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Everything posted by Ekkest

  1. It doesn't say anything for sure. Though it does suggest it.... I agree with Fighter, it wouldn't make much sense if different plot choices happened, and I don't think many other people would be strong enough to kill him. Perhaps a Sith Lord?
  2. Though I agree that G0-T0 is Bao-dur's droid, "Goto" is also a crime lord on Nar Shadaa, according to the site. Confusing, at least for me.
  3. What we need is a "Jedimafia Rant Page", where he can stick all of this sayings, instead of making twenty threads about it.
  4. I once had a Mac. Unfortunatly, the on/off power button was on the keyboard, so when the keyboard broke, you're left with a computer that can't turn off. In retrospect, a rather poor design decision. By that time better computers were coming out, so... now there is a PC.
  5. My character's battle with Malak wasn't too hard. I had a lot more trouble with Calo Nord on Tatooine and that Vulkar ambush when you first step into the Lower city on Taris. I must have died ten times before I beat that one.
  6. I think the reason humans can't podrace is slower reflexes or something to that effect. I don't know that much either. I only saw Episode 1 twice.
  7. How did I miss that!?
  8. Personally, I haven't heard about the real-time weather effects (if they are there), but if they were that would be very interesting. However, I have yet to see a screenshot or something with rain/fog/snow, so I can't say for certain if I would like it or not.
  9. I only had problems with around 2 puzzles... I mean, KOTOR was actually the first game I finished. I'm terrible at finishing games.
  10. I always imagined it as that the Jedi are like a resistance in this game. I think they are secretly training new Jedi, but your the only Jedi that the Sith have any knowledge about...in the beginning.
  11. The problem of doing a KOTOR 3 in the same engine is that by the time it comes out, the graphics will have fallen far behind many other games, despite small improvements. If they make a KOTOR 3 I would hope it is a new engine.
  12. Anybody know what Malachor is like? Or is it just a name and a small bit of information so far?
  13. Think of all the replayability options!
  14. I wonder what a conversation between a HK-47, a HK-50 and an HK-51 would be like. And does that mean that Luke Skywalker could have bought a HK-792?
  15. I always though it was to kill the Sith Lords.... it's just a wild guess, though.
  16. I don't see how they could not realize that Taris was under Sith control... I mean it's a major trading spot, and even people from across the galaxy (like backwater tatooine) know about it. Plus, they said the Republic had a base on Taris when you speak to Zelka Forn, so obviously the Republic must have got a message that Taris was under attack.
  17. In the beginning, I'll probably use either Mira or Kriea, or possibly Atton if I need somebody with blasters. By the middle, hopefully I'll be able to use Mandalore or Bao-Dur (he has that 'pet' thing, so he might be good if you need extra help). Near the end... well, I'm not sure, hopefully we will have an apprentice by then.
  18. Yes, apprentices would be cool. But when would you get them? After a prestige class?
  19. Personally, I played KOTOR multiple times and still enjoyed it immensly, though, yes, I hope there are more than two outcomes. And I beleive it has been confirmed that there are apprentices, though I'm not fully sure.
  20. Well, theres three for light side and three for dark. Light: Jedi Weapon-master Jedi Master And another one I can't remember right now. Dark: Sith Lord Sith Marauder Sith Assasin. I think they all get unique force powers, and you get to them after a certain level. So you would start off as a Consular, and then could be a Weapon-master or something later on.
  21. I don't know about Coruscant... I mean, if we have Nar Shadaa, that would be two city planets, and I'm hoping for a bit more variety. Yavin 4 sounds interesting, though.
  22. Yeah, I know it's a cake. But when I first read that section I had flashes of killing rakghouls again which made me shudder violently.
  23. Nice screenshots, especially that HK one. I was a bit frightened when the review started talking about the time without a lightsaber being four hours or so, but then again Taris was probably longer.
  24. I usually go light.
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