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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Happens all the time in fiction. It's analogous to graphic novels re-inventing stories in cycles, or the Batman Begins film, for example. I think it is a lot healthier for people to think of truth in absolutes, especially in a narrative format, like film, and more in subjective terms. For example, to celebrate its two hundredth anniversary, and in order to build a closer approximation to the objective truth of the Battle of Trafalgar using comprehensive accounts of historical documents from the British, French and Spanish naval archives, the narrative is more complex and richer. But as to what actually is the objective fact, no-one can really be certain.
  2. Here is my first topic.
  3. I would add that it behooves all Game Masters to prepare beforehand. The top three rules are: Plan, Plan, and PLAN. Once you have planned all sorts of "accidental" content you will be in a better position to react to players' behaviour; stuff that might only appear if the party / a particular PC acts tangentially to the main quest, for example. In other words, if you are playing a pre-baked campaign, read it all the way through first. Understand it. Find it's weaknesses and strengths. Add some spice and your own particular flair to bits, if you like (I always do). If you are DIY, then balance is going to be your primary guide: too easy and people get bored and too difficult and people get angry and bored. Once you have prepared the campaign, improvise as your party plays; if they do something ingenious, reward them in some way (a shortcut or easier method to circumnavigate a major challenge in the campaign, perhaps, or the old favourite of a random magic item.) Likewise, if they do something completely inane or deliberately stupid, don't disapoint them: make easy situations harder and tough battles nearly impossible. Then the players will feel that the game is interactive: it follows their moves and gives appropriate feedback. Lastly, remember to have fun, too. It should be just as fun for you to tell the story as it is for the players to be in it.
  4. ... Powerword "Flush!"
  5. At which point they cease to be knights. Just like you cant use the 1000+ personel on an aircraft carrier in any way other than to make it function in Civ. A lance is not a rocket powered grenade. Enoch has the right idea. Just hope it dosnt happen often enough to become a factor. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Arthur's knights used the holy hand-grenade of Antioch, and they were real knights.
  6. Of course not. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (That was an update to a location joke made using old references, not a rebuke to you.) For the record I am not short.
  7. Sacking and pillaging coastal towns is out of the question in this day and age. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you saying that they should stop drinking and making younglings?
  8. I thought it was an invitation from the neighbours to join them. OR Just some polite people trying to turn their neighbourhood into a neighbourly place. Don't act British; go up and say thanks. How would you react if you gave someone a present and they didn't even bother to say / write a thank-you?
  9. I hope that wasn't another short joke at my expense ...
  10. You just don't like any of the garlic family ...
  11. "My other alt is a meta."
  12. I'd say it's the former. Not having seen Simon's version, I don't know how large the discrepency is, though if GL can revise SW every time he releases it on a new format, then I guess the precedent has already been set and tacitly accepted by the cinema-going audience ...
  13. I liek onion
  14. I have yet to experience the Nordic countries first hand, so I am limited to hearsay; I believe that all those countries have something in common (spiritually) with Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. What is that, you ask? /stops waiting Darwin is the only place in the world where the local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous closed down due to lack of interest.
  15. I don't understand the question (if there was one at the top of this poll). Are you asking if we, the readers, approve of the general concept of multiple virtual identities for those that need / want them; or are you asking if we have them? The former is definitively yes and maybe, the latter is no. It is obviously mandatory to provide anonimity, should it be required, e.g. if a whistleblower were posting in a public arena. It is desirable to allow everyone tha ability of anonimity, if only as chaff to help camouflage those that need it. I don't have an alt account. As far as you know.
  16. Just my usual helpful self.
  17. A bit like datum and data, too.
  18. But if the character is the "chosen one" ...
  19. cut and paste?
  20. Those things are the unit killing itself, not the knight killing it. Again it makes no sense in the combat resolution. There isnt any way to rationalise it, it probably wont spoil the game though, as long as its not a common occurance. If the Helicopter wasn't in battle with the knights, there would be no chance of the crash. The knights aren't doing the killing, the combat is. I don't see how this doesn't make sense. In real life battles, a lot more than just the fighters affects the outcome. If we assume that the combats in Civ are actual battles, such things should be taken into account if one wishes to imagine the course of the battle. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep, kinda like how more soldiers died from disease in early protracted conflicts (like the US civil war) and influenza in WW1. God doesn't grant time-outs for the side taking more non-military casualties. Hmmm ... there's an aspect not covered in Civ: death due to plagues and pandemics ... The second clause of the first sentence doesn't follow from the first. Why must they be combat ready? Combat in Civ is an abstraction. Unless surprise is modeled in the simulation in some other way, or someone from Firaxis explicitly said otherwise, I don't see why a surprise attack cannot be imagined as being a part of that abstraction. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The turns are anyhere from one year long and up; it is quite feasible that a bunch of knights could stake-out a helicopter's flightpath to find it's weakest moment. Don't forget the rag-tag bunch of bronze-age warriors in Mogadishu who took out a blackhawk with a single (rocket-powered) grenade; all the knights need is the holy hand-grenade of Antioch ...
  21. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=graffito
  22. Winter has passed and 1906 begins ... Spring orders due Friday, please.
  23. ... Well, there was that graffito on the public lavatory wall ...
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