Regardless of what others may think, you are actually allowed to have personal preference and taste.
You do not need to defend and justify what you personal enjoy in a game.
I really do not understand this movement where everyone has to like FPS games...
I remember a time when we had multiple genera's of Games!
RPG, Platform, Puzzle, Adventure, Action, Simulations, Sports, Beat em ups & FPS Games, Plus every combination of any or all of the above... and each was a valid choice for what you as the player were allowed to enjoy.
But somewhere down the line someone decided everyone had to Enjoy FPS Games and World of Warcraft... and I had always hoped that in the year 2007 we would have more choice, not less.
Silly silly me.
So this topic is really about how much you don't want a "tr00" RPG to be soiled by FPS-elements?