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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Thread continued here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48459
  2. First page of previous thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=39652 Last page of previous thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...5&start=495 I don't know how much life there is in the series yet, but the thread was getting a bit long. I've only got as far as buying the pilot thingy on DVD. I might treat myself to seasons 1&2 as a Christmas Present (i've been nice to myself all year)
  3. I don't mind "rating" systems as such, but they sure are a bit on the hypocritical side when it comes to what they terms what. For me, realistic violence and certain themes would be a much stronger reason to make them less accessible to younger audiences than a pair of E-Boobies ®. If they would just stick to actually writing on the box what is in it rather than trying to rate it and then leave it at that (i.e. contains nudity, realistic violence, profanity, politics, animal abuse etc.). I had a look at The Witcher down at the store yesterday, much tempted to buy it. But since I couldn't figure out from the box whether it was the censored or uncensored version, it stayed on the shelf. Life could be much easier :sad:
  4. ...But you love me because I have no personality, right? Only because you murdered Eldar and buried him in your basement Looks like a Sunday that is about to be spent at work today... so much for pruning the wild plant life in my garden
  5. The question has been passed on to those "in the know", although those may be doing whatever people do when it is weekend and such.
  6. 3 Years? Ouch! I had to wear such things for 2 years. The result of a car accident. The bones grew back together and my head worked pretty fine afterwards though
  7. Yeah, there is a sticky thread called "Donations" on their forum, which explains it. And we are now down to 7 bugs
  8. Gorth


    Feel the brotherly Scandinavian love! Edit: I am a rogue. Couldn't find a Demi-Lich anywhere...
  9. I went back to an earlier save, before attacking the Duty guys. I am still on "friendly" terms with both (although I did kill the tower sniper, my last save before that is waaay too old). I am now busy strying to figure out how to survive the red forest. But thanks for the info. It just looked like both wanted you to sign up and maybe there was some kind of trade off between good and bad things for each of them. Now off to kill more Monolith guys... without getting myself killed all the time...
  10. *Sigh* :sad: Looks like this game isn't free of the unfinishable quest curse either. I don't know if there are/were any benefits at all to joining either Freedom (one kind of nuts) or Duty (nutty in a different way), but a guy named Skull made sure I can't do either. He gave me a mission to take out a tower sniper, I said yes, after which the first thing Skull does is run out in front of me and charge the sniper tower single handedly. Of course he gets himself shot very dead. I took out the sniper without antagonising the rest of the Freedom camp, but now I can't finish it because my point of contact, Skull, is busy lying dead on the ground. I tried dragging his sorry corpse around a bit, poking him with my knife, no reaction. I tried to talk to all members of his squad, just to see if that would do the trick but no luck Then I tried another approach and see if I could join freedom. First mission, kill the squad where Skull was a member. Much to my delight, once I threw a hand grenade into their little singalong around the campfire, the unfinishable mission disappeared from my PDA... just to be replaced with a new unfinishable one. It apparantly keeps track of how many Duty squad member gets killed, and since Skull was already dead, they keep running around forever looking for something to kill. In disgust, I gave up and entered the red forest. I am now getting my butt seriously handed to me (repeatedly). Those Monolith (a group of real nutcases) guys have some serious equipment (I was about to rant about instantly (and constantly repeating) spawning missions, that I had never accepted popping up in my PDA, but then I saw that there is a new patch out that claims to fix it. Time to try it out) Anybody know if there is some kind of benefits to joining any of the factions? Anybody ever experienced Skull dying prematurely? If so, any workarounds?
  11. I played mainly a spirit shaman (with a few levels of storm lord thrown in). I didn't anticipate another party member of that class. Not sure what I want to try next. Maybe just a pure fighter. All feats and no skills.
  12. Minsc and Boo... and Minsc and Boo... and Minsc and Boo... And M... Hmm... how odd, a hamster in pocket, what is your name little fella? Interesting choice of NPC's. Based on ideas for the plot, or personal preference (i.e. "favourites")? Being no gnome friend, I would swap Jansen for Lilarcor any day, but hey, it's your world, literally
  13. Nothing deep or profound to add, but... maybe they don't really want anybody to "rule" them? Not the coalition forces, not the "Iraqi Government" and not the Al Quaida. When coalition forces were the dominant military force, they fought them, when it looked like Al Quaida started to dominate the country side, they turned on them. If they are successful in eliminating those, I wouldn't be surprised to see them turn all their attention on the government forces... Well, just a theory. Only the people involved can really tell you.
  14. Pure speculation... I don't think the monarchy would have survived in Germany, the Kaiser was in a precarious position already two thirds into the war. The ensuing anarchy and unrest might have led to a different outcome though (with no "backstab" theory to propel the Nazi party to power), with the communists as the likely dominant party in post war Germany. Maybe Germany and Russia would still be fighting today over who should be the center of world communism (with China as the laughing third)? It was probably more than anything a moral boost for french troops on the verge of nationwide mutiny and english troops that might have started thinking some very republican thoughts. Without the vastly superior numbers and production capacity that the US was able to provide, they (the orignal warring countries) might have fought for a few more years until all involved countries sunk into a state of complete civil unrest and rioting. Austria-Hungary was falling apart at the seems, Italy was disintegrating, the secret weapon of the germans (Lenin) was setting Russia on fire and France, England & Germany was killing their men faster than the homefront could possibly make babies. Edit: And maybe the Ottoman Empire might still be around... altough that one is very hard to speculate about. The British empire did a mixture of very stupid and very bright things in the campaigns against Turkey. If they were still around, there probably wouldn't have been a middle east conflict today, as jews and arabs would live under Ottoman law.
  15. Mostly working these days... meetings and client visits during the daytime, job interviews in the evenings and then a lot of writing at night. In short, crunch time lasting until Christmas
  16. Not exactly a movie, but I bought Rome season one. I saw the pilot episode quite a while ago and wanted to see more of the series. I just need to find the time to watch it
  17. Gorth


    Interesting topic... I don't have any "family of my own", as in no wife and no kids (to the best of my knowledge). My parents are a fun couple. My dad spend some years in jail when I was kid, for printing his own american 20 dollar bills. My mom was the one who turned him in, yet today, 30 years later they are still happily married. It has to be love. I never had much to do with uncles, aunts, cousins and so, which means my parents and my brothers are the family I know and care about. My parents tried their hands at being guardians/foster parents for three distant relatives during my teenage years, but it didn't turn out well. Being already damaged goods (growing up in a place, that when later investigated by police, turned out to be no better than a concentration camp for children), they ended up hardened criminals (robbing convenience stores, money transports etc.) and in one case, a heroin addict, introducing me to the less positive sides of society. They sure were handy to have around, beating people up who bothered me though If anything, I learned the possible consequences of not having a loving family when growing up, which makes me somewhat more "forgiving" towards people with tough upbringings and more condemning towards people who doesn't appreciate how privileged they may be. Having absolutely atrocious social skills, I never really got into this feeling comfortable around people thing, so I often feel more relaxed and generally happier when finding secluded places with no people around. As much as I love my brothers and their families, no way could I imagine myself having what it takes to raise a family (some would say, I am a coward).
  18. I don't think it's a problem for people to accept, that the price is lowered somewhat in low income countries. It doesn't explain though, why the price sometimes appears artificially high in some areas (e.g. Pidescos Portugal), especially if you desire an original language (often English) version.
  19. Took me 624 attempts to figure out what the box was for I first thought it was some kind of Hellraiser reference.
  20. Yeah, a very bad thing with the price policy. Is localisation really such a large expense that it justifies such a price increase, or is it because somebody controls the gaming market? I have had similar issues with some gfx applications (being a hobby of mine), which costs the same in Euro and US Dollars. Is the significantly higher European price caused by localisation cost, especially in english speaking countries? Even more suspicous that these programs were developed in Europe and exported to the US (at a lower sales price than what europeans could buy them for). On a related note, I never understood how the movie industry could get away with region encoding from a legislation point of view. It is nothing but market control and price fixing I can't be the only one who noticed that some movies and video games have the text "not to be sold outside xyz country" on them. So much for free market economy... Somebody start pestering local law makers please?
  21. And if you get it, the Malleate Spirit feat can supposedly work wonders. Well, sort of. It is to Mold Spirit what Great Cleave is to Cleave. I don't know if you can create +10 stuff with it, but you can always try.
  22. Heh, I completed the game without using the crafting system much... maybe because I was a "Good" guy, not eating my fellow (tree)man, or other natural and/or supernatural beings for that matter. Next time, I think it is going to be Dinner Time!
  23. Lets get one thing straight: This thread is living on the edge as it is. A couple of posters are behaving in ways that is generally not tolerated on a game developers forums (you know who you are). Any further attempts to encourage piracy, brag about piracy committed or similar will have unfortunate consequences. It should be possible to do price comparisons and suggest countermeasures to price gouging without joining (dis)organised crime Edit: Thread pruned, edited, cleaned up, made... well. Lets see if it was worth the effort.
  24. *Bangs head against wall* Of course, if it moves, shoot it. When it lies still, shoot it again just to make sure. It has been too long since I played FPS type games (Painkiller being the last I think) Thanks Pop, I'll give that a try tonight >_
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