Do not underestimate the power of a papercut.
His ultimate attack must be spinning into a hurricane and shouting THOUSAND CUT ATTACK. If he goes ultimate attack lvl 2 the post-it notes shoot out from him too.
Sticky Note Man is more awesome than even he knew.
Hahahahhhahahaha! I have just placed a terminate with extreme prejudice note on your employment record: I have killed all you are and all you could be! FEEL the P0W4r OF TEh N073z!111!
So, I'm sorry, but I have my orders.
Everyone is to now use the broom cupboard as their shared office
space, whilst Mr Gaw has been promoted, given a pH47 raise and the whole floor as an office, even though he will be telecommuting from Bermuda, at the new office we have just opened up.
They were even printed on a VERY IMPORTANT PINK POST-IT NOTE!