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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. 0H n03z!!!!! Raf43L is a fundamentalist right-wing hardliner!!!11eleven!1
  2. You don't want to know ... all that hero-worship, out the window ...
  3. Serves 'em right. "Pirate now, it's safer!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's already too late. Once this sort of information is in the public domain, at the very least security companies have built a captive version for testing purposes. I'd be very surprised if it is not in the wild in some form or other; probably still totally untraceable. It won't be long before this is preventable; after all, any unsigned driver installation has to be validated by the user in Windows 2k or later (unless they have turned that feature off). And it hardly stops linux users ... " On a side note, I was monitoring some traffic from the filesharing sites over a year ago and I noticed the inordinate amount of very sophisticated spyware (from the Hollywood mafia) that is downloaded and records highly detailed information that it sends somewhere ...
  4. ... except your lecture notes?
  5. It's never about impeachment!
  6. There's a plot, too!? ZOMG!
  7. The Republicans are revolting: they want their government back from the born-again usurper ...
  8. Felicitous salutations on the anniversary of your birthday.
  9. Is this picture taken at the end of the festivities ..?
  10. And to think, I used to have such good vision ... Hey, waitaminute! You're a transexual, you can't poke fun at me! HAHA! ladyboy! *points and runs away*
  11. Wals, your sig failed the filter. Try a different u in your c.u.m ...
  12. Except for NwN: that community made better games than the OC!
  13. ... And, in late-breaking news, Dufus have announced their latest game for release Spring 2006: Bring Home the BaconĀ®. This will be a MMOPRG where people can join in the virtual community, go to virtual school, pass virtual exams and complete virtual vocational training, to go onto virtual employment; any career is possible, from neurosergeon, dentist and oncology specialist, through to teacher, lawyer, barrister, priest, deacon, garbage collector and even unemployed. There is even a special mode for incapacity benefit, and potentially even for fraud! Future expansions will include Day in Court, with possible jail time for all sorts of fun crimes, from grand larceny to murder, and Afterlife, where high level characters can choose their diety and eternal domicile: including hell, valhalla and elysium.
  14. For the next game I wanna play as Darth Nihilus and eat planets. It could be like a KotOR meets Pac-man!!!11!elevens1!1
  15. Sorry guys, my bad. I am just trying to sort out some time for personal fun; I have had to be in hospital for about 12 hours a day every day in the last month, so I am both knackered and pushed for time ... I WILL be back soon, but I also have to move in the next week, and I don't want the game to start and then stop, I'd rather just start when I can give the game and all of you the time that you deserve. Apologies again.
  16. Not even backgammon? :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I like backgammon. That is where I can see why I am the "chosen one". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm already stoked about Backgammon II: Backgammon Armageddon. Supposedly Gregory Rush is going to do the voice of The Hat Salesman <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Excellent, that makes a big improvement on the initial information that Russell Crowe would voice The Hat Salesman, but is it true the producers are developing Backgammon ]I[: Calm After the Storm (working title) at the same time, with Michael Caine as the electric can-closer?
  17. Well, I thought I was performing a community service by helping people to imrpove their syntactical hygiene (by example and, in this case, by leaving deliberate mistakes for the readers to find and jump jubilantly on: a reward to enforce good behaviour: carrot and stick) ... ... and that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :D
  18. Of course I do it the best way. " Regarding your earlier ethical dilemma, Rev, I don't see the problem: as GM you ask for a vote, and (either overtly or covertly) determine whether it must be unanimous* or a set majority; and as a player you cast your vote. * This is the tricky bit. As you have already been quite visible in your unanimous requirement for rule changes (nasty Ender!), I see no obvious disingenuation ... :D You can thus make your decision based on your own greedy little self-interest, safe in the knowledge that you are acting completely legitimately. Bit like winning at a casino: you know you shouldn't, but if you do you feel that guilty enjoyment. Also, it's not like I've been "pulling a Darkside", I've had to visit the hospital every day for the last three weeks, so I haven't had time to fill my personal commitments, let alone do anything fun.
  19. Seems like those droids are always in the game, just like 3CPO and R2D in the movies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> R2 is the hero of the who SW sextology! Zalbar's dead. I killed him.
  20. I can't wait for the expansion packs: neuro-surgery and oncology ...
  21. What was the question?
  22. :Darque:
  23. Can't type: busy.
  24. Nurbs is particularly disturbed, already.
  25. ... Happy to be of service? :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kicking me when I'm down, eh? And I thought you were a christian! Well, now we know ...
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