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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. A ten gallon hat, visible sidearm and an ornery temper?
  2. I like Karateka (Apple ][).
  3. Sweden? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You aren't wearing your US rose-coloured glasses.
  4. I have a question for you DMs: what do you do if one of the characters is isolated from the group and (for example) ambushed. Do you rely on the players' mighty rectitude to keep out-of-character information from their game playing, or perhaps take the person who is playing the character in question aside and DM them one on one for the encounter? I ask this because it was the cause of an enormous fight for our group: the DM had a doppleganger ambush (and kill!) our party's Ranger (pride and joy of my friend) and then re-infiltrate the aprty and surprise attack them. We were all more than a bit peeved to have the DM rolling endless dice behind the little screen and then pretend nothing had happened until the bizzaro-Ranger attacked the rest of us ... my friend was particularly pissed that he didn't get to determine the character's fate ..! Any thoughts?
  5. Gabs is neither man nor woman: she is a Goth!
  6. My partner was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 14 October (nice birthday present), and has already undergone remedial surgery ...
  7. That is why you fail Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back. Making up words is healthy and fun.
  8. I don't mean to make all your musings seem inconsequential, but I shall, anyway. " My university had the second worldwide computer installation: it used punch cards for I/O! My first computer (that I used) was a Challenger IP, which had 1kB of RAM (the expanded model had a massive 4kB): I wrote a scorching top-scrolling game I called Lazer Zap for it (a friend of mine tried to write Donkey Kong, but he ran out of memory even though he was writing it in Assembly); good old audio tapes for backup ... my first computer was a bright, shiny, new Apple //e (64kB of RAM, including the whizzy 16kB language card) on which I played a ported version of the earliest Star Trek text-for-graphics game (warping around a grid of sixteen galactic coordinates and impulsing around the squares to kill Klingons and pillage planets) ...
  9. more eloquently
  10. Doesn't bode well for good government if even the "fairest nation on Earth" is still too partisan to legislate for a better country, rather than line the pockets of their own groups of special interest ... Is there any reason that J Gordon Liddy rhymes with Libby?
  11. Ahhh McCain, you've done it again! "
  12. So you didn't replace your old man with a new one?
  13. You're forgetting that the US is a federated Union of States: the individual member states aren't too pleased to cede any authority to the Federal government ...
  14. The man that Kirrotu changed to ...
  15. Homer loves Mindy / Homer loves Mindy ... As long as they have an equivalent satire of their society, I don't see the problem. What makes The Simpsons great is the social satire, not the beer, bacon and burping. (Well, maybe the burping ...)
  16. Mao Zedong had the right idea: up against the wall. "
  17. What's his name?
  18. Trust me. And don't trust the Alliance.
  19. It is a cute puppy. Is the puppy being nominated for Supreme Court Justice?
  20. Ahhh, but the real question is: does Gabs date a half-mindflayer dire-chimp nutsack?
  21. ... And Ultima ][. "
  22. roshan, please find your old keyboard as I am having trouble re-encrypting your posts ...
  23. Limited game mechanic. I wanted to kill the Force, but there was no option in the dialogue to agree with Kreia ... We-eeeeeeeeeeeeeell, technically the sabres weren't henchmen, they were more like a K2 hommag
  24. *sings* 'cause you don't always get what you want / you get what you nee-eeeeeeeeeeeed ...
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