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Everything posted by rheingold

  1. ^^^^^ This. Isn't the whole point of Trial of Iron supposed to be about consequences. Personally I wish the game had more of those encounters. Tends to be more realistic as well, you know sh*^%t happens.
  2. Still not entirely sure about a specific link as in the writers took stuff intentionally from Scientology - it is possible though, but the only people who can confirm that are of course the writers. Regarding influences from which the writers took from. Obviously many religions/myths, a substantial amount of books - sci fi and fantasy. The whole Beraths Wheel - is for instance not new. Neither is reincarnation or karma. The whole man made gods story made me think immediately about Lords of Light by Zelazny. Suspect the Wheel of time by Jordan is a large influence. Pretty sure other people could list books they have read that possibly influenced Pillars.
  3. Orlan cipher definitely seems to be the way to go! Not sure how to get a White that Wends background out of it though...
  4. "But anyway, what I really want to know is, why do a survey now? It seems a bit... late. I imagine most people have been more or less done with Pillars of Eternity for a while now." POE 2 perhaps? Hopefully?
  5. mmm, not entirely convinced - while it is likely that there are some similarities between Pillars and Scientology it's likely to be that Scientology like most religions copies from other ideas and beliefs. So Scientology is just a hodge podge mishmash of other stories like Buddhism for instance. Pillars is of course, heavily influenced by sci fi/fantasy fiction and religion. There is going to be some overlap, though not necessarily intentionally by the writers. It's just the beliefs and stories of people tend to overlap...
  6. I also found an interrupt build underwhelming to be honest, tried one some time ago from posts Boeroer made. Orlan, white that wends, max perception. To be fair it's not so much the build that's the problem, it's the thought of a barbarian with no might:) Personally I like high might and keeping dexterity at 10. I just found the character did very little damage and while interupts are nice, a barb with high might and good perception ends up dealing a substantial amount of interupts anyway, and the might boosts their healing and damage.
  7. At level 4 the phantoms at Caed Nua will destroy a barbarian regardless of build, same goes for any melee build. Barbs also get better with age, like fine wine.... And they are gear dependent. They are a great class but you shouldn't judge them at that level against phantoms and shades, any class is going to struggle. What works consistently for me there is: 1 spamming fan of flames scrolls and or a Mage with the spell. 2 A ranger - high perception, wounding shot with a heavy weapon preferably an arbalest, fine enchantment and fire lash. 3 druid with firebrand. Obviously for anything other than scrolls you'd need some custom companions.
  8. Gog Galaxy is much better I have to admit - but sometimes it tries to redownload the game - either that or their patches are massive. Not sure what the problem is, but all I know is that for all of my issues with Steam it actually just works really well.
  9. Pity about Gog. I ended up in a bit of a self inflicted mess... I got 2 copies of the base game one for steam and one for Gog but only one copy of the expansion. I prefer the idea behind Gog so I got the expansions on Gog not Steam. But darn it that was before I realized that Gogs patching and updating is up to &(^**%%. My fault though, next games will definitely be on Steam. Updates and beta actually work. Mildly irritating.
  10. For me Cipher makes the most sense story wise. I also find an Orlan from Aedyr/Old Valia/Slave Background works really nicely. Just a pity I don't actually like Ciphers... Not that they are weak or anything, they just don't do anything for me.
  11. Nature godlike - male human or elf body. WTW Mystic background. Might 16 Int 17 Resolve/Perception 15 rest 10. Yes he is the leader if I go with resolve which I normally do, though perception is better from a power gamer pov. He doesn't unlock things - that's not really part of his background. So concentrate on lore and survival though I never max them - I normally put in a few points 3-4 in all skills including mechanics - again it's a waste from a power point of view but I like it.
  12. It's really more a roleplay thing, I've always been fascinated by Northern European myths, so Cerunnos/The horned God plays a fairly large part in Celtic mythology. I tend not to specialize either so he does everything except tank. I like pikes or staffs for the look but as I tend to have a melee heavy party I find the Druid works better with a ranged weapon like a scepter, otherwise he tends to get in the way, even with a pike. But a melee Druid has one huge advantage over ranged, he doesn't waste time positioning before casting his storm spells. So staff or pike are good if you want to go melee. He works mainly as a caster and shifts sometimes when he is engaged in melee or if he can quickly burst an opponent down, normally that would be another caster or rogue. Nice thing about Druid is a lot of their dps spells are their crowd control spells. So it's really not necessary to create a particular role, they end up doing dps and cc naturally If you want to do huge dps while shape shifting then you probably need to specialize i.e. Concentrate on certain stats and talents. Might, dex, Int, dual wield, weapon focus peasant etc. But I find that just going along choosing what ever suits me does fine. It's really not necessary to min/max either in stats or talents/talents.
  13. Phew you are pretty harsh on invocations To be honest I find them better than chants for a long time, at least until you get the damage reduction and dragon thrashed chants. Even then seven nights is great, the burst damage is insane. Add almost permanent paralyze and the phantom which I useful till 8th level...
  14. Druids have awesome crowd control and dps. The only class who is arguably stronger overall is Wizard. Also pretty varied, can tank ok, not awesome but bring serious cc and dps. The shape shifter forms look cool as well. Personally I'm really happy about the pillars Druid. They have always been my favourite but most other RPGs gimped them. They also used come across as fairly bunny huggish, which irritated me. The Celtic Druids burnt people alive in wicker baskets, so it's really nice to be able to play an awesome force of nature as opposed to some new age hippie no offense to all hippies just like the options. The stag form and nature godlike is very nice, kinda a Cerunnos/Horned God type figure straight out of Celtic mythology.
  15. BTW there are a couple of really good hatchets, one very early the other not so much. Not sure if you want the locations though.
  16. Pale elf would work really nicely. Quite coincidently Boeroer has a pale elf build called Chillfog, though I wouldn't follow it exactly for this particular build, for instance I'd go hide armour not plate. Also pale elves have beards which look cool, though perhaps not so much on their ladies.... Pale Elves also fits in with lore - you just need to read "the broken sword" by Poul Anderson https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Broken_Sword
  17. Skald - I'd probably go Dwarf/Human - wayfarers hide and stag helm. Batltle axe, Pike or Spear. Skalds as far as I know originated in Scandinavia. So Barbarian or Chanter as a class. Possibly Druid could work. But hide armour definitively. Other option is the armour in the asylum, can never remember its name or heaven forbid its pronunciation.
  18. The dwarf is just for role play, durgans keep, a smith enchanter Mage, a big hammer.... Really the race is not that important. Choose whatever race you want. For me I like dwarves.... Enjoy tomorrow or should I today:)
  19. I have played a couple of playthroughs with him works nicely. I usually give him a one handed hammer and the biggest shield he can get. Normally it's the shield from the slaver bounty. When he gets Abydons hammer he will use that for the majority of fights. He should have around 110 deflection without a shield. Comfortably. So he'd use the shield in tough fights. I'd imagine on hard though, he'd get away going two handed for most of the fights. I'd also use shorter chants on hard as the fights are shorter. Just make sure to use all 4 slots for chants - have a couple shorter and quicker low level chants and then a couple of the slower more powerful ones. You can switch in the middle of a fight then. Re Kana, I have used 2 chanters but not on a regular basis. Boeroer and Raven have both used multiple chanters in a playthrough so they'd be the ones to ask. But it should work really well. Wether or not you are losing something by doubling up on a class I can't say. Re sword and board, well chanters are flexible, you can give him a gun and Ilya or a two handed weapon. But a chanter is never going to do a lot of weapon based damage, he's never going to come remotely close to a rogue or even fighter. Chanter damage comes mainly from dragon thrashed or seven nights. Dragon thrashed you get at 9th level, seven nights at 10th I think. Until then your damage output is pretty well pathetic.... So if you want a damage dealer chanter is not a great idea. They do a substantial amount of damage - at high level. They just bring so much more to the party....
  20. Phew, I'm probably more of a role player though I do appreciate some of the power builds out there. He is more of generalist but the great thing about chanters is they don't really loose anything by that. So I'm not sure if you've read the winter of the world books by Michael Scott Rohan. Fantasy heavily influenced by mythology and ancient history. Long and short of it, set pre history, pre historic times in an ice age. The smiths in those lands are the mages, who creates fantastic works by infusing magic and chanting. The greatest smiths are the duergar, dwarves, (though actually the Neanderthals in this world). So boreal dwarf from White that Wends with the laborer background. When Callista asks just tell her that you where a smith whose master was jealous of you - which is incidentally, remarkably similar to the books. I don't min/max so I normally keep all stats at a minimum of 10 except: Might 16 Int 16 Con 10/12 Resolve 14/16 Heavy armour - though I don't like plate so brigandine works for me, until the soul bound breast plate in White March. Helmet and hammer from the shop just out the adventurers guild in DB. Can't remember the names, but the helmet gives +2 intellect and more importantly looks the part. The helmet from the quest in white March is also good as is the Stag helm. Wayfarers hide and the stag helm look great on a dwarf. (As you can see I'm not the biggest power gamer out there). I normally build him as a tank with two handed weapon as an option, so a large shield, and eventually he will get Abydons hammer. But will use the shield in tough fights. Stack the defensive feats - cautious attack, superior deflection, weapon and shield etc and he ends up with around 145 deflection. Add an item with constitution bonus... I'm serious when I say he is a better tank than any of my Paladins have ever been. I take dragon thrashed for flavor but hardly ever use it. I far prefer the ice bolt seven nights for damage, which means using shorter chants. So I use soft winds and wendrith most of the time. So invocations: seven nights, renys ghost, at the sound of his voice, the lover cried out, and white worms, the drake summon and the champion braved their horde. Chants: wendrith, soft winds of death, harbingers of doom, rime and frost, dragon thrashed and courage thick as steel. I don't take ilya because he's normally in the front line. I also take some abilities and talents for flavour, so I take secrets of Rime and scion of flame as he is a smith. Don't forget to name your chants as well:) that's one of the more interesting aspects of the class. Obviously he would work fine without the white March expansion. The bottom line he is very flexible but doesn't sacrifice any power. He gets loads of dialogue options, ends up with around 8 lore or so which is enough for some good scrolls, is the mechanics monkey, does some serious damage at high level, has the option to do crowd control while being the best tank in the party and looks good doing it.
  21. Chanters are great, as many people have mentioned there are a number of approaches... Ranged, tank, dps(at high level). I personally like dwarves. And I quite like the winter of the World Series, so a boreal dwarf from white that wends with the laborer (smith) background is great especially for white March. With relatively high might, resolve, Int and lore gets a lot of dialogue checks. Also ends up as a smith being the mechanics trap guy. With all of that he is a beastly dps character, and an awesome tank. And he switches easily from passive to active just by switching chants. Probably my favourite character and that includes my nature godlike Druid. Ticks all the boxes from power to role playing and thats not easy.
  22. Hope Obs work on some more portraits for POE 2 . There is a distinct lack of options for some races. Elves, Humans and Dwarves can be found with a bit of searching, but the races distinct to Pillars, Orlans, Aumua and Godlike are a real pain, and in some cases you just can't find good portraits.
  23. Sabres were a problem, it had to happen. Regarding 2 rimecutters, well I never manage to get one or the Helwax mold in a playthrough. But yes it is absolutely about creating choice, now people can choose other weapons or styles without feeling they are gimping their characters.
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