, finally got enough momentum to finish it again); Opposing Forces: Source (it is a lot harder in Source, funnily enough, as the timings are all much faster); System Shock 2 (nearly finished, on the sixth level); Grim Fandango (waiting until I have some time and decent mindspace set aside to solve the puzzles, rather than be tempted to the DarkSide of the walkthrough). Next on my playlist are: Deus Ex (just because); Deus Ex community module Zodiac; Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell and bonus Mission Pack (bought this months ago, and I stil haven't installed it yet); Rome: Total War, again.
  20. You forgot customised lightsabre hilts.
  21. Deus Ex (although I am currently playing System Shock 2 and trying to get System Shock to work).
  22. You can replace "Star Wars", "Jedi" and "Sith" with the proper nouns from any other setting, and the paragraph doesn't lose a single ounce of validity. You know, that's "the stuff of legends". Not really exclusive to SW. What we need is less cliched stories, not different settings. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True enough, but therein lies the problem - stories that are not clich
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