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Lord Wafflebum

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Everything posted by Lord Wafflebum

  1. I thought they said it was because the ports shut down or something like that but I could be misremembering I know that. But is it too much to ask to get some official statement in the update about it? I mean, I read the forums because I'm an enthusiast. But there are A TON of backers in Europe and elsewhere who don't read the forums. They don't follow the development closely. But they expect their rewards on release or shortly after, and rightfully so. They will ask themselves: hey, what happend to my cool physical box I've pledged for? Where is my pyhsical map and manual? And you know what? Nobody tells them because Obsidian thinks a one-liner forum post is enough communication on the topic (or whatever the reason for their silence is). I don't get, I really don't get it. And even if it's just about the dock workers being on strike what's the big deal to explain the situation in more detail to the backers, apologizing for the inconvenience? I thought Brandon said they ended up air freighting that stuff for the Europeans?
  2. WEST COAST IS BEST COAST "Best" is an interesting mispelling of "worst". It rhymes, thus is true
  3. That gave me flashbacks to High School
  4. That's good to know, never tried it. I just wouldn't think most would pick easy..but maybe they would if they are new I'm stubborn and never pick easy for any game, even if I'm new to it xD I played the beta on easy for quite awhile until i got used to it, and I'm not a newcomer to the IE-type games. Easy will really help a lot of folks get into this game, I think.
  5. The pizza industry worldwide knows not the boon Obsidian brings to them tomorrow...
  6. I'd probably come out if I still lived in Vegas... Oh well...
  7. There had better not be anything as unforgiving as the Water Temple. I'll be sending Josh Sawyer the bill for my alcoholism, otherwise.
  8. I have a family-size pack of chicken patties, and two camelbak's, one with water and the other with Code Red, ready to go. Things are gonna get real.
  9. Hmm, I thought my back porter said "Retail Collector's Edition." Anyway, my digital key was for the royal edition.
  10. I don't even know anymore; I'm too tired to remember or to continue to be snarky. Time for bed.
  11. Nope, box copy = steam Wrong. Backer Copy = DRM free copy of the game. Any retail copy sold - not backer copies - are Steam only. Just to corret this. Erm, I thought the CD's used Steam as a platform per se, but that there weren't any DRM attached to it so that even though it's listed in the Steam library, you don't need Steam to launch it. Or maybe I misunderstood?
  12. But how will I download my cloth map, hmm? RIDDLE ME THAT! Mapgate! Mapghazi! New scandal!!
  13. Not coming in an email. You will need to go to the backer portal and head to your products page. Check out the instructions at http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71574-redeeming-keys-and-rewards-how-to/. What, I have to GET it MYSELF? No no no, this just will not do. As a backer, I demand the key be delivered to me carved on a gold plated plaque, carried by a snow white dove accompanied by the clarion call of triumphant silver trumpets. But, we only have plain old white doves. How about a pegasus? Plain white would do too. I think in the OC they only have a preponderance of seagulls, or Ben McKenzie.
  14. This seems an odd point of view. Why did you pledge so much if you're seemingly concerned with what you could have saved by buying on Steam and Amazon? At the time, I was throwing money and support at a genre that was practically dead. That is why I said "...had I known how the KS would play out..." I don't regret my decision in 2012. That said, if I had known then, in 2012, that the stuff that was important to me would be available cheaper, and sooner, in March of 2015 I damn sure would not have spent $250 on it back then. Cheaper, yes. Sooner, no. Well it may sound dumb, but the 'Collectors Book' was the main reason I backed at $250 vs the $140 or $165 tiers. And that turned out to be available from Amazon for about $16 and it would have arrived by now, or at least before my $250 pledge. Again, "...had I known..." Sure, if you want to be sullied by the dirty tleilaxu that run Amazon, by all means
  15. Hahaha, yes! Steam told me it was all still encrypted. You win again, Obsidian... I'll fool you next time!
  16. That sounds about right. Royal edition is the highest tier there is; I'm not sure how many additional keys you're supposed to get tho. I presume you'll get more stuff to download from the backer portal once they get that stuff out?
  17. Even if we stapled fliers with this information to people's faces it wouldn't help
  18. This seems an odd point of view. Why did you pledge so much if you're seemingly concerned with what you could have saved by buying on Steam and Amazon? At the time, I was throwing money and support at a genre that was practically dead. That is why I said "...had I known how the KS would play out..." I don't regret my decision in 2012. That said, if I had known then, in 2012, that the stuff that was important to me would be available cheaper, and sooner, in March of 2015 I damn sure would not have spent $250 on it back then. Cheaper, yes. Sooner, no.
  19. Darren just said in the keys thread most of the rest of the stuff will be up tomorrow morning
  20. Same for me. My guess is that they were only able to get around to getting the keys up tonight. Perhaps more stuff will start showing up tomorrow?
  21. Well, that depends. I mean, my internet connection is fine, but it the preloading is left too late, some backers who aren't as fortunate with their internet connections may still be downloading it still while standard Steam customers are playing it because it's all already ready to go. Then they should probably start now, because the keys are up just like Brandon promised.
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