What you are proposing (supporting? deriding? I can't tell anymore) is replacing the society of the USA with something like that of modern Russia.
Without a civic duty: without citizens contributing to the upkeep of the society, the society will die. All relationships require an investment, lest they die.
You are advocating, with your denial of civic duty, a dictatorship of some description. Because without a strong, robust and fair society to protect the little guy, you will let the biggest gorilla make the rules. Without the US liberal (small "L") government, the break-up of the Standard Oil monopoly, for only one example, would never have occurred. Look at Putin and GasProm.
Anarchy would only work if there was a lot of equipotent groups, like the city states of Ancient Greece, for example. As soon as one gained a hegemony, like Athens did with her navy in this illustration, then they had supremacy.