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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Absolutely; some of her magic harks back beyond recorded time ... :ph34r:
  2. An assistant what?
  3. On the plus side, the Prime Ministerial dictatorship has helped manage the stiffling bureaucracy ...
  4. What's wrong with bubble wrap?
  5. Does that mean that billions of people conduct themselves in a MMOSE (Massively Multiplayer Off-line Shopping Experience) every day?
  6. I don't know if I still have the Scientific American in which I read the article: probably back in the late nineties / early noughts. Evolution is "just one theory", too. Pretty well backed up theories, though. Moon rock samples taken by the Apollo missions indeed back it up, as well as geological records on Earth. Earth was hit by a meteor a few billion years ago, just after it formed, and a big chunk peeled off the planet and didn't escape the gravitational pull ... Edit: linkie
  7. Goes well with the matched pair of "House of Commons" ...
  8. The moon was once part of the Earth.
  9. Did McDonalds use it to colour their 100 billionth burger sold?
  10. ... Except when it means more stupid people get a say in what happens to everyone else ...
  11. Wouldn't the rickety rope bridge be a perfect candidate for the snippetiest snippety snipping?
  12. If Jesus played the lottery (religiously) every week, he would be about due to win. If Moses had played every week, he would be about due for his second win! (Does this mean Moses is luckier than Jesus? MYSTARY!)
  13. Not even in San Juan?
  14. Definition of marketing: sneaky self-centred criminally-inclined sociopaths that use meta-sociopathy to predict and control others in society.
  15. Is that like a trip to the headmaster?
  16. Why Gabs sad?
  17. Doesn't KotOR use a modified Aurora engine?
  18. Okay!
  19. Moral grey areas are a ripe area for gameplay. The chaotic good character that must choose whether to perform some unspeakably evil act in order to provide for a good future for the many, at the expense of a few (even if they are scum Sith) ... or, even better, the evil character that must choose whether to (knowingly) perform an act which has magnanimous benefits for a multitude of enemies in order to set up a dark age of evil ... This can be scaled from the small to the galactic, from the beginning to the end of the game; it would be good to see the point at which the player flinches / blinks / won't step beyond. A masterstroke would be to use that information against the player in the latter part of the game. But that's just me.
  20. I vote for more tangents.
  21. Steve, I'd like to introduce you to Money. Money, Steve.
  22. Just because more chimps put their peanuts in one basket as opposed to another doesn't mean one bunch of liars is better at running the group than another. I think the best form of government is me.
  23. Doomsayer!
  24. You should feel at home with this old punch card machines. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That Star Trek game was a classic.
  25. Doesn't everyone have 1MB of RAM? "
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