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Everything posted by rheingold

  1. A whip - like the cat o nine tails you mentioned, but it would be whip not a flail. For some reason I saw something in the crowd funder about the devs adding more types of weapons, and I seem to recall whips being mentioned. Not sure if it was a request by someone to Obs, or them stating they were adding them.
  2. What about a wooden leg then? Seriously, if it's an item then you'd probably look at something like a cloak, sabre, musket or headwear of some sort - a turban for example. I'd prefer a cloak with the logo if possible. Not sure what everyone else wants? Maybe a poll with a couple of options... Re: the flag, I was thinking of a banner with some properties. Not sure if the stronghold (ship) will have the same sort of properties ie: prestige and security, but if it did then the flag could boost the stats in some way. Hopefully we will get some sort of flag out of this, though I'd rather didn't spend to many resources on it.
  3. I'm not sure I want pillars copying bioware's dragon age series. And definitely no copying action games please. There are plenty of those around already for those who need their fix.... pillars doesn't need to be one of them.
  4. And in other news - we just got downgraded! Just made what will probably be the last small donation...
  5. Yup! Always get them confused. Really chanters pretty much make the best tanks, mainly because they can take all the defensive talents/abilities and still do their job. Paladins/fighters have better beginning stats, sure, but they have to compromise to a degree. Paladins still need some healing/buffing abilities and fighters still need some offensive power. Whereas all the chanter needs to do is stand there singing. And the damage chants are hardly the only goodies, the buffing chants are pretty good as well. Not to mention the invocations.
  6. Chanters get a lot of aggro from their damaging invocations. It's one reason why they make excellent tanks. I understand that not everyone likes a jack of all trades character, but personal preference doesn't mean that the character is weak.
  7. I like the chanter as is, though it does like some of the other classes need to be tweaked a bit, but not much. It is mainly a melee/support class. While you can certainly make it into an archer that's not its main selling point. I don't see people complaining that you can't make a barbarian or fighter into an effective archer. What it does it does really well. And that seems to be a mark of a well designed class.
  8. Think I've just lost some brain cells reading this thread... And I'm not even drunk.
  9. Yeah, must say I get a lot of mileage out of having average to good stats across the board. A good fit for me would be lots of 15's and 14's. It makes a pretty well balanced character. And it doesn't suffer as a jack of all, master of none - Pillars stats just don't work that way. In fact I reckon there is an argument that it makes the character stronger especially when you factor in all the stat boosting items.
  10. I'd be fine with co op, though the problem is that it takes a substantial amount of resources that could be spent elsewhere. Pvp, not so much. The classes would have to be designed specifically for that in mind. Would really complicate balancing.
  11. Oh hell, it's the only thing worse than a five year old kid.... a teenager.
  12. Not strictly true, unless you have a naked rogue. This doesn't happen in a vacuum, items, shields are relevant. Maybe special items, uniques shouldn't be taken into account. But when the devs designed the system they surely had the bigger picture in mind. The only real problem though, is some of the classes still need some minor tweaks. Rogues, for instance need their deflection and endurance/health upped a bit. Not because it doesn't matter.... but because it does especially at higher levels. They are a melee class after all.
  13. Yeah, try as I might I simply can't get a rogues deflection and defenses remotely close to a chanter/fighter/paladin. It's no competition. The difference jumps as you get higher levels. Partly because of abilities/talents, but also partly because of the role in a party. Ie you would never have a rogue tank, so even giving a rogue a shield can be seen as a major compromise. Whereas a chanter having a shield does not impact on its effectiveness in the slightest. This gets worse when you start adding in various talents and abilities. A chanter is also not hindered in anyway from taking all the defensive talents whereas a rogue generally ends up taking other abilities. You can comfortably get a tankish class up to 130 deflection, whereas you would really struggle to get a rogue to 85. And that's with taking some defensive abilities and very likely high resolve. You can add a shield, but a rogues entire premise is about damage, and even then you'd probably only get to 100 or so. This doesn't take into account the other defenses where the difference is as big. I'd also say that the difference between 120/130 deflection and 85/100 is a massive jump. One can tank while the other one just dies... I think multi classing is going to benefit the weaker classes like rogues though, so I expect there will be a change if in poe2 if only because of that. But yes, you can't exclude abilities and equipment because that indicates the role the character is taking up.
  14. Well a problem with most games, and indeed fantasy writing, in particular is the darn "hero's journey" which has been taken far too literally by too many writers. Having said that, it's really difficult to create a protagonist in a game without going through the motions/chapters involved. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero's_journey One of the reasons that there is just very little new original writing, because writers often use it as a template.
  15. PS please don't change boreal dwarves.... I like them as is... even if they are directionally challenged.
  16. Boreal can also mean coniferous forests, though I guess it can imply a northern hemisphere biome, but not necessarily arctic or subarctic. The term covers areas like Canada and Russia all the way to Japan. Got to say I always took it as a tundra/forest meaning not a north/south location issue
  17. The team thing could work, it's a good idea. Just do divide the bibs into teams, (no idea how many there are in total) and let each team come up with their entry into the ledger. At least everyone would be a part of the process. As to how many in a team would depend on how many bibs there are v how many entries there are. Not sure how easy it is going to be in practice though, it's kinda like writing a haiku by committee.
  18. Personally I am not that interested in personal recognition, and to be honest I can't imagine that it would be an issue for anyone, in particular the large donors. Obviously I don't want to speak on their behalf, but backing a project like this in the first place suggests that it's simply not an issue for them. Put another way, if they wanted some in game recognition I'd imagine that they would have pledged a large amount individually as opposed to a group donation. So, the issue really is to get this funded first - then worry about the fine print.
  19. Yeah, 2nd AC's suggestion. Rather contact support directly. They should be able to help you.
  20. Could we have the rasberries as well as the oscars....
  21. There is a nice stiletto in Gilded vale. Procs jolting touch. Main advantage obviously is its available early. In general I'd also rank weapons as to when they are available, not just how good they are. You get some great weapons towards the end - when you've finished the game. But weapons like the march dagger, tall grass are great because they are early, and even if you end up replacing them you have still got a substantial amount of usage out of them. I personally don't like respeccing, so I would only choose a weapon focus somewhere down the line. When you are committed to a particular weapon. Until then use whatever is the best at that time - or just looks cool...
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