Space Rangers 2 runs on my lappy at about 130fps, with all the settings at maximum.
And the robot battles are real-time (with a pseudo-pause, when building stuff).
PS Try rolling back the drivers, if you are having problems ... sometimes a fix in an earlier code release doesn't make it into the input code of a later fix (due to poor management) and this is called a REGRESSION BUG: this means that sometimes a bug can be fixed in an earlier driver and not in a later (until the regression code is patched).
Also, even though the FAA mandates a reliability rating for all components of aircraft, for example, so that a pop rivet on a 747's wing has a failure rating of, say, 1 in 10,000,000, they very early on realised that such a system is impossible with software, as every change made to code can create instabilities in unconnected parts of the stream. Conseqeuntly, "updating" software can sometimes result in a poorer performance in a completely unrelated part of the programme.