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Everything posted by Heijoushin

  1. Jackie Chan's Drunken Master was my favorite kung fu movie as a kid. If this class was released, I would have to reroll my main character and start a new game... Speaking seriously though, we already have a monk on drugs, so there might be too much overlap.
  2. Some quests are specifically designed with companions in mind. But the nice thing is that it actually warns you beforehand (in the quest log I think, it will say "recommended companion: so-and-so"). Personally, unless companion interactions are really your thing, I don't believe they add a whole lot to the story.
  3. I bought Frostpunk during the Black Friday sale. I must say, it's been awhile since I've seen a game that's quite so beautiful to look at. I love seeing how that field of pure white snow morphs into a town that's reminiscent of FF7's Midgar (due to the reactor).
  4. Sweet! The new subclass announcement has totally reinvigorated my hype!
  5. The Godlike powers aren't particularly impressive in Deadfire. In a perfect world, playing a Death Godlike would give you a huge social handicap (like playing a Nosferatu in Vampire: The Masquerade), but then you'd get some kind of awesome power to make up for that.
  6. I think it works a lot better than "costly victory". If you defeat the Naga, but die from their poison later, then you're still dead. That's more than just "costly". And "Pyrrhic victory" at least sounds like something an ancient warrior might say. Do you really think that's as bad as "Jeeeezuss"?
  7. Interesting, I wasn't aware of the origins of the expression "pyrrhic victory." Honestly though, you're nitpicking a little, don't you think? You can't go looking at the origins of every single word/expression to see if it lines up with Eora's history.
  8. Come old chap, all you need to do is pull in at a nearby harbor and make some repairs. I admit that ship combat is difficult in the beginning before you get all the toys, but it's a walk in the park late game.
  9. Wow. This thread took a dark turn. We've already had 2 big DLCs, so I think we more or less know what we're getting into at this stage.
  10. There you go. Air-tight plot reason. Eder's personal quest would be really awkward if he was banging you.
  11. I also couldn't pull that off. I could be wrong, but I think you need super high levels of bluff.
  12. The spelling shaping thing is interesting... Bit of a game-changer for casters there. Import characters is also pretty convenient.
  13. In my most recent playthrough, I spent a lot of time with Ydwin as a ranged cipher/rogue (I had her around for Beast of Winter). I was initially somewhat disappointed with the level 7 cipher skills (your highest level for multiclass characters). At first glance, they seem super underwhelming compared to say, a wizards or priests level 7 skill set. I mean, really, Statis Shell? Priests can put someone into Statis on level 2. But I guess Ciphers really shine in the long battles. All your other classes run out of spells, but the cipher can keep dishing it out. Also, all those mind control spells can turn the tides in a pinch.
  14. Have you considered bows? I've had great success with the community-built animancer hunting bow (Essence Interrupter). You can get it early at Port Maje and upgrade it as you go along.
  15. Assuming you're going for a DPS type character, Dex/Per/Int sounds fine to me. Although for DPS, I'd try to get in a little Might, too. Keep in mind, he's going to be a little fragile in a toe-to-toe fight, but that just means you need to micromanage him a little. Good luck.
  16. Remember not to feed the trolls, chaps. Peace.
  17. I don't know how well PFKM is selling, but the reviews on Steam are in the 'mixed' range, which I don't think is a good sign.
  18. A party of monks actually sounds kind of fun. Can you imagine making them all do Whispers of the Wind? You'd just see a bunch of invisible blurs and everything would explode
  19. As I understand it, a skill appears in your hotbar once you've used it several times, but by upgrading it, it kind of "resets". Almost as if it were a completely new skill. But I'm guessing that it will appear in your hotbar again if you keep using it.
  20. Thank you for the advice everyone. I haven't played with Druids much, so I might have missed their healing brilliance.
  21. Healing spells seem to help a little early to mid-game, but by late game, when all your characters have 300-400 HP, tiny heals of 50 or so are barely a drop in the bucket. It seems like it would be better to scrap the priest late game and just carry around major/miraculous healing positions. So, here are my questions: 1. Do you bother to make a dedicated party healer character? 2. If so, what class? 3. Do they stay worth it late game?
  22. lol, nice necro'ing of a thread from 3 years ago. I was pretty surprised that they're bringing out yet another expansion. Don't get me wrong, I love the game to bits, but there's only so many playthroughs I can do. Would much rather they started working on XCOM 3 at this stage.
  23. Yeah, I think you're a drop underleveled. I got there at about level 16 and just barely won by the skin of my teeth. I struggled to do much damage in that fight due to lack of penetration, so maybe look into weapons with higher pen. Chanter also have some pen buffs but it doesn't look like you have one handy. Also, wow are those spirits a ripoff. They make it sound like they'll actually help you fight, then they just hang around the edges of the map and cheer you on.
  24. When you ask Rymrgand why he's such a jerk in BoW, his response is "It's my nature." I chuckled a little at that. I don't know... I suppose both Thaos and Eothas follow the "end justifies the means" school of thought. And neither of them make a great argument for their goals. And their names have similar sounds. Okay, I guess they are pretty similar.
  25. I've just finished BoW and am busy playing through SSS, so allow me to add my 2 cents. I think each of the expansions accomplishes what it sets out to do marvelously. BoW has a great story (I love Vatnir), and SSS has some great combat (although the story is a little sleep-inducing). The last one is supposed to be about moral choices if memory serves, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they'll do with that. I think the writers behind the original Deadfire were very talented. You need only look at some of the individual lines/accents/characters to see that. But apart from the lousy god-theme, I think that Deadfire's story was killed by its open world. A smaller, tighter world like BoW would have allowed for a much better story, and without the ridiculously complex relationship system. Open world and good narratives just don't go together.
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