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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Perhaps the loop needs to include more than two nodes ...
  2. Pong. And Indianna Jones ...
  3. I thought Event Horizon wasn't good.
  4. How do you establish your personal historical beliefs without indulging in cross-examination of the various views ?
  5. I wonder if the engine allows for mods (maps and rulesets), like the Star Trek one ...
  6. One of the guys on my team found that the corporate mail system was participating in a similar mail-routing loop with an employee's webmail account. When he isolated and fixed the problem, the total internet gateway packet traffic reduced by 40% ...
  7. That sounds like a truism for life ...
  8. And it was c. 100MB !?! *mutters something about Baley*
  9. And the gameplay is not spectacular? So I should just play SMAC, instead?
  10. *considers the implications and possible culpability of setting up a hotmail self-referential cascade event ... *
  11. Ah, but how did the game play? I haven't read any good reviews ...
  12. Volo enjoys beating up the forum into a mass debate. "
  13. I wouldn't want to link to any link that linked to me.
  14. Someone with an ATi graphics card buy it and tell me if the lag issues are negligible.
  15. I thought an outstretched fist with the thumb inside the fist was the sign of mercy, while a fist with the thumb pointed toward the throat indicated death. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just read something to the contrary, today, otherwise I wouldn't be so sure. Hmmm. I shall perform a search ... Here is someone backing up your interpretation (good tangential stuff about Darwin and nodding): ... You probably think we make the thumbs-up gesture because that's what the Romans used to do when they wanted to spare a fallen gladiator, right? Wrong--that's a myth based on a succession of mistranslations. The truth is when the Romans were feeling merciful they hid their thumbs in their clenched fists (symbolically sheathing their swords, some historians believe). To have a guy offed they didn't turn thumbs down but rather extended their thumbs in a stabbing gesture. ...; here is someone quoting Decimus Junius Juvenalis (Juvenal) to assert the exact opposite to the modern accepted idiom: ... Our reverse interpretation of this custom apparently was the result of the work of the French artist L
  16. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bless you for finding that. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Good on you for finding that! I don't let too many mistakes slip past me ... (... then again I remember I was posting without the luxury of revising my posts as I had a pressing time constraint, but that smacks of an excuse and I am not so vainglorious that I cannot admit to mistakes). No errors, mind you, just mistakes. :D
  17. No, it's still poor grammar. You changed the sentence from an assertion about the relative ages of kotorkyle and gabrielle to an assertion about the presence of a suspicion about the relative ages of the two. The first makes an assertion about the ages, the second raises a possibility. Even if it's artistic licence, and even if it was not done for any malevolent purposes, the meaning of the sentence has still been changed, thus there has been a change, rather than a correction, in the grammar. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, it is completely outside the boundaries of grammar. It is within editorial licence for the reader to interpret as they will. In fact, the structure of my correction not only presents a fair and clear interpretation, it also grants the reader the immediate power of recognising what is edit and what is the original statement. To wit, the correction was helping to state what kotorkyle meant to say, even though poor grammar and eloquence prevented such communication.
  18. Ah! Another level! Great! Keep it up, I like it when the actors gain access to another level of consciousness. ^_^
  19. LBJ would have called them "hyphen Americans" ...
  20. Most enlightened words I read all day, though I have only been reading this forum and an anime forum so... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I found one of their statements agreeable and (deliberately edited that way, or not) ironic: ... generally not having good quality white people being born.
  21. I'll ensure that I link to your link.
  22. Why is everyone suggesting games from the RTS genre?
  23. You're all in it. Didn't you know?
  24. I was wondering the same thing. Can someone elaborate for us? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He became the Chew I think. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... Or too boring to contribute ... Thank you for the history lesson o' wise one. I already knew that, history being of interest to me. Obviously the American movie makers do not know how to look up facts. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very pleased to hear it. Of more concern to me than the producers (writers / directors / whatever) of Hollywood revenue streams lack of research, is the tendency of the general public to accept film narratives as de facto historical fact (I'm thinking of Oliver Stone's JFK). In any case, I don't think it does any harm to repeat facts often and loud, so that there is no confusion ... also I find reciting facts helps me to remember them ... :cool: Edit: PS I love Authority. The "Mod Appreciation" thread has always been locked.
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