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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Irony. Their word of honour.
  2. How can an artist have ANYTHING to do with the preparation of the code in the company? Does that mean everyone in Goldman-Sacks gets a $50M bonus this Christmas, too (like the CEO)? It also presupposes that the individual won't learn from the past and make sure
  3. I refuse to click on the links without more description and, by implication, some sort of inducement.
  4. Not sure why a site like these are "help, but in all the wrong ways" ... certainly if someone is going to commit suicide then this will only lessen the trauma; if they aren't then talking to others should help alleviate the urge. The rights of the individual end where their actions start to impinge on others ... that is the eternal struggle of government of a free society. It gets really tricky when trying to allow for compos mentis, though ... at what point does a mood become an illness ... I shouldn't laugh, but it just made me think of someone else's advert that might stipulate the need for a local production, as long-distance travel would be a definite turn-off. :D I'd like to see some evidence of that: I doubt it really is that simple when push comes to shove and one stares into the abyss of their own mortality ...
  5. Ah, but freezing doesn't kill them, just slows them down until they warm up again ...
  6. I thought she was wearing tinsel ...
  7. But a flame-thrower is prettier and would get more. All you need is a bit of gasoline and some styrofoam and a pressure sprayer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... And, presumably, a source of ignition ... :D
  8. Buon Natale?
  9. clickie So much for consoles not suffering from update bugs. "
  10. Individuals only pay tax on their income (although the British government tried to tax on revenue for contractors with their IR35 legislation, and I have also encountered "provisional" tax, whereby the government expects to be paid their tax a year in advance!
  11. Lots of Obisidian customisations + lots of new version features = complex upgrade path.
  12. Is that meant to be irony? "
  13. I expect it won't be released in Italy next week, so I'll be beyond temptation (such that it is " ); anyway, I think this is a discussion that might be continued (if there is any steam left in it) in the movie topic.
  14. Free updates will end in the new year. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What? How dare they take away my free updates!? EDIT: Are they actually stopping the free updates? I can't find anything to that effect. Version 7.1 is being discontinued, but there is still version 7.5 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh right... ok then ignore what I said. For some reason I was under the impression 7.5 would not be free. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He's a witch!
  15. Further to this, one could roll for all the various parts that make up the whole conversation / plan. For example, if there are 20 dialogue diplomacy checks, passing more than eleven (10.5 is the average roll of a 20-sided die) would be successful to a lesser or greater extent. The perpetrator might agree to come down the station and even tell you his name, but disagree to tell you his address or known associates, say.
  16. Because even if the player is unskilled in speech, it can be that his character is a master of diplomacy, because he isn't good in talking he will have a harder time than simply just roll the dice, but still he will have achance to succeed. I want to encourage roleplay and dialogues, not to banish people who simply can't do it better. Anyone has a chance to accomplish anything. This way its easier for roleplayers, taugher for those people who are not so good in it/or are beginners, but definetly it isn't impossible. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As long as the players who are not so good in person are able to succeed with characters that are excellent diplomats (for example).
  17. Charisma should have a correlation to seduction, though.
  18. There is definitely an influence check before, as well.
  19. There is an influence check at the time of the battle. Either she leaves or joins them, I suppose.
  20. You can't really "breach" common law-- common law just decides whether a contract exists and whether there has been a breach of that contract. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Rules Lawyer ... :D My antecedent should have been the subject, and vice versa, then?
  21. Sounds like Spain ... "
  22. Poor version management, then: the "Check-In, Alert-Out" (CIAO) is used to track the modules as they are worked on, trying to map the the pre-requisite and consequent variables used in each.
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