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Lord Wafflebum

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Everything posted by Lord Wafflebum

  1. Ultimately I'm not worried. Regardless of how things go down, someone will release a mod for the game that will fix bugs and/or change/improve gameplay systems I don't necessarily like. Not everyone is going to get exactly what they want, but once ya'll start modding this game people will be able to play however they want. Long live PC gamers, and those that release free mods for them!
  2. Link? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67912-does-having-more-characters-in-your-party-reduce-xp-gained/?p=1493247 I find myself to be very fond of that system. I know that will make things tough for solo players, but... shouldn't it be harder for people who decide to go it alone?
  3. When I watch people jump from windows and witness the process, I don't really need to try it first and yet, while I agree that I never had a personal experience with it, I think I can comment on it, with all reserve applied of course, compared to someone who actually did jump out a window. Plus, since the only time I'll be able to "try it first" will be after release, I rather raise something I think is a potential problem now and be wrong, than be right, and realize it's way too late to say anything. Plus I like gameplay and game mechanics discussions, so..there's that While fair that you should voice you concerns now it really is a shame that you can't try the beta. I work a lot so for the first few days of beta I could only watch videos in my sparse downtime. When I finally got the chance to actually play there was a significant difference in experience. As someone else mentioned, the way the game stands its really hard to get a good idea how any system in combat works. Between the bugs and the chaos combat always quickly devolves into I still don't know how I feel about any of the combat (including health) systems. Until OE gets the chance to refine it more I don't think any of us can really say whether the system will be good or bad. That being said, I think I will like it the way it is once combat gets balanced.
  4. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I think it's fair to say that everyone here loves hearing from you guys.
  5. Ehhh, spiders can get stuck in their own webs if they forget where they put the sticky strands. Webs are made up of regular strands and sticky strands. Spiders don't get stuck in their own webs because they know which ones are going to get them stuck.
  6. I'm fairly new coming into this, but isn't it tough to gauge the impact no-kill xp will actually have? Currently the xp system is inflated for an idea of how leveling will work and is not indicative how the final game will work, or how quests will be structured. Perhaps there will be smaller quests that, say, reward you for ridding a bandit camp that indirectly is kill xp (with an option for talking them into leaving or something)? I guess I'm not certain we know enough about quest structure to make a good argument for OR against kill xp...
  7. I have only gotten through about half the content of the beta, but I figured I should finally get around to adding my impressions so far to the mix as far as what the devs are especially keen on: Classes Pleased for the most part. The Paladin thus far is by far and large my favorite. It takes the rather bland fighter and gives it some enjoyable abilities. I also enjoy not having to necessarily follow a "Lawful Good" path. I like my morality to be a bit on the grey side. I found the wizard and cleric tough to use to their full potential. I have yet to take the time to fully explore all the spells, and I'm sure I'm alone in the thought that there are just too many spells to wrap my head around. Once I spend more time with those classes I'm sure I'll come to appreciate them more. I had the same issues with the BG series when it came to wizards and clerics so I'm hoping it will just take more time to get used to them. I wanted to mention the rogue specifically. I found myself disappointed with this class. There's a good chance I'm missing something, but there seemed to be little advantage to playing as one. I'd love to see an ability that really gives the rogue a unique advantage over other classes. Otherwise, I'm pleased with how the classes are laid out. Races Races look good. They seem distinct and fitting for their lore. The only race I do not like the look of is the death godlike. I like the back story, but i just think their "death-helms" are too exaggerated in scale. I'd be thrilled if they were scaled back some. As far as bonuses and abilities go, I have to echo many of the folks on the forums that they do not seem to practically affect very much. It is hard to tell from how the beta is set up, but my impression is as it stands any bonuses will only offer a mild advantage early on in the full game. Is that the intent? Attributes I've noticed a lot has been said on this already. Honestly it is difficult for me to fully understand how much impact attributes are actually having in combat. Combat needs to be cleaned up before I'll be able to get a good feel for attributes. Their usage in conversation is good. Keep doing that! Equipment So far so good. I didn't think I would like the introduction of firearms, but so far I think I'm a fan. They are a bit OP right now, but adds a fantastic gameplay element. I'm pumped for more loot gathering! Craft & Enchant I did not use this. I'll explore it more when things stop disappearing from my inventory. Convo & Quest Looks and feels exactly how I wanted and expected. Combat Oh boy. I feel like you guys probably already know... UI It feels... bulky. I like my UI trim and lean personally. The log also feels like it's in the wrong place. Maybe I'm just used to it being centered, but I think it would also be better served being aligned to the left of the screen. I know it sounds picky, but there's something about it being aligned to the right that just seems grating. I do not care for the inventory system. The personal inventory seems too small, and the unlimited stash or whatever it is supposed to be seems to defeat the purpose of limited personal inventory. I should not be able to carry everything out of a dungeon. Unfortunately I'm not sure what I want to see instead, but I thought I'd mention it anyway... Conclusion Overall I like what I see. Overwhelmingly this looks like what I wanted when I backed this project. I, among others, am skeptical about this being completed by the end of the year, but I base that on absolutely zero knowledge of game production. I'd just like to mention that I'd much rather see this game delayed than released with issues. I understand there are budgets and such to take into account as far as delays, but I'm supportive of you guys taking all the time you need to work on the game that fits in your budgets and projections. I'll be eagerly awaiting the next update!
  8. Wow, this looks fantastic. Even though the animations are still in an alpha state they still look great. Between the trailer and the interviews I'm starting to get rather antsy to play this!
  9. I'm in favor assuming that development time is not significantly increased. I would like to echo what others have said about companions who would have more interactivity/backstories and/or class related quests as optimal stretch goals. I'm indifferent on increased wilderness areas. While I would like a larger game, I would also be just as happy to see more areas to explore in an expansion pack that you guys have always done very well with. I often enjoy your DLC even more than the base game (Dead Money and Old World Blues being exceptional examples from recent memory). So yes, I would at a minimum be curious as to what you offered for stretch goals, but I would ask that you also give us an approximation for each stretch goal as to how much longer funding that goal would increase development time.
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