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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Transvision Vamp - baby I don't care. Currently dusting off old cd's starting with the letter 'T'
  2. That was some awesome pictures on that website I wonder how many ideas L.A. had for games before they decided to reduce their number of projects.
  3. I usually had something like the following IWD: Human Paladin Human Thief Human Druid Human Specialist Mage (Necromancer) Human Bard Sometimes Human Ranger, Sometimes Human Cleric for the last slot Yes, I am a racist, I prefer humans in my party In IWD2 I tried some more "adventurous" themed parties, like Gorths Crusaders made up of Paladins and Clerics or The Treehuggers made up of Druids and Rangers. Never completed the game with any of those though. The shortest career was probably the Arcane Research team made up of 6 mages Still, good fun though.
  4. A completely uninteresting piece of trivia: 'Faith' doesn't exist in danish. We use 'Belief' and 'Trust' to describe the phenomena.
  5. Ironically, the patch doesn't fix any in-game bugs, it is supposed to fix some hardware incompatibility issues. If it works better without the patch, you shouldn't really miss out on anything by just playing it. Personally, I would recommend the "media" patch and a collection of bug fixes from Team Gizkas homepage.
  6. I used to buy my games from **** Smith when I lived in Wellington. Is there an EB games in town??? if you mean the **** Smith on Manners st, then yep, there's an EB just round the corner on Cuba seriously, only like 15m away from eachother haha I never saw that one
  7. Hey, you stop being reasonable in this unreasonable thread right away! I am not exactly religious myself, but I know that if I want to remove the civil rights of people who have a faith, I am guilty of bigotry the same way as people who wants to remove my rights because I don't share their faith. Pot, Kettle and something third.
  8. It wouldn't be the first time: (in 2002) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/2275158.stm Edit: and the current one for good measure: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6602677.stm "At first I thought a lorry had crashed into the back of our house, but having lived in New Zealand I soon realised what it was. The entire house shook."
  9. Shake, rattle and roll! How much on the Richter scale? I've been away from Wellington so long that I've almost forgotten what earthquakes feels like
  10. There is indeed a funny videos thread already going, still alive and kicking: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...read&st=120
  11. Sounds very much like a trojan that turns your computer into a distribution node.
  12. It is fair enough to express why you (a generic 'you') believe such a game may be in production or not and why you believe such. Two things to remember, one to be careful about what you try to pass off as facts and careful in the way such messages are delivered. It is perfectly possible to explain a point of view without insulting those who believes otherwise, simply by explaining why you believe the way you do. E.g. I believe myself that Kotor 3 is not in production by either Obsidian nor Bioware because Fearghus Urquhart has previously publicly stated that such a game is not in production by Obsidian (like what, two years ago?) and Chris Priestly has publicly stated (recently) that such a game is not in production by Bioware. It may or may not be agreeable, to those who prefer to believe it in production by either company, but that is their prerogative just as it is their right to explain why they believe it to be in production. It can be done without getting personal or insulting. (that was a badly veiled hint)
  13. Thats the neighbourhood where several delivery guys have gone missing, isn't it?
  14. Posted by Chris Priestly (Bioware Community Coordinator) on 15th of february: "I can say there is no KotOR3 from BioWare since there is no KotOR3 from BioWare. I can't comment on the MMO because there is going to be an MMO, I just can't talk about what it might or might not be." http://forums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html?t...um=22&sp=15 While not technically a press release, I suppose it is the closest thing you'll get to an official denial. No saying what the MMO might be though.
  15. Never mind the protesters... I am more concerned about the lack of airport security! What if they hadn't advertised their presence with a big colourful banner but left something with much more impact attached to the plane?!? *goes back to protesting quietly, enjoying his newfound replacement for Nestle coffee*
  16. As long the name of the file isn't pagefile.sys... By "folder", do you mean archive? I.e. did he extract something from e.g. a zip file? Sounds like it is time to try some other scanners. There are quite a few free on-line scanners.
  17. I recognise the name and the avatar from my lurking at NMA, but I don't recognise the book description. The plot sounds superficially similar to Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader though
  18. I wonder where that leaves people like me? I never cared much for politics, previously always held politicians in contempt and for a number of years now, I've been living in places where I can't vote for anything anyway.
  19. Heh, woke up once after having slept in a phoetal position on a small recliner chair. Walked around like a penitent the rest of the day. Humility indeed I wonder how much it would reduce the worlds scam attempts if places offering free mail services were held responsible for activities taking place. Not just the site from which it originates, but also the destination addresses where scammers collect info. It would be nice to hold them responsible for damage done if they through negligence allows people to be ripped off. I sometimes think that the (virtual) world would be a better place without free email addresses.
  20. A couple of states tried that once. The rest would have none of it. Iowa wasn't one of the confederates, was it?
  21. Singha is good Also, Kingfisher isn't bad either. Sort of goes well together with indian food
  22. Not exactly 'poison' data, but when in a peevish mood, I have sometimes disabled my filter for the most obvious scammers (the ex treasurer of a former country and the uk lottery winners) and fed them each others contact email addresses, pretending to be interested. Let them spam each other for a while. Not that it really helps anything, but it makes me feel better A 'marked' credit card number would be great though. Something that points the bank (and by extension, the law enforcement) to the location of the transaction immediately. It's usability might depend on how the scammer abuses the identity theft though. @Krezack: Not sure what you are trying to imply?
  23. The only things I've been able to dig up so far is this: http://www.beyond3d.com/content/news/540 715, 1160 & 1366 sockets if I understood the the analysis correctly.
  24. A favourite of mine. The Corona isn't really bad either. I think I prefer the Coopers Pale Ale when running out of Stella though When is somebody going to tell the germans that the Reinheitsgebot is unconstitutional and unethical? They have so much potential fot beer making, yet never truly make anything of it.
  25. I would say, wrong conclusions, wrong forum section and maybe a thread too many about the same subject? (you provided the link to the active, ongoing discussion already) Lets keep it in one place
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