Me too. Add in shamanism cue Blueberry, and you'd have a winner.
I didn't have time to elucidate fully at 7:37 am this morning but the whole Native American culture is ripe for exploitation, such that both the game genre and the culture may benefit mutually.
There is a rich heritage, pantheon and social fabric on which to base several classes including all the bases:
clerics (medicine men / shaman)
fighters (braves / warriors, chieftains = ranger class) that can use all sorts of edge weapons and quivers full of arrows for their various bows, not to mention more exotic weapons, like boomerangs
ninja sneak-up-and-flip-out-and-kill-everyoners (super-espionage agents of assassin class, without the alignment restriction)
armed technologists (probably could use a Victorian Steam setting, similar to Arcanum)
Doesn't need to be restricted to the US frontier, either; might just as well be in a different universe: even aliens might make an appearance! There is too much copycat-cut-and-paste in RPGs: too many orcs and blinking elves.