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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Yep, and she can get by just nicely thankyouverymuch in French and Spanish, too. Me, being a unilingual, though, and an anglophile at that; I favour latin. I also would like to try ancient greek, although I am not in a fantastic rush to do so, at the moment.
  2. I suppose it's more of an undead language, since it's been officially dead for hundreds of years and yet is still hanging around. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Latin: the Zombie that wants to eat your brains ... The point about latin is it is the basis of all the romantic languages, so it is very useful to know. And vice versa (se what I did there?): my partner, who understands Italian, was able to follow nearly all the dialogue without reading the subtitles in The Passion of the Christ, for example.
  3. No need, Steve, Gabs has volunteered a clanker in your stead.
  4. How hard is it to google tank girl?
  5. It was a silly French game. (I used to play it while I was minding the shop where I was doing some IT call-out support.)
  6. I'm sure there would be a process to re-register the games using their proof-of-purchases (even if that is just to send out a new copy). After you have bought the merchandice, they aren't quite so concerned about the service ...
  7. Is that the one where you had the iconographic language typwriter thing across the top of the screen and you had to work out how to communicate with the alien race?
  8. Only if you have a portable generator / UPS.
  9. What gets me is that Starflight and Starflight 2 ruined my view of game design and by extension made games like KotOR far less enjoyable. In Starflight you have litterally hundreds of systems/planets to explore (perhaps thousands of worlds) In Kotor we have.... what... five? Starflight fit on a single disc that you couldn't even put a full length novel on... KotOR took 4 discs... It seems as the technology advances... the less "game" we get... :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (Nicklaus) Wirth's law: software makes computers slower faster than hardware makes then faster. (Wirth invented the Pascal and Modula-2 computer languages.) Besides that, however, I agree. That silly French game I played in 1987 on the Amiga had more worlds to visit than KoTOR, AND a more advanced navigation system!
  10. That looks pretty spot on for Ultima ][ (circa 1983-ish). Ahhh, memories. I played that on the Apple //e! "E" would expand to "EAST", etc. Wow, I'd forgotten the fun there ...
  11. Indeed we did: you can't register a patent without a product (or method), and it makes it muc easier to have the patent granted if you have a product.
  12. Swallowing isn't important. It's waiting until they've finished that's important: the rest is just showmanship ...
  13. I can see the marketing suits tripping over themselves now ...
  14. Do you know what you've DONE!?one!11 You've started me playing the game again!
  15. Your rights end at the end of my nose.
  16. Although variations in length and girth are innumerable whilst the organ is flaccid, these tend to regress to the normal length and circumference when tumescent.
  17. If it is alive, the Japanese will eat it.
  18. ... Unless the defender has a counter-counter-counter-attack ...
  19. No. That is an enhanced TRS-80 Hi-Res image.
  20. Darkee, just use Firefox, then you can increase the size of text with your mouse scroller whilst holding the Ctrl key.
  21. How do you know?
  22. Seek and ye shall find.
  23. Algebra is useful if you want to describe a behaviour, like a line. Using a letter to stand for the variable part allows us to simplify the explanation (you could say encrypt, in your case). For example, rather than writing out an infinite set of co-ordinates to draw a big "U", I could just say it follows the formula x=y
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