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Everything posted by rheingold

  1. Not sure if I got this correct? The ship was a stretch goal. The crew is another stretch goal? If so that is insane and really an abuse of crowd funding. Really the ship should come with a crew. And no, don't tell me it's expensive. It definitely could and should be added with the original goal.
  2. Works for me. I'm just thinking about it from the polls and giving input side of things... happy to add another small amount as long as our finance minister doesn't get fired... again
  3. Silly question but are we supposed to send you proof of payment? How do you pick up who has donated otherwise? @fluffle
  4. I think as said above, it's lacking momentum. Lots of people seem to be waiting to see if it's possible. It might be a good idea to let it run through March as presumably a fair number of people have blown their gaming budget for Feb. I do know one particular issue that occurred to me.... People like getting something for their money, it can be something as simple as an in game space pig or game credits... Weird I know but there you have it. They are not getting anything like that out of this, not even a forum badge. I think that might be an issue. Somehow the bib badge needs to be connected to the pledge...
  5. Well you can cancel your pledge to Obs if you are not happy. Though you might want to be quick
  6. What KDubya said. No priest and wizard is fine though I woud definitely take one caster and a chanter. In my case I tend to take a druid but a cipher would be as good/better. I find melee heavy parties easier and more fun. Having a paladin, chanter, barbarian, monk and/or a fighter makes a solid frontline, and with 4 characters the damage is spread over all of them. I wouldn't go with more melee though as they can get in each others way the exception being a rangers pet. That leaves 2 ranged toons. If you are still struggling put them in the heaviest armour you can find. I only miss a priest for maybe 3 fights in the game - out of how many hours of gameplay. Scrolls can help then. Rogues are good on any difficulty except Potd where they take a hammering. Still a melee rogue is very viable but needs more defense than usual. Some people like shields. I just can't bring myself to use one, so instead I take high resolve/con and all the defense talents/abilities which help a huge amount. It's possible to get pretty good deflection that way. Still dishes out a serious amount of damage with dual sabres but is really micro intensive.... But fun.
  7. Just read a rather interesting tidbit of info under The Fig rules: "Fig will earn a revenue share only on PC sales (all storefronts; Windows, Linux, Mac)." So unless I'm reading something wrong it means consoles are a possibility
  8. Not a fan of sidekicks, I'd rather they did things properly than half assed... either add more companions in or work on the existing ones more, but giving out half a companion is a bit dodgy...
  9. They are tough, maybe you should come back later after you have leveled up a bit. Cause as tough as they are they are nowhere near as tough as what's coming
  10. "The crowd funding of the pirate crew will NOT end by the end of the Fig campaign. I'm really sorry I forgot to mention this lol." Cool, I don't mind pledging a tad more at a later stage.
  11. How does it go again? Aaahh got it. "No good deed goes unpunished"
  12. Yeah some of the bog standard exceptional armour looks great. Exceptional hide or leather is prettying cool. Would have been nice if some of the unques looked as good Though there are some pretty good looking and potent uniques. Just a pity about Sanguine plate, not really a fan of my characters looking like a xmas decoration
  13. The loot is generated on a timetable: so ring of searing flames would appear on certain days. There is a post floating around on the forums with the days/loot. It could also be out of date though, some people have complained about it not being accurate. It's possible some sadist at Obs changed it in an update... Though for gloves of manipulation and the stag helm/natures embrace from the Catacombs I've found them to be entirely accurate. Can't help about Searing flames, never bother with it. Someone else might know the correct day to find it. Edit: Found the list. Not sure if it is still correct though it has worked for me. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80015-all-poe-random-item-day-checklist/
  14. Bit of a conundrum for me. A dwarven companion would be seriously cool but I also don't want to many companions... Reckon 7 is enough, hate leaving people behind... So I guess I'm going to have to play a boreal dwarf.
  15. I'd say 17/18 con works well. Even more if you can get it. It''s one of the few stats I ever push for any character - most of the time having 17/18 in a stat is excessive. But constitution for a monk is their resource - just like mana for a caster... It does help having a dedicated tank in the party like a paladin. If you are still having survival issues with the monk send the tank in first otherwise put both of them upfront. Having said that I tend to run quite heavy melee parties, find it more fun, so having a barbarian, paladin, monk and chanter upfront tends to spread the damage out.
  16. Speaking for myself of course, 1: refund seems pointless and a lot of work potentially? I think that it just needs to be made clear that there won't be a refund if we don't make the required sum. 2: going for a lesser tier seems a good idea, however if there is nothing appropriate then I'd say just give the money to Obs anyway. Depending on the sum though it would be nice if there is some recognition of the donors, maybe a unique forum badge? (Specifically referring to not making enough to cover 5000$ or finding a suitable Fig tier and donating the money to Obs) 3: Regarding the rewards, if someone has put in a substantial amount more than anyone else then they should get the rewards. Only fair. If there are a few donors who put in more than anyone else then they should decide between themselves. However to avoid any potential unpleasantness the rules are going to have to be clear. I would put it in bold writing myself that any donation is just a donation. There should be no expectation of getting the rewards regardless of your pledge, and that there won't be a refund. Later, if it turns out that there rewards for certain donors that would be a bonus.
  17. Not sure which builds you have been following. But have you tried heavy armour with a monk? I find that brigandine or plate is pretty much a must for most of the game. It prevents the monk from taking too many wounds too quickly. Also max constitution is important.
  18. Pretty sure Black Isle/Obs didn't work on Baldurs gate ice wind dale would be cool though. Perhaps a soul bound weapon referencing Cera Sumat... out of every rpg game the quest for the blade was the by far the most epic and memorable. The story still gives me shivers. "6 now silenced."Awesome stuff.
  19. Was Kana not from Ruatai? Meneha was from Deadfire as far as I remember. Not sure how far apart they are. Still would like some reference at least to the companions who didn't make the cut.
  20. Have to agree with Sed, White March was an improvement from just about all facets of the game. Combat could be tough though, particularly if the party is under leveled.
  21. Awesome news. Offer still stands to make a small contribution financially if needed.
  22. If we can't afford to buy a Caribbean island I quite like the idea of getting to name a particular creature or group of bandits....I'm partial to something like the "Obsidian trolls"
  23. I'd chip in but for about a max of 20$ or so. So there would have to be a substantial amount of folks chipping in to get to 5000$. I don't much care about quests but the name would have to be Black Isle or otherwise directly reference the previous games or studio.
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