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Everything posted by Ekkest

  1. I like the Jawa idea.
  2. Then howcome every non-Goto Exchange boss in the game is a Quarren. Aren't Mon Cals and Quarren from the same planet? And aren't Quarren the ones who very seldom leave home? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe he got abducted by sushi-lovers. Unfortunatly, the Quarren did not taste very good, so he was ejected into space. Somehow, he turned into a peice of toast, and floated to the nearest planet. He burned up in the atmosphere of the planet, but miraculously re-animated through a process involving a time machine and duct tape. The Quarren then rose to become an Exchange boss by winning an acrobatics contest. At least thats my theory.
  3. If we're going to have another droid with a mental disorder, I hope it is manic depression. And the droid to be named Marvin.
  4. Well, I wasn't really talking about Revan.... but then again, I think Revan and the Exile aren't supposed to represent either side. heee...heehee....heeheehee
  5. I really like this smiley but I never get to use it: hee....heehee.... Anyways, I'd have to agree with Hades_One. Though the overarching plot is that of the Republic's near collapse and the Sith invasion, KOTOR isn't really about that. The Sith and the Republic aren't faceless entities, but have people that represent what they are about. So, Malak represents the evil of the Sith, and is the villian. It be like a World War II film. The enemy is going to be the evil Nazi general, not an organization like the German Army as a whole. At least that's my take on it.
  6. KOTOR Morrowind Freelancer Simcity Age of Empires II Warcraft III GTA III Rise of Nations Rome:Total War Command &Conquer Red Alert Dawn of War Battle for Middle-Earth Tropico Alpha Centauri At the moment.
  7. LOL your kidding right? You let a bunch of bugs beat you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know! For some reason, I just always lost to them. Of course now, it takes 5 seconds to floor them.... maybe it was because I thought blaster rifles were great back then....
  8. When you go into the Lower City on Taris, a bunch of Hidden Beks and Vulkars fight and then attack you. I don't know why, but I must have died 10 times before I beat that. It's so easy now, but back then I just died and died. I almost cried when I won.
  9. I know one of my friends named his character after a taco mixture.
  10. Noooooooo! I like Poof!
  11. Well, just because KOTOR 3 hasn't been announced yet doesn't mean we can't formulate ideas. If you followed that logic, since the universe is doomed to collapse into a quantum singularity or exist forever while all matter is destroyed, than life is pointless as whatever you do is completely worthless in the end. It's the same with KOTOR 3. If KOTOR 3 isn't ever announced, then this will all be pointless, but at least we will have had fun making up ideas and complaining about flaws. But if it does come true, then... umm.... this will still be pretty pointless, as a developer won't be skimming forum posts when he or she is designing the game. But meh.
  12. I think Snake Oil Salesmen are some of the most respectable people in the world.
  13. Ummm...I'm going to walk away, slowly....
  14. Simple. Like this: Do you remember when ----- said ------, ---------- ------? Man, that was so ----! ----- really showed ------ who's boss. I completely agree with you, they should just merge the SPOILER and the STORYLINE forums together.
  15. I don't think you could bring back any of these characters: Mission Zaalbar Juhani Jolee Or, you could bring them back and not make them very important. Since they all could have died..... but then again, so could Bastila and Carth. I hope that KOTOR3 would be a direct continuation of the story, instead of all new characters (again), but I don't see how that could work without trampling on peoples decisions from the first two games.
  16. I don't like playing with other people. 95% of people are annoying. Coincidentally, If KOTOR 3 was EVER a MMORPG, I'd go eat a sandwich instead. For me, it would be more fun than "KOTOR" 3.
  17. What is "munchkinism"? Sorry if it's well known, I just haven't heard it before.
  18. About the "atmosphere" of planets... I think the planets in KOTOR had more "atmosphere" than the ones in KOTOR2 (supposedly, I haven't played it yet), because people already expected the tone of the worlds. Tatooine is automatically assumed to be a rustic, backwater desert world, with tusken raiders and jawas, because you see that in the films. Kashyyyk is already known to be a dark forest world with Wookies, so the atmosphere is familiar. Manaan, which was new, didn't have an already known "atmosphere", and is generally called the worst, most boring planet. Many of the worlds in KOTOR2 don't have backgrounds, like Manaan. Peragus? Never heard of it. Some asteroid? Meh. Malachor? An ice planet? Is it like Hoth? No? Well, then meh.
  19. I think Return of the Jedi was a bit of an anticlimax, but I still like it.
  20. Hopefully, there won't be too many bugs in the PC version. I only ran into two bugs in the first KOTOR. Hopefully that will be the case with KOTOR II in February.
  21. It's a conspiracy!
  22. I havent' played it and won't until February, but I think I'll like the ending. I see comparisons with the Half-Life 2 ending: I liked the Half-Life 2 ending. So maybe I'll enjoy it.
  23. That's great! I'll try them out in February.
  24. In one of the paragraphs the reviewer says "There are new feats and powers, but you can do fine without them" What, does this guy want a feat called Jedi Supremacy that gives you 1000 vitality points? The new feats and powers are not supposed to be a replacement set that you need to win the game, they are supposed to be added choices! At least that's what I thought.
  25. I noticed that during the 'ice-planet' cinematic and the one on Citadel Station near the end, that they aren't in the Ebon Hawk, but another, white ships with folded wings. Looks kind of like the Emperor's transport in Return of the Jedi.
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