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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Wouldn't that create an androgynous person? Testosterone for the male and
  2. Not really something to aim for, I would have thought ... on a discussion forum. "
  3. I wouldn't know about that, and nor am I particularly interested in finding out, either.
  4. You need some anti-testosterone, then.
  5. Don't need to now, I have industrial strength assistance.
  6. Not much sleep and a side order of worry. Thatnks for the spelling pickup, I didn't bother checking that one (obviously), so I'm glad I've got you into the habit, at least!
  7. 1. That means what ships at deadline is what you get. So no extra content or fan mods. 2. Harddrive space is about 36p (50⊄) per MB (in the UK, probably cheaper in the US due to economies of scale), and CDs are a few cents each, so storage is hardly an issue, price-wise. 3. I use my PC for work (it's a laptop, actually) and I still have plenty of room left. I am about to build a new gaming PC; currently, for about double the cost of a new PS3 I can build a rig with dual 7800GT SLI 256MB, overclock the RAM (1.5GHz effective) and GPU (750MHz, or thereabouts) and even have a cool looking modded case with water cooling. Here is an example. 4. This is fun to do.
  8. You love it.
  9. AFAIK (same disclaimer applies) the Original Sith was just an invention of Bioware, I don't think it has any relevance to the pile of steaming EU.
  10. Yep, but Monmouth, Shrewsberry and Middlesex are in the west of England; it is normally poor form to have people read all of your post when it is completely irrelevant to them. I also hate stupid assumptions that the entire world ceases to exist outside the USA.
  11. Wow! I've got a lifetime's supply now! THXKBYE
  12. I think you added a prefix or two to that word ... <_<
  13. Have a wowwypop, Gabs.
  14. I cannot tell a lie ... ... but this is writing ... ... sounds like an interesting setting, though ... "
  15. All the more reason to give them the gift that keeps on giving ... Knowingly, or otherwise ..? "
  16. Yeah right, and that's why the PC gaming market is declining... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ye Gods! I know what I'll do, I'll run out and buy a console! That'll help! Then I can play the bestest games on the latestest platforms!!11eleven!
  17. With the concept of a Knight, the potential for LS/DS is also there. (There are robes for Jedi Knights and Dark Jedi Knights respectively) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And don't forget the whole concept of of a knight, without being a "knight". Like the old "Prince & The Pauper" story, where the prince pretends to be a pauper and yet still comports himself as a prince must: that can be applied to a knight just as well. In other words, the characteristics that define a knight can be expressed by someone who has not been officially recognised as a knight, and this may be a good knight or otherwise (Black Knight, anyone?). What are you asking? AFAIK (admittedly not much, and all of it based on the loading screen ticker tape from K1), the "Original Sith" were some sort of insect-like beasties. Are you suggesting that these beasties should be enemies, playable characters, or both?
  18. Whilst worn, it will be a very effective prophilaxis ...
  19. Depends on the character class, too. A mage with two hitpoints at level two is dead, Zed. A fighter may well have a constitution bonus to add, but I agree in principle with Reveilled's stance, as the first level is the most important (by far).
  20. I am innocent! I am sweet! What have you done to the inventors of art and beauty and pizza?!
  21. Advice: don't post your email address unencoded on a forum, as naughty little spiderspambots take it and sign you up for more herbal viagra than all the gerontologic vetrinarian needs of the remaining herds of african and indian elephants for the next century. Secondly, although you might not believe it, this is a cosmopolitan audience: you might like to include the country you are talking about, rather than just local details. For example, all of those areas exist in England.
  22. Why obviously? When did GL die and bequeath the SW IP to you? If you play K2 and understand some of the deeper philosophical bases the developers have attempted to include, you will know that it is perfectly possible, especially if the Force wills it. The Force doesn't exist in parts of the galaxy already, if we are to believe what we are told in K2. It isn't much of a stretch to kill it off in the galaxy (even temporarily), or make it more difficult to invoke (so that every schutta and his droid can wield a lightsabre). I think it would be a novel plot for a sequel, but it certainly is possible that blinkered fanboys would not be pleased unless they got the same game AGAIN. They are good points, but they are more relevant to K1; in K2 you start as a Jedi, not a soldier, scoundrel or scout. Not so much fun roleplaying a pseudo-class.
  23. Magic armour doesn't need to cover the body to be effective, you know.
  24. Where's the love for the Christian Orthodox Calendar? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pope Gregory stole 11 days from us!
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